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Craig Lee Senior Principal Oceanographer and Assistant Director for Research Professor, Oceanography craiglee@uw.edu Phone 206-685-7656 |
Research Interests
Upper Ocean Dynamics, Coastal Ocean Processes, Internal Waves, Fronts, Dynamics and Biological Process Interactions
Dr. Lee is a physical oceanographer specializing in observations and instrument development. His primary scientific interests include: (1) upper ocean dynamics, especially mesoscale and submesocale fronts and eddies, (2) interactions between biology, biogeochemistry and ocean physics and (3) high-latitude oceanography.
With partner Dr. Jason Gobat, Lee founded and leads a team of scientists and technologists that pursues a wide range of oceanographic field programs, including intensive studies of the Kuroshio Current, coupled physicalbiogeochemical studies such as the recent patch-scale investigation of the North Atlantic spring phytoplankton bloom and studies aimed at quantifying and understanding Arctic change. An important component of this work involves identifying advances that could be achieved through novel measurements and developing new instruments to meet these needs.
The team's accomplishments include autonomous gliders capable of extended operation in ice-covered waters, high-performance towed vehicles and light-weight, inexpensive mooring technologies. The team also pursues K-12 educational outreach and routinely employs undergraduate research assistants. Within the community, Lee provides leadership through service on the science steering committees for several large research programs and by serving on and chairing advisory panels for U.S. Arctic efforts. Lee supports and advises masters and doctoral students and teaches graduate level courses on observations of ocean circulation and instruments, methods and experimental design.
B.S. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, 1987
Ph.D. Physical Oceanography, University of Washington, 1995
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Stratified Ocean Dynamics of the Arctic SODA Vertical and lateral water properties and density structure with the Arctic Ocean are intimately related to the ocean circulation, and have profound consequences for sea ice growth and retreat as well as for prpagation of acoustic energy at all scales. Our current understanding of the dynamics governing arctic upper ocean stratification and circulation derives largely from a period when extensive ice cover modulated the oceanic response to atmospheric forcing. Recently, however, there has been significant arctic warming, accompanied by changes in the extent, thickness distribution, and properties of the arctic sea ice cover. The need to understand these changes and their impact on arctic stratification and circulation, sea ice evolution, and the acoustic environment motivate this initiative. |
31 Oct 2016
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The Submesoscale Cascade in the South China Sea This research program is investigating the evolution of submesoscale eddies and filaments in the Kuroshio-influenced region off the southwest coast of Taiwan. |
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26 Aug 2015
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Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study SPURS The NASA SPURS research effort is actively addressing the essential role of the ocean in the global water cycle by measuring salinity and accumulating other data to improve our basic understanding of the ocean's water cycle and its ties to climate. |
15 Apr 2015
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Lateral Mixing Small scale eddies and internal waves in the ocean mix water masses laterally, as well as vertically. This multi-investigator project aims to study the physics of this mixing by combining dye dispersion studies with detailed measurements of the velocity, temperature and salinity field during field experiments in 2011 and 2012. |
1 Sep 2012
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Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Alaska Coastal Current: Long-term, Three-dimensional Observations Using a Telemetering Autonomous Vehicle The AUV Seaglider is used to study the seasonal and interannual variability in ACC freshwater content and transport, the ACC's role in governing springtime mixed layer evolution over the shelf, the processes controlling temporal and spatial variability in the spring bloom, and the processes that may produce onshore nutrient flux. |
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Physical and Optical Structures of the Upper Ocean of the Japan/East Sea This study seeks to understand the processes that control physical and bio-optical variability in the Japan/East Sea including the upper ocean response to strong wintertime atmospheric forcing; watermass formation, subduction and spreading; dynamics of the subpolar front; and to characterize cross-front and cross-shelf bio-optical transitions. |
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Adriatic Circulation Experiment: Mesoscale Dynamics and Response to Strong Atmospheric Forcing The Adriatic Sea provides a unique laboratory in which oceanographers can study the ocean's response to atmospheric forcing at small (10 km) lateral scales and investigate the processes that communicate atmospheric forcing events (seasonal winds and freshwater flows) to the ocean interior. |
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An Observational Array for High-resolution, Year-round Measurement of Volume, Freshwater and Ice Flux Variability in Davis Strait A coordinated domestic and international effort quantifies the variability of fluxes connecting the Arctic and Atlantic oceans and seeks to understand the role played by the Arctic and sub-Arctic in steering decadal scale climate variability; we will make year-round measurements of volume, liquid freshwater, and ice fluxes across Davis Strait. |
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Glider Monitoring, Piloting, and Communications System APL-UW is leading a consortium of glider developers in advanced research and development to improve underwater glider systems for environmental characterizations during naval operation. Improvements include a common command control and display/transfer interface for use across all existing glider designs - the GLMPC system. |
