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David Dall'Osto

Senior Research Scientist/Engineer





Department Affiliation



B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 2006

M.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, 2009

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, 2013


2000-present and while at APL-UW

Estimation of the spatial variability of the New England Mud Patch geoacoustic properties using a distributed array of hydrophones and deep learning

Vardi, A., P.H. Dahl, D. Dall'Osto, D. Knobles, P. Wilson, J. Leonard, and J. Bonnel, "Estimation of the spatial variability of the New England Mud Patch geoacoustic properties using a distributed array of hydrophones and deep learning," J. Acoust. Soc., Am., 156, 4229-4241, doi:10.1121/10.0034707, 2024.

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24 Dec 2024

This article presents a spatial environmental inversion scheme using broadband impulse signals with deep learning (DL) to model a single spatially-varying sediment layer over a fixed basement. The method is applied to data from the Seabed Characterization Experiment 2022 (SBCEX22) in the New England Mud-Patch (NEMP). Signal Underwater Sound (SUS) explosive charges generated impulsive signals recorded by a distributed array of bottom-moored hydrophones. The inversion scheme is first validated on a range-dependent synthetic test set simulating SBCEX22 conditions, then applied to experimental data to predict the lateral spatial structure of sediment sound speed and its ratio with the interfacial water sound speed. Traditional geoacoustic inversion requires significant computational resources. Here, a neural network enables rapid single-signal inversion, allowing the processing of 1836 signals along 722 tracks. The method is applied to both synthetic and experimental data. Results from experimental data suggest an increase in both absolute compressional sound speed and sound speed ratio from southwest to northeast in the NEMP, consistent with published coring surveys and geoacoustic inversion results. This approach demonstrates the potential of DL for efficient spatial geoacoustic inversion in shallow water environments.

Estimation of peak dosage of kinetic acoustic measures from pressure measurements as derived from time-limited signal waveforms

Drinnan, R.W., P.H. Dahl, and D.R. Dall'Osto, "Estimation of peak dosage of kinetic acoustic measures from pressure measurements as derived from time-limited signal waveforms," JASA Express Lett., 4, doi:10.1121/10.0034611, 2024.

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16 Dec 2024

This study builds on Dahl, Bonnel, and Dall'Osto [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 155(5), 3291–3301 (2024)] by empirically demonstrating the equivalence between peak kinematic values (acoustic displacement, velocity, acceleration) and peak dynamic values (pressure). Methods for estimating peak levels from pressure are developed and tested on signals from impulsive sources used in the Seabed Characterization Experiment (2022) and a towed narrow band sonar source from the Target and Reverberation Experiment (2013). The comparison between peak kinematic levels and peak pressure falls within the calibration uncertainty of the vector sensor. The analysis shows that, for typical monitoring scenarios, peak pressure measurements are sufficient to monitor peak kinematic dosages.

Experimental study on performance improvement of underwater acoustic communication using a single vector sensor

Choi, K.H., J.W. Choi, S. Kim, P.H. Dahl, D.R. Dall'Osto, H.C. Song, "Experimental study on performance improvement of underwater acoustic communication using a single vector sensor," IEEE J. Ocean. Eng., 49, 1574-1587, doi:10.1109/JOE.2024.3374424, 2024.

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1 Oct 2024

Underwater acoustic communication is heavily influenced by intersymbol interference caused by the delay spread of multipaths. In this article, communication sequences transmitted from a drifting source were received by a fixed acoustic vector receiver system consisting of an accelerometer-based vector sensor and a pressure sensor, which can measure the three-directional components of vector quantity and pressure at a point. The underwater acoustic communication experiment was conducted in water approximately 30 m deep off the south coast of Geoje Island, South Korea, in May 2017 during the Korea Reverberation Experiment. Acceleration signals received by the vector sensor were converted to pressure-equivalent particle velocities, which were then used as input for a four-channel communication system together with acoustic pressure. These four channels have multipaths with different amplitudes but the same delay times, providing directional diversity that differs from the spatial diversity provided by hydrophone arrays. To improve the communication performance obtained from directional diversity, the Multichannel Combined Bidirectional Block-based Time Reversal Technique was used, which combines bidirectional equalization with time-reversal diversity and block-based time reversal that was robust against time-varying channels. Communication performance was compared with the outcomes produced by several other time reversal techniques. The results show that the Multichannel Combined Bidirectional Block-based Time Reversal Technique using a vector sensor achieved superior performance under the environmental conditions considered in this article.

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Acoustics Air-Sea Interaction & Remote Sensing Center for Environmental & Information Systems Center for Industrial & Medical Ultrasound Electronic & Photonic Systems Ocean Engineering Ocean Physics Polar Science Center

