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Anatoliy Ivakin

Senior Principal Physicist






Anatoliy Ivakin's research interests include wave propagation and scattering in continuous and discrete media with rough interfaces and volume heterogeneity, theoretical and numerical modeling of random processes and fields, signal processing and inversion techniques, environmental acoustics and applications to underwater reverberation and remote sensing, sea-bed and sea-ice characterization, marine ecology, as well as detection and assessment of oil, gas, and gas hydrates, and environmental monitoring and evaluation of risks related to offshore oil and gas exploration, production, and transportation.

Dr. Ivakin joined APL-UW as a Senior Physicist in 2001 and was elected to Fellowship in the Acoustical Society of America the same year.

Department Affiliation



M.S. Physics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1978

Ph.D. Physics and Mathematics, Andreev Acoustics Institute, Moscow, 1982


2000-present and while at APL-UW

A physics-based inversion of multibeam sonar data for seafloor characterization

Xu, G., B.T. Hefner, D.R. Jackson, A.N. Ivakin, and G. Wendelboe, "A physics-based inversion of multibeam sonar data for seafloor characterization," IEEE J. Ocean. Eng., EOR, doi:10.1109/JOE.2024.3467308, 2024.

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9 Dec 2024

A physics-based algorithm has been developed for the inversion of multibeam sonar survey data for sediment properties. The algorithm relies on high-frequency acoustical models of seafloor scattering to estimate sediment properties, taking as input the calibrated backscatter intensity time series data for multiple incidence angles. The inversion proceeds in three stages to produce estimates for a suite of geoacoustic and physical parameters of the seafloor, which include sediment attenuation and strengths of interface and volume scattering in the first stage, surface roughness and reflectivity in the second stage, and porosity, density, and sound-speed ratios and mean grain size in the third and final stage. The algorithm uses a Monte-Carlo approach to determine the uncertainties in inversion-derived sediment properties based on the measured statistics of seafloor backscatter. This assessment also takes into account the uncertainties associated with the empirical relations utilized in the final stage of inversion to determine sediment properties from reflectivity. The performance and accuracy of the algorithm have been evaluated through implementation in the processing of field data recorded from Sequim Bay, WA, USA, in 2019. Comparison of inversion output with ground-truth measurements demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of the algorithm in seafloor characterization with multibeam sonars.

Observed correlations between the sediment grain size and the high-frequency backscattering strength

Wendelboe, G., T. Hefner, and A. Ivakin, "Observed correlations between the sediment grain size and the high-frequency backscattering strength," JASA Express Lett., 3, doi:10.1121/10.0017107, 2023.

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1 Feb 2023

In March 2019, Teledyne RESON and the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington conducted surveys with a calibrated multibeam echosounder at ten sites in Sequim Bay, a shallow sheltered bay in Washington State, USA. For each site, the mean grain size was obtained from a diver core sample, and estimates of the backscattering strength at frequencies ranging between 200 and 350 kHz were calculated. The correlation between the backscattering strength and the normalized grain size have been investigated for the grazing angles 45° and 75°. For 45°°, a correlation consistent with previous results has been found. It demonstrates the potential for simple seabed classification.

Sonar observations of heat flux of diffuse hydrothermal flows

Jackson, D., K. Bemis, G. Xu, and A. Ivakin, "Sonar observations of heat flux of diffuse hydrothermal flows," Earth Space Sci., 9, doi:10.1029/2021EA001974, 2022.

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1 Oct 2022

Previous work using multibeam sonar to map diffuse hydrothermal flows is extended to estimate the heat output of diffuse flows. In the first step toward inversion, temperature statistics are obtained from sonar data and compared to thermistor data in order to set the value of an empirical constant. Finally, a simple model is used to obtain heat-flux density from sonar-derived temperature statistics. The method is applied to data from the Cabled Observatory Vent Imaging Sonar (COVIS) deployed on the Ocean Observatories Initiative's Regional Cabled Array at the ASHES vent field on Axial Seamount. Inversion results are presented as maps of heat-flux density in MW/m2 and as time series of heat-flux density averaged over COVIS' field of view.

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Acoustics Air-Sea Interaction & Remote Sensing Center for Environmental & Information Systems Center for Industrial & Medical Ultrasound Electronic & Photonic Systems Ocean Engineering Ocean Physics Polar Science Center