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Japan/East Sea Data Archive The Japan/East Sea exhibits many of the dynamical and biological features found in larger oceans, including deep water formation, subduction, boundary inputs, fronts, eddies, and biological zonation. This, combined with the basin's modest size and easy logistics, makes the Japan/East Sea an excellent laboratory for pursuing oceanographic studies with modern instruments and approaches. Building on the work of previous investigations, the Office of Naval Research sponsored an intensive observation and modeling program that explored the sea's physical, chemical, and biological systems. The program's data products, published papers, and reports are now accumulated and presented through one user interface. |
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A Modular Approach to Building an Arctic Observing System for the IPY and Beyond in the Switchyard Region of the Arctic Ocean This project will provided for the design, development, and implementation of a component of an Arctic Ocean Observing System in the Switchyard region of the Arctic Ocean (north of Greenland and Nares Strait) that will serve the scientific studies developed for the IPY (International Polar Year), SEARCH (Study of Environmental ARctic Change), and related programs. Specifically, the project will continue and expand two aircraft-based sections between Alert and the North Pole for long-term observation of hydrographic properties and a set of tracers aimed at resolving relative age structure and freshwater components in the upper water column. |
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Salinity Processes in the Upper-Ocean Regional Study (SPURS) In conjunction with the new Aquarius satellite mission, which will measure sea surface salinity from space, this project aims to directly measure an annual cycle of upper ocean salinity in the North Atlantic using by high-resolution glider surveys. |
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North Atlantic Bloom The phytoplankton of the North Atlantic bloom play a major role in pulling carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in the ocean. An ambitious collaborative experiment in the North Atlantic near Iceland was led to coincide with the bloom in 2008. The challenge of the experiment was to characterize the bloom's temporal and spatial evolutions of physics, biology, and chemistry over its entire duration. |
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North Atlantic Bloom - Webinar Series This dynamic webinar series features the research of scientists from the North Atlantic Bloom (NAB) Experiment and focuses on key concepts in ocean science. The five-part series consists of presentations from NAB scientists, and tells the story of the North Atlantic spring phytoplankton bloom and its role in the ocean ecosystem. |
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EXPORTS: Export Processes in the Ocean from RemoTe Sensing The EXPORTS mission is to quantify how much of the atmospheric carbon dioxide fixed during primary production near the ocean surface is pumped to the deep twilight zone by biological processes, where it can be sequestered for months to millennia. |
18 Sep 2018
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Eddies Drive Particulate Carbon Deep in the Ocean During the North Atlantic Spring Bloom The swirling eddies that create patches of stratification to hold phytoplankton near the sunlit surface during the North Atlantic spring bloom, also inject the floating organic carbon particles deep into the ocean. The finding, reported in Science, has important implications for the ocean's role in the carbon cycle on Earth: phytoplankton use carbon dioxide absorbed by the ocean from the atmosphere during the bloom and the resulting organic carbon near the sea surface is sequestered in the deep ocean. |
27 Mar 2015
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Seaglider: Autonomous Undersea Vehicle APL-UW scientists continually expand Seaglider's hardware/software systems, and sensor packages. First developed for oceanographic research, it is also used by the U.S. Navy to detect and monitor marine mammals. Recently, the manufacture and marketing of Seaglider has been licensed to Kongsberg Underwater Technology, Inc., which will push the vehicle to emerging markets in offshore environmental monitoring for the oil and gas industry. |
14 Aug 2013
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Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) Program An integrated program of observations and numerical simulations will focus on understanding iceoceanatmosphere dynamics in and around the MIZ, with particular emphasis on quantifying changes associated with decreasing ice cover. The MIZ measurement program will employ a novel mix of autonomous technologies (ice-based instrumentation, floats, drifters, and gliders) to characterize the processes that govern Beaufort Sea MIZ evolution from initial breakup and MIZ formation though the course of the summertime sea ice retreat. |
22 Mar 2013
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North Atlantic Bloom Experiment: Ocean Eddies Initiate the Springtime Phytoplankton Bloom APL-UW oceanographers and their colleagues at WHOI and Univ. of Maine report in Science on a new physical mechanism discovered in the North Atlantic Ocean. Eddies convert horizontal density gradients to vertical ones, causing a stratification that brings the phytoplankton to the sunlit surface where they can grow. |
5 Jul 2012
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Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions in the Extreme An intensive observational program to study typhoons in the western Pacific Ocean collected the largest set of oceanographic and atmospheric data ever before, during, and after the passage of tropical cyclones. |
1 Dec 2011
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2000-present and while at APL-UW |
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Blocked drainpipes and smoking chimneys: Discovery of new near-inertial wave phenomena in anticyclones Thomas, L.N., J.N. Moum, L. Qu, J.P. Hilditch, E. Kunze, L. Rainville, and C.M. Lee, "Blocked drainpipes and smoking chimneys: Discovery of new near-inertial wave phenomena in anticyclones," Oceanography, 37, 22-33, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2024.304, 2024. |
