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Peter Gaube

Senior Principal Oceanographer






B.A. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, 2003

M.S. Physical Oceanography, Nova Southeastern University, 2007

Ph.D. Oceanography, Oregon State University, 2012

Peter Gaube's Website



PACE: Identifying Phytoplankton Communities from Space

APL-UW oceanographers Ali Chase and Peter Gaube traveled to Cape Canaveral to watch the launch of PACE — the Plankton Aerosol Cloud and Ocean Ecosystem mission. This NASA satellite is observing the Earth's oceans and atmosphere every day globally.

11 Apr 2024

Tracking Swordfish for Ocean Research

Scientists from the UW and WHOI are teaming with swordfish experts and Wildlife Computers to catch, tag, and track the location and diving depth of swordfish. These apex predators are an ideal oceanographic platform to study the ocean twilight zone, home to the largest biomass of fish on the planet.

4 Nov 2019

White Sharks as Oceanographic Research Platforms

Shark swimming paths and feeding behaviors are giving Peter Gaube and his colleagues some new insights to the annual phytoplankton bloom cycle in the North Atlantic. They are at sea during the month of May on the NAAMES project — the North Atlantic Aerosol and Marine Ecosystem Study. The sharks, tagged with satellite tracking sensors, swim and dive deeply in ocean eddies, preferring those that are warmer and have lower primary production. Gaube's expertise is oceanic mesoscale eddies and meanders, the spinning masses of water 10–100 km across that make up the ocean's weather and impact the ecosystem. A goal of NAAMES is to characterize the phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish inside and outside mesoscale eddies to probe mechanistic physical–biological interactions.

3 May 2016


2000-present and while at APL-UW

Argos satellite transmitters enable billfish research at finer scales

Arostegui, M.C., P. Gaube, A. Vo, S.R. Thorrold, and C.D. Braun, "Argos satellite transmitters enable billfish research at finer scales," ICES J. Mar. Sci., EOR, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsaf001, 2025.

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14 Jan 2025

Satellite transmitters that provide Doppler-based locations and telemeter data via the Argos satellite system have revealed a wealth of information on the movement ecology of diverse fauna such as marine mammals, turtles, and sharks. In contrast, satellite telemetry studies of bony fishes have almost exclusively relied on pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) that use light-based geolocation to estimate movements. However, track reconstructions based on light and other sensor data transmitted by PSATs exhibit positional error that is orders of magnitude higher than those from Argos Doppler-based locations, effectively limiting our understanding of bony fish movement ecology to coarse scales. Although PSATs continue to be the technological workhorse of billfish research, with more than 1000 data records published to date, a handful of pioneering studies have tried using tags capable of providing Argos Doppler-based locations to better understand these taxa. We assess the applicability of Argos satellite transmitters to study billfish in the context of their depth distribution and by comparing alternative tag attachment strategies and form factors. We present two case studies that highlight how these data can explicitly be used for fine-scale ecological and oceanographic research. This work culminates with the introduction of a new Smart Position and Temperature (SPOT) transmitting tag designed specifically for billfish and other pelagic fishes that has the potential to open new avenues of research, revealing dimensions of behavior that previously could not be investigated.

Salinity and Stratification at the Sea Ice Edge (SASSIE): An oceanographic field campaign in the Beaufort Sea

Drushka, K., E. Westbrook, F.M. Bingham, P. Gaube, S. Dickinson, S. Fournier, V. Menezes, S. Misra, J.P. Valentin, E.J. Rainville, J.J. Schanze, C. Schmidgall, A. Shcherbina, M. Steele, J. Thomson, and S. Zippel, "Salinity and Stratification at the Sea Ice Edge (SASSIE): An oceanographic field campaign in the Beaufort Sea," Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16, 4209-4242, doi:10.5194/essd-16-4209-2024, 2024.

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16 Sep 2024

As our planet warms, Arctic sea ice coverage continues to decline, resulting in complex feedbacks with the climate system. The core objective of NASA's Salinity and Stratification at the Sea Ice Edge (SASSIE) mission is to understand how ocean salinity and near-surface stratification affect upper-ocean heat content and thus sea ice freeze and melt. SASSIE specifically focuses on the formation of Arctic Sea ice in autumn. The SASSIE field campaign in 2022 collected detailed observations of upper-ocean properties and meteorology near the sea ice edge in the Beaufort Sea using ship-based and piloted and drifting assets. The observations collected during SASSIE include vertical profiles of stratification up to the sea surface, air–sea fluxes, and ancillary measurements that are being used to better understand the role of salinity in coupled Arctic air–sea–ice processes. This publication provides a detailed overview of the activities during the 2022 SASSIE campaign and presents the publicly available datasets generated by this mission (available at https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/SASSIE, last access: 29 May 2024; DOIs for individual datasets in the "Data availability" section), introducing an accompanying repository that highlights the numerical routines used to generate the figures shown in this work.

Fishery-independent and -dependent movement data aid in defining the stock structure of a data-deficient billfish

Arostegui, M.C., P. Gaube, M. Bowman, K. Nakamaru, and C.D. Braun, "Fishery-independent and -dependent movement data aid in defining the stock structure of a data-deficient billfish," Fish. Res., 271, doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2023.106923, 2024.

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1 Mar 2024

The shortbill spearfish (Tetrapturus angustirostris) is a data-deficient billfish frequently encountered near the Main Hawaiian Islands where it is taken as non-target bycatch in commercial fisheries. The lack of information on the species' movement and stock structure is a primary management concern given uncertainty in its population dynamics and the lack of a formal stock assessment. Here, we combine fishery-independent satellite telemetry with fishery-dependent conventional tagging to describe the movement ecology of shortbill spearfish in the central North Pacific and contextualize it with respect to stock structure and the management considerations implicit with that structure. We show that shortbill spearfish are highly migratory like other billfishes and large pelagics, exhibiting multiple scales of movement with general fidelity to the region of the Hawaiian Islands and surrounding high seas but no discernible seasonality to their movements. The species' displacements from the island group into areas beyond national jurisdiction result in exposure to multiple distinct commercial fishing fleets, suggesting the need for multi-national cooperation in quantifying harvest. By comparing the limited sources of information on shortbill spearfish with the far more expansive knowledge base of other highly migratory fishes, we suggest a first-order division of stocks between the North and South Pacific. Continued interdisciplinary efforts are needed to confirm and further understand the proposed stock structure.

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In The News

Great white sharks are hanging out in the twilight zone and scientists don't know why

Live Science, Carys Matthews

In a new study, data from 12 species of large predatory fish, including sharks, billfish and tunas showed they regularly spent time in the mesopelagic zone — also known as the twilight zone — which stretches between the depths of 200 to 1,000 m.

20 Nov 2023

Unveiling the mysteries: New insights on why marine predators dive into the dark, deep sea

SciTechDaily, WHOI

Data from over 300 tags on large marine predators, along with shipboard sonar, point to the ecological importance of the ocean’s twilight zone.

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12 Nov 2023

A new study demonstrates that large predatory fishes like sharks, tunas, and billfish make a surprising number of visits to the deep ocean—particularly the mesopelagic zone, which is found between 200 to 1,000 meters below the surface. This area, also called the ocean’s twilight zone, has been overlooked as critical habitat for large predator species, according to the study. The paper was published on November 6 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Where food is scare, ocean predators find snacks in swirling eddies

Popular Science, Laura Baisas

New research shows how billfishes, tunas, and sharks survive in ocean 'food deserts.'

8 Sep 2022

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