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Roxanne Carini Senior Oceanographer rcarini@apl.washington.edu Phone 206-685-5184 |
Research Interests
Coastal Hydrodynamics, Nearshore Wave Physics, Coastal Hazards, Remote Sensing
Roxanne Carini is the Deputy Director of NANOOS, the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems. NANOOS is the Pacific Northwest component of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) and works to provide its regional stakeholders with the high-quality ocean and coastal data, tools, and information they need to make responsive and responsible decisions about safety, livelihoods, and stewardship.
As a Principal Investigator in the APL Ocean Physics Department, Dr. Carini pursues research in coastal hydrodynamics and nearshore wave physics, with an emphasis on using remote sensing technologies. She particularly enjoys working with coastal communities to translate science findings to inform coastal hazard mitigation and resilience actions.
B.S. Applied Mathematics, Yale University, 2011
M.S.C.E. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, 2014
Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, 2019
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VOICES of NANOOS Celebrating 20 Years of Collaboration & Innovation NANOOS has served the citizenry of the Pacific Northwest by integrating ocean observing assets, data management systems, and models to yield information products that diverse coastal communities use to ensure safety, to build economic resilience, and to increase understanding of the coastal ocean. |
17 Aug 2023
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Backyard Buoys: Equipping Underserved Communities with Ocean Intelligence Platforms Backyard Buoys is a new community-led project funded by the National Science Foundation's Convergence Accelerator program. This critical initiative empowers Indigenous coastal communities to collect and use ocean data to bolster maritime activities, food security, and coastal hazard protection. Oceanographic buoys deployed in Alaska, the Pacific Islands, and along the Washington coast, will provide accessible and actionable ocean data that bridges to Indigenous knowledge via a web-based application. Post-deployment, a sustainable and Indigenous community-led stewardship program will oversee management of the buoys. |
15 Jun 2022
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Publications |
2000-present and while at APL-UW |
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Multi-stressor observations and modeling to build understanding of and resilience to the coastal impacts of climate change Newton, J., P. MacCready, S. Siedlecki, D. Manalang, J. Mickett, S. Alin, E. Schumacker, J. Hagen, S. Moore, A. Sutton, and R. Carini, "Multi-stressor observations and modeling to build understanding of and resilience to the coastal impacts of climate change," Oceanography, 34, 86-87, 2022. |
7 Jan 2022 ![]() |
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Establishing the foundation for the Global Observing System for Marine Life Satterthwaite, E.V., and 41 others including R.J. Carini, "Establishing the foundation for the Global Observing System for Marine Life," Front. Mar. Sci., 8, doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.737416, 2021. |
More Info |
25 Oct 2021 ![]() |
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Maintaining healthy, productive ecosystems in the face of pervasive and accelerating human impacts including climate change requires globally coordinated and sustained observations of marine biodiversity. Global coordination is predicated on an understanding of the scope and capacity of existing monitoring programs, and the extent to which they use standardized, interoperable practices for data management. Global coordination also requires identification of gaps in spatial and ecosystem coverage, and how these gaps correspond to management priorities and information needs. We undertook such an assessment by conducting an audit and gap analysis from global databases and structured surveys of experts. Of 371 survey respondents, 203 active, long-term (>5 years) observing programs systematically sampled marine life. These programs spanned about 7% of the ocean surface area, mostly concentrated in coastal regions of the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia. Seagrasses, mangroves, hard corals, and macroalgae were sampled in 6% of the entire global coastal zone. Two-thirds of all observing programs offered accessible data, but methods and conditions for access were highly variable. Our assessment indicates that the global observing system is largely uncoordinated which results in a failure to deliver critical information required for informed decision-making such as, status and trends, for the conservation and sustainability of marine ecosystems and provision of ecosystem services. Based on our study, we suggest four key steps that can increase the sustainability, connectivity and spatial coverage of biological Essential Ocean Variables in the global ocean: (1) sustaining existing observing programs and encouraging coordination among these; (2) continuing to strive for data strategies that follow FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable); (3) utilizing existing ocean observing platforms and enhancing support to expand observing along coasts of developing countries, in deep ocean basins, and near the poles; and (4) targeting capacity building efforts. Following these suggestions could help create a coordinated marine biodiversity observing system enabling ecological forecasting and better planning for a sustainable use of ocean resources. |
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Surf zone waves at the onset of breaking: 1. LIDAR and IR data fusion methods Carini, R.J., C.C. Chickadel, and A.T. Jessup, "Surf zone waves at the onset of breaking: 1. LIDAR and IR data fusion methods," J. Geophys. Res., 126, doi:10.1029/2020JC016934, 2021. |
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1 Apr 2021 ![]() |
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This is the first of a 2‐part series concerning remote observation and wave‐by‐wave analysis of the onset of breaking in the surf zone. In the surf zone, breaking waves drive nearshore circulation, suspend sediment, and promote airsea gas exchange. Nearshore wave model predictions often diverge from in situ measurements near the break point location because common parameterizations do not account for the rapid changes that occur near the onset of breaking. This work presents extensive methodology to combine data from a line‐scanning LIDAR and thermal infrared cameras to detect breaking, classify breaker type, and measure geometric wave parameters on a wave‐by‐wave basis, which can be used to improve breaker parameterizations. Over 2,600 non‐breaking and 1,600 breaking waves are analyzed from data collected at the USACE Field Research Facility in Duck, NC, including 413 spilling and 111 plunging waves for which the onset of breaking was observed. Wave height is estimated using a spatio‐temporal method for wave tracking that preserves the sea surface elevation maximum and overcomes field of view limitations. Methods for estimating instantaneous wave speed are refined by fitting a skewed Gaussian function to each wave profile before tracking the peaks. Wave slope is estimated from a linear fit to the upper 80% of the wave face, which provides a robust metric and strong correlation with geometric wave slope defined relative to mean sea level. Finally, breaking wave face foam coverage is analyzed to assess common model assumptions about roller length for wave energy dissipation parameterizations. |