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1 Dec 2024 ![]() |
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Time-varying winds blowing over an eddying ocean generate near-inertial waves (NIWs) that tend to be trapped in anticyclones. Such anticyclones have been termed inertial chimneys in the past but have recently been renamed inertial drainpipes, given their propensity to funnel NIW energy downward to the deep ocean. Here, we present evidence of a semi-blocked inertial drainpipe where downward-propagating NIWs trapped in an anticyclone are partially reflected off the permanent pycnocline, returned toward the surface, and dissipated at the top of the seasonal pycnocline in a submesoscale filament of anticyclonic vorticity. Observations made on the northern rim of an anticyclone in the Iceland Basin include a high-resolution survey of velocity, hydrography, and microstructure. Upward-propagating NIWs were observed in a salty, submesoscale filament of anticyclonic vorticity near the edge of the eddy, potentially trapped there. Above the filament and at the top of the seasonal pycnocline, turbulence was enhanced over what could be attributed to local winds and surface cooling. Ray tracing suggests the filament could have channeled and focused trapped upward-propagating NIWs, acting as an inertial chimney in a truer sense of the term, possibly intensifying the wave energy sufficiently to sustain the observed turbulence. Numerical simulations of NIWs in anticyclonic vorticity and stratification representative of the observations suggest that the upward-propagating NIWs could have been generated by a wind event 12 days prior and reflected off a sharp jump in stratification at the base of the anticyclone. Here, the transition between the weakly stratified winter mixed layer and the permanent pycnocline partially reflects downward-propagating NIWs, limiting the inertial drainpipe effect. |
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Observations of the upper ocean from autonomous platforms during the passage of extratropical Cyclone Epsilon (2020) Zimmerman, M.T., and 8 others including L. Rainville and C.M. Lee, "Observations of the upper ocean from autonomous platforms during the passage of extratropical Cyclone Epsilon (2020)," Oceanography, 37, 48-57, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2024.303, 2024. |
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1 Dec 2024 ![]() |
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This paper presents the preliminary findings of an observational array, comprised of an eXpendable Spar (X-Spar) buoy, an Air-Launched Autonomous Micro-Observer (ALAMO) profiling float, and two Seagliders, that observed the passage of Extratropical Cyclone Epsilon during the Near Inertial Shear and Kinetic Energy in the North Atlantic Experiment (NISKINe). We investigate the input of near-inertial and kinetic energy into the upper ocean, specifically in relation to how these phenomena impacted upper-ocean structure as a result of the storm’s passage. We describe the methodology used to summarize the development of an autonomous approach to observing hurricanes and extratropical cyclones and to elucidate how similarly designed observational campaigns can be further used to study the physics governing the evolution of upper-ocean dynamics during and after storms. |
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Connectivity between Siberian river runoff and the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Gjelstrup, C.V.B., P.G. Myers, C.M. Lee, K. Azetsu-Scott, and C.A. Stedmon, "Connectivity between Siberian river runoff and the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation," Limnol. Oceanogr., EOR, doi:10.1002/lno.12696, 2024. |
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26 Sep 2024 ![]() |
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Freshwater from the Arctic participates in the globally important Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). We use high-resolution, in situ observations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) fluorescence to trace the origins of freshwater and organic carbon in the densest component of the AMOC, namely Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW). We find a distinct terrestrial DOM signal in DSOW and trace it upstream to the Siberian shelves in the Arctic Ocean. This implies a riverine origin of freshwater in DSOW. We estimate that the Siberian Shelf water contribution constitutes approximately 1% of DSOW. Ocean circulation modeling confirms the inferred pathway and highlights Denmark Strait as an important location for the entrainment of the riverine signal into DSOW. Our proposed method can be deployed on a range of observing systems to elucidate freshwater dispersion across the Arctic and subarctic, thereby contributing to the broader discussion on freshwater impacts and organic carbon sequestration in the AMOC. |
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Cruise Report: EKAMSAT Pilot Cruise. 826 June 2023, Mormugao to Mormugao, R/V Roger Revelle Lee, C., et al., "Cruise Report: EKAMSAT Pilot Cruise. 826 June 2023, Mormugao to Mormugao, R/V Roger Revelle," Technical Report, APL-UW TR 2403, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, July 2024, 139 pp. |
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30 Jul 2024 ![]() |
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A team of researchers from the U.S. and India conducted a pilot cruise for the collaborative Ministry of Earth Sciences/Office of Naval Research Enhancing Knowledge of the Arabian sea Marine environment through Science and Advanced Training (EKAMSAT) program. Science focused on understanding the evolution of the ocean and atmospheric boundary layer in the southeastern Arabian Sea during the onset of the summer monsoon, sampling in the southeastern Arabian Sea 826 June 2023 from R/V Roger Revelle. The passage of Cyclone Biparjoy marked the start of the cruise, which produced a phytoplankton bloom in the restratifying suface layer left in its wake. Biparjoy also left dry atmospheric conditions, modulating cloud formation and the onset of the southwest monsoon. Sampling included underway vertical profiling of temperature, salinity and microstructure, extensive ship-based atmospheric measurements, radiosonde launches, black carbon and a suite of chemical and biogeochemical parameters. Autonomous surface drifters and long-endurance gliders were used to augment ship-based sampling. |
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Characterization of mixing at the edge of a Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea: Analysis of thermal variance diffusivity measurements Sanchez-Rios, A., R.K. Shearman, C.M. Lee, H.L. Simmons, L. St. Laurent, A.J. Lucas, T. Ijichi, and S. Jan, "Characterization of mixing at the edge of a Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea: Analysis of thermal variance diffusivity measurements," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 54, 1121-1142, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-23-0007.1, 2024. |
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15 Jan 2024 ![]() |
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The Kuroshio occasionally carries warm and salty North Pacific Water into fresher waters of the South China Sea, forming a front with a complex temperature-salinity (T-S) structure to the west of the Luzon Strait. In this study, we examine the T-S interleavings formed by alternating layers of North Pacific water with South China Sea water in a front formed during the winter monsoon season of 2014. Using observations from a glider array following a free-floating wave-powered vertical profiling float to calculate the fine-scale parameters Turner angle, Tu, and Richardson number, Ri, we identified areas favorable to double diffusion convection and shear instability observed in a T-S interleaving. We evaluated the contribution of double diffusion convection and shear instabilities to the thermal variance diffusivity, X, using microstructure data and compared it with previous parameterization schemes based on fine-scale properties. We discover that turbulent mixing is not accurately parameterized when both Tu and Ri are within critical ranges (Tu > 60, Ri < 1/4). In particular, X associated with salt finger processes was an order of magnitude higher (6.7 x 10-7 K2 s-1) than in regions where only velocity shear was likely to drive mixing (8.7 x 10-8 K2 s-1). |
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Assessment of oceanographic conditions during the North Atlantic EXport Processes in the Ocean from RemoTe Sensing (EXPORTS) field campaign Johnson, L. and 17 others including C.M. Lee, "Assessment of oceanographic conditions during the North Atlantic EXport Processes in the Ocean from RemoTe Sensing (EXPORTS) field campaign," Prog. Oceanogr., 220, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2023.103170, 2024 |
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1 Jan 2024 ![]() |
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This manuscript presents an overview of NASA's EXport Processes in the Ocean from Remote Sensing 2021 Field Campaign in the North Atlantic (EXPORTS NA) and provides quantitative and dynamical descriptions of the physical processes modulating water transformations during the study. A major programmatic goal was to conduct the sampling in a Lagrangian mode so that ocean ecological and biogeochemical changes can be observed independent from physical advective processes. To accomplish this goal, EXPORTS NA conducted a multi-ship, multi-asset field sampling program within a retentive, anticyclonic mode water eddy. Beneath depths of ~ 100 m, Lagrangian sampling assets remained within the eddy core waters (ECWs) throughout the experiment, demonstrating that the ECWs within the mode water eddy were retentive. However, strong westerly winds from four storm events deepened the mixed layer (ML) of the surface core waters (SCWs) above the eddy’s mode water core by 2540 m and exchanged some of the SCWs with surface waters outside of the eddy via Ekman transport. Estimates of flushing times ranged from 5 to 8 days, with surface exchange fractions ranging from 20 to 75 % and were consistent with particle tracking advected by combined geostrophic and Ekman velocities. The relative contributions of horizontal and vertical advection on changes in ECW tracers depended on the horizontal and vertical gradients of that tracer. For example, horizontal advection played a large role in ECW salinity fluxes, while vertical entrainment played a larger role in the fluxes of nutrients into SCW ML. Each storm injected nutrients and low oxygen waters into the ML, after which the surface ocean ecosystem responded by reducing nutrient concentrations and increasing %O2 saturation levels. Overall, ECW values of chlorophyll and POC were the largest at the onset of the field program and decreased throughout the campaign. The analysis presented provides a physical oceanographic context for the many measurements made during the EXPORTS NA field campaign while illustrating the many challenges of conducting a production-flux experiment, even in a Lagrangian frame, and the inherent uncertainties of interpreting biological carbon pump observations that were collected in a Eulerian frame of reference. |
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Cruise Report: R/V Armstrong 27 September 21 October 2022 Lee, C., and 20 others including E. Boget and C. Archer, "Cruise Report: R/V Armstrong 27 September 21 October 2022," Technical Report, APL-UW TR 2305, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, September 2023, 84 pp. |
9 Oct 2023 ![]() |
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Cruise Report: R/V Dana 21 August 17 September 2020 Lee, C., and 11 others including E. Boget and C. Archer, "Cruise Report: R/V Dana 21 August 17 September 2020," Technical Report APL-UW TR 2309, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, September 2023, 51 pp. |
9 Oct 2023 ![]() |
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Cruise Report: R/V/ Sanna 2#&150;5 August 2021 Lee, C., "Cruise Report: R/V/ Sanna 2#&150;5 August 2021," Technical Report, APL-UW TR 2304, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, September 2023, 11 pp. |
9 Oct 2023 ![]() |
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Damping of inertial motions through the radiation of near-inertial waves in a dipole vortex in the Iceland Basin Thomas, L.N., E.D. Skyllingstad, L. Rainville, V. Hormann, L. Centurioni, J.N. Moum, O. Asselin, and C.M. Lee, "Damping of inertial motions through the radiation of near-inertial waves in a dipole vortex in the Iceland Basin," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 53, 1821-1833, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-22-0202.1, 2023. |
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22 May 2023 ![]() |
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Along with boundary layer turbulence, downward radiation of near-inertial waves (NIWs) damps inertial oscillations (IOs) in the surface ocean, however the latter can also energize abyssal mixing. Here we present observations made from a dipole vortex in the Iceland Basin where, after the period of direct wind forcing, IOs lost over half their kinetic energy (KE) in two inertial periods to radiation of NIWs with minimal turbulent dissipation of KE. The dipole's vorticity gradient led to a rapid reduction in the NIW's lateral wavelength via ς-refraction that was accompanied by isopycnal undulations below the surface mixed layer. Pressure anomalies associated with the undulations were correlated with the NIW's velocity yielding an energy flux of 310 mW m-2 pointed antiparallel to the vorticity gradient and a downward flux of 1 mW m-2 capable of driving the observed drop in KE. The minimal role of turbulence in the energetics after the IOs had been generated by the winds was confirmed using a large eddy simulation driven by the observed winds. |
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The Southern Ocean mixed layer and its boundary flexors: Fine-scale observational progress and future research priorities Swart, S., and 14 others including C. Lee and G. Shilling, "The Southern Ocean mixed layer and its boundary flexors: Fine-scale observational progress and future research priorities," Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 381, doi:10.1098/rsta.2022.0058, 2023. |
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8 May 2023 ![]() |
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Interactions between the upper ocean and airiceocean fluxes in the Southern Ocean play a critical role in global climate by impacting the overturning circulation and oceanic heat and carbon uptake. Remote and challenging conditions have led to sparse observational coverage, while ongoing field programmes often fail to collect sufficient information in the right place or at the time-space scales required to constrain the variability occurring in the coupled oceanatmosphere system. Only within the last 10 years have we been able to directly observe and assess the role of the fine-scale ocean and rapidly evolving atmospheric marine boundary layer on the upper limb of the Southern Ocean's overturning circulation. This review summarizes advances in mechanistic understanding, arising in part from observational programmes using autonomous platforms, of the fine-scale processes (1100 km, hours-seasons) influencing the Southern Ocean mixed layer and its variability. We also review progress in observing the ocean interior connections and the coupled interactions between the ocean, atmosphere and cryosphere that moderate airsea fluxes of heat and carbon. Most examples provided are for the ice-free Southern Ocean, while major challenges remain for observing the ice-covered ocean. We attempt to elucidate contemporary research gaps and ongoing/future efforts needed to address them. |
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Wind-driven motions of the ocean surface mixed layer in the Western Arctic Brenner, S., J. Thomson, L. Rainville, L. Crews, and C. Lee, "Wind-driven motions of the ocean surface mixed layer in the Western Arctic," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 53, 1787-1804, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-22-0112.1, 2023. |
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12 Apr 2023 ![]() |
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Observations of sea ice and the upper ocean from three moorings in the Beaufort Sea quantify atmosphere-ice-ocean momentum transfer, with a particular focus on the inertial-frequency response. Seasonal variations in the strength of mixed layer (ML) inertial oscillations suggest that sea ice damps momentum transfer from the wind to the ocean, such that the oscillation strength is minimal under sea ice cover. In contrast, the net Ekman transport is unimpacted by the presence of sea ice. The mooring measurements are interpreted with a simplified one-dimensional ice-ocean coupled "slab" model. The model results provide insight into the drivers of the inertial seasonality: namely, that a combination of both sea ice internal stress and ocean ML depth contribute to the seasonal variability of inertial surface currents and inertial sea ice drift, while under-ice roughness does not. Furthermore, the importance of internal stress in damping inertial oscillations is different at each moorings, with a minimal influence at the southernmost mooring (within the seasonal ice zone) and more influence at the northernmost mooring. As the Arctic shifts to a more seasonal sea ice regime, changes in sea ice cover and sea ice internal strength may impact inertial-band ice-ocean coupling and allow for an increase in wind forcing to the ocean. |
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Know before you go: A community-derived approach to planning for and preventing sexual harassment at oceanographic field sites Ackerman, A., and 17 others including L. Johnson and C. Lee, "Know before you go: A community-derived approach to planning for and preventing sexual harassment at oceanographic field sites," Oceanography, 36, 38-43, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2023.112, 2023. |
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1 Mar 2023 ![]() |
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Sexual harassment is a pervasive problem on oceanographic research vessels and while conducting fieldwork in general. A variety of factors contribute to inadequate protection against sexual harassment, such as poor training in prevention, support, and response; remoteness of field sites; academic hierarchies that reinforce uneven power dynamics that extend to fieldwork; and multi-institutional teams with distinct policies or reporting structures that can lead to confusion in reporting and responding to incidents in the field. In compromising individuals' physical and mental health, sexual harassment can negatively affect research expeditions. For example, harassed individuals may decide to refrain from working on complicated team-based tasks, which can be a safety issue. A broader concern is that sexual harassment deters talented people from pursing or maintaining employment in ocean science. Harassment must be treated with the same gravity as research misconduct and safety policy infringements. When planning a research expedition, science team leaders are responsible for the safety of their team and other colleagues aboard and would benefit from resources aimed at helping team leadership create a plan to ensure safety and inclusivity. To address this resource gap, 18 participants in the Workshop to Promote Field Safety in Ocean Sciences, convened by the Consortium for Ocean Leadership and held May 1718, 2022, in Washington, DC, developed a checklist for use by scientific leaders and others to assist in planning for participant safety and to prevent harassment the field. The checklist specifies the timing of, and who is responsible for, specific actions that should be taken to improve safety while conducting fieldwork, whether on a research vessel or on land. It also provides additional resources and suggestions for leaders on how to amend the checklist to address their specific fieldwork situations. |
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Acoustic sensing of ocean mixed layer depth and temperature from uplooking ADCPs Brenner, S., J. Thomson, L. Rainville, D. Torres, M. Doble, J. Wilkinson, and C. Lee, "Acoustic sensing of ocean mixed layer depth and temperature from uplooking ADCPs," J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 40, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-22-0055.1, 2022. |
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1 Jan 2023 ![]() |
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Properties of the surface mixed layer (ML) are critical for understanding and predicting atmosphere-sea ice-ocean interactions in the changing Arctic Ocean. Mooring measurements are typically unable to resolve the ML in the Arctic due to the need for instruments to remain below the surface to avoid contact with sea ice and icebergs. Here, we use measurements from a series of three moorings installed for one year in the Beaufort Sea to demonstrate that upward looking Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) installed on subsurface floats can be used to estimate ML properties. A method is developed for combining measured peaks in acoustic backscatter and inertial shear from the ADCPs to estimate the ML depth. Additionally, we use an inverse sound speed model to infer the summer ML temperature based on offsets in ADCP altimeter distance during open water periods. The ADCP estimates of ML depth and ML temperature compare favourably with measurements made from mooring temperature sensors, satellite SST, and from an autonomous Seaglider. These methods could be applied to other extant mooring records to recover additional information about ML property changes and variability. |
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Air-ice-ocean interactions and the delay of autumn freeze-up in the Western Arctic Ocean Thomson, J., M. Smith, K. Drushka, and C. Lee, "Air-ice-ocean interactions and the delay of autumn freeze-up in the Western Arctic Ocean," Oceanography, 35, 76-87, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2022.124, 2022. |
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1 Dec 2022 ![]() |
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Arctic sea ice is becoming a more seasonal phenomenon as a direct result of global warming. Across the Arctic, the refreezing of the ocean surface each autumn now occurs a full month later than it did just 40 years ago. In the western Arctic (Canada Basin), the delay is related to an increase in the seasonal heat stored in surface waters; cooling to the freezing point requires more heat loss to the atmosphere in autumn. In the marginal ice zone, the cooling and freezing process is mediated by ocean mixing and by the presence of remnant sea ice, which may precondition the ocean surface for refreezing. The delay in refreezing has many impacts, including increased open ocean exposure to autumn storms, additional wave energy incident to Arctic coasts, shifts in animal migration patterns, and extension of the time window for transit by commercial ships along the Northern Sea Route. This article reviews the observed trends in the western Arctic and the processes responsible for these trends, and provides brief in situ observations from the Beaufort Sea that illustrate some of these processes. |
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Emerging technologies and approaches for in situ, autonomous observing in the Arctic Lee, C.M., M. DeGrandpre, J. Guthrie, V. Hill, R. Kwok, M.J. Morison, C.J. Cox, H. Singh, T.P. Stanton, and J. Wilkinson, "Emerging technologies and approaches for in situ, autonomous observing in the Arctic," Oceanography, 35, 210-221, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2022.127, 2022. |
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1 Dec 2022 ![]() |
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Understanding and predicting Arctic change and its impacts on global climate requires broad, sustained observations of the atmosphere-ice-ocean system, yet technological and logistical challenges severely restrict the temporal and spatial scope of observing efforts. Satellite remote sensing provides unprecedented, pan-Arctic measurements of the surface, but complementary in situ observations are required to complete the picture. Over the past few decades, a diverse range of autonomous platforms have been developed to make broad, sustained observations of the ice-free ocean, often with near-real-time data delivery. Though these technologies are well suited to the difficult environmental conditions and remote logistics that complicate Arctic observing, they face a suite of additional challenges, such as limited access to satellite services that make geolocation and communication possible. This paper reviews new platform and sensor developments, adaptations of mature technologies, and approaches for their use, placed within the framework of Arctic Ocean observing needs. |
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Seasonal and year-to-year variability of boundary currents and eddy salt flux along the eastern and southern coasts of Sri Lanka observed by PIES and satellite measurements Anutaliya, A., and 8 others including C.M. Lee and L. Rainville, "Seasonal and year-to-year variability of boundary currents and eddy salt flux along the eastern and southern coasts of Sri Lanka observed by PIES and satellite measurements," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 52, 3015-3031, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-22-0030.1, 2022. |
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1 Dec 2022 ![]() |
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Boundary currents along the Sri Lankan eastern and southern coasts serve as a pathway for salt exchange between the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea basins in the northern Indian Ocean, which are characterized by their contrasting salinities. Measurements from two pairs of pressure-sensing inverted echo sounders (PIES) deployed along the Sri Lankan eastern and southern coasts as well as satellite measurements are used to understand the variability of these boundary currents and the associated salt transport. The volume transport in the surface (0200-m depth) layer exhibits a seasonal cycle associated with the monsoonal wind reversal and interannual variability associated with the Indian Ocean dipole (IOD). In this layer, the boundary currents transport low-salinity water out of the Bay of Bengal during the northeast monsoon and transport high-salinity water into the Bay of Bengal during the fall monsoon transition of some years (e.g., 2015 and 2018). The Bay of Bengal salt input increases during the 2016 negative IOD as the eastward flow of high-salinity water during the fall monsoon transition intensifies, whereas the effect of the 2015/16 El Niño on the Bay of Bengal salt input is still unclear. The time-mean eddy salt flux over the upper 200 m estimated for the April 2015March 2019 period along the eastern coast accounts for 9% of the salt budget required to balance an estimated 0.13 Sv (1 Sv ≡≡ 106 m3 s-1) of annual freshwater input into the Bay of Bengal. The time-mean eddy salt flux over the upper 200 m estimated for the December 2015November 2019 period along the southern coast accounts for 27% of that same salt budget. |
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Island Arc Turbulent Eddy Regional Exchange (ARCTERX): Science and Experiment Plan The ARCTERX Team, "Island Arc Turbulent Eddy Regional Exchange (ARCTERX): Science and Experiment Plan," Technical Report, APL-UW TR 2201. Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, July 2022, 49 pp. |
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15 Jul 2022 ![]() |
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Submesoscale flows such as fronts, eddies, filaments, and instabilities with lateral dimensions between 100 m and 10 km are ubiquitous features of the ocean. They act as an intermediary between the mesoscale and small-scale turbulence and are thought to have a critical role in closing the ocean's kinetic budget by facilitating a forward energy cascade, where energy is transferred to small scales and dissipated. |
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Water mass exchange between the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea from multi-year sampling with autonomous gliders Rainville, L., C.M. Lee, K. Arulananthan, S.U.P. Jinadasa, H.J.S. Fernando, W.N.C. Priyadarshani, and H. Wijesekera, "Water mass exchange between the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea from multi-year sampling with autonomous gliders," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 52, 2377-2396, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-21-0279.1, 2022. |
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20 Jun 2022 ![]() |
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We present high-resolution sustained, persistent observations of the ocean around Sri Lanka from autonomous gliders collected over several years, a region with complex, variable circulation patterns connecting the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea to each other and the rest of the Indian Ocean. The Seaglider surveys resolve seasonal to interannual variability in vertical and horizontal structure, allowing quantification of volume, heat and freshwater fluxes, as well as the transformations and transports of key water mass classes across sections normal to the east (20142015) and south (2016-2019) coasts of Sri Lanka. The resulting transports point to the importance of both surface and subsurface flows and show that the direct pathway along the Sri Lankan coast plays a significant role in the exchanges of waters between Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Significant section-to-section variability highlights the need for sustained, long-term observations to quantify the circulation pathways and dynamics associated with exchange between the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea and provides context for interpreting observations collected as 'snapshots' of more limited duration. |
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Direct observations of the role of lateral advection of sea ice meltwater in the onset of autumn freeze up Crews, L., C.M. Lee, L. Rainville, and J. Thomson, "Direct observations of the role of lateral advection of sea ice meltwater in the onset of autumn freeze up," J. Geophys. Res., 127, doi:10.1029/2021JC017775, 2022. |
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1 Feb 2022 ![]() |
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In seasonally ice-free parts of the Arctic Ocean, autumn is characterized by heat loss from the upper ocean to the atmosphere and the onset of freeze up, in which first year sea ice begins to grow in open water areas. The timing of freeze up can be highly spatially variable, complicating efforts to provide accurate sea ice forecasting for marine operations. While melt season anomalies can be used to predict freeze up anomalies in some parts of the Arctic, this one-dimensional view merits further examination in light of recent work demonstrating the importance of three-dimensional flows in setting mixed layer properties in marginal ice zones. In this study, we show that horizontal advection of sea ice meltwater hastens freeze up in areas distant from the ice edge. We use nearly 800 temperature and salinity profiles along with satellite imagery collected in the central Beaufort Sea in autumn 2018 to document the roughly 100 km advection of a cold and fresh surface meltwater layer over several weeks. After the meltwater arrived, the mixed layer was cooler and shallower than the mixed layer in adjacent areas unaffected by the meltwater. The cooler and shallower meltwater-influenced mixed layer promoted earlier ice formation. Within the meltwater-affected area, advection was nearly as important as heat loss to the atmosphere for seasonally integrated mixed layer heat loss. |
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Northern Ocean Rapid Surface Evolution (NORSE): Science and Experiment Plan Ballard, M., and 35 others including L. Rainville, L. Johnson, C. Lee, J. Shapiro, J. Thomson, and K. Zeiden, "Northern Ocean Rapid Surface Evolution (NORSE): Science and Experiment Plan," Technical Report, APL-UW TR 2102. Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, January 2022, 40 pp. |
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13 Jan 2022 ![]() |
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The NORSE DRI focuses on characterizing the key physical parameters and processes that govern the predictability of upper-ocean rapid evolution events occurring in the ice-free high latitudes. The goal is to identify which observable parameters are most influential in improving model predictability through inclusion by assimilation, and to field an autonomous observing network that optimizes sampling of high-priority fields. The overall goal is to demonstrate improvements in the predictability of the upper ocean physical fields associated with acoustic propagation over the course of the study. This Science Plan describes the specific objectives and implementation plan. |
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Bay of Bengal intraseasonal oscillations and the 2018 monsoon onset Shroyer, E., and 49 others including C. Lee and L. Rainville, "Bay of Bengal intraseasonal oscillations and the 2018 monsoon onset," Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 102, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0113.1, 2021. |
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1 Oct 2021 ![]() |
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In the Bay of Bengal, the warm, dry boreal spring concludes with the onset of the summer monsoon and accompanying southwesterly winds, heavy rains, and variable air-sea fluxes. Here, we summarize the 2018 monsoon onset using observations collected through the multinational Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations in the Bay of Bengal (MISO-BoB) program between the US, India, and Sri Lanka. MISO-BoB aims to improve understanding of monsoon intraseasonal variability, and the 2018 field effort captured the coupled air-sea response during a transition from active-to-break conditions in the central BoB. The active phase of the ~20-day research cruise was characterized by warm sea surface temperature (SST > 30°C), cold atmospheric outflows with intermittent heavy rainfall, and increasing winds (from 2 to 15 m s-1). Accumulated rainfall exceeded 200 mm with 90% of precipitation occurring during the first week. The following break period was both dry and clear, with persistent 1012 m s-1 wind and evaporation of 0.2 mm h-1. The evolving environmental state included a deepening ocean mixed layer (from ~20 to 50 m), cooling SST (by ~ 1°C), and warming/drying of the lower to mid-troposphere. Local atmospheric development was consistent with phasing of the large-scale intraseasonal oscillation. The upper ocean stores significant heat in the BoB, enough to maintain SST above 29°C despite cooling by surface fluxes and ocean mixing. Comparison with reanalysis indicates biases in air-sea fluxes, which may be related to overly cool prescribed SST. Resolution of such biases offers a path toward improved forecasting of transition periods in the monsoon. |
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Extreme high Greenland blocking index leads to the reversal of Davis and Nares Strait net transport towards the Arctic Ocean Myers, P.G., and 10 others including C.M. Lee, "Extreme high Greenland blocking index leads to the reversal of Davis and Nares Strait net transport towards the Arctic Ocean," Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, doi:10.1029/2021GL094178, 2021. |
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16 Sep 2021 ![]() |
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Baffin Bay exports Arctic Water to the North Atlantic while receiving northward flowing Atlantic Water. Warm Atlantic Water has impacted the retreat of tidewater glaciers draining the Greenland Ice Sheet. Periods of enhanced Atlantic Water transport into Baffin Bay have been observed, but the oceanic processes are still not fully explained. At the end of 2010 the net transport at Davis Strait, the southern gateway to Baffin Bay, reversed from southward to northward for a month, leading to significant northward oceanic heat transport into Baffin Bay. This was associated with an extreme high in the Greenland Blocking Index and a stormtrack path that shifted away from Baffin Bay. Thus fewer cyclones in the Irminger Sea resulted in less frequent northerly winds along the western coast of Greenland, allowing anomalous northward penetration of warm waters, reversing the volume and heat transport at Davis Strait. |
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Generation of low-latitude seamount-trapped waves: A case study of the Seychelles Plateau Arzeno-Soltero, I.B., S.N. Giddings, G. Pawlak, J.L. McClean, H. Wang, L. Rainville, and C.M. Lee, "Generation of low-latitude seamount-trapped waves: A case study of the Seychelles Plateau," J. Geophys. Res., 126, doi:10.1029/2021JC017234, 2021. |
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1 Aug 2021 ![]() |
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Baroclinic seamount-trapped waves are thought to influence their surrounding ecosystem; however, trapped waves are not well-studied in near-equatorial settings, where stratification is strong and Burger numbers are large. Motivated by observations, we use daily output (20052009) from the global 0.1° Parallel Ocean Program Model (POP) to examine topographically trapped baroclinic waves around the Seychelles Plateau in the tropical Indian Ocean. These trapped waves are associated with velocity and temperature oscillations at periods of 1516 days, similar to the dominant period of some equatorial Yanai waves. Energy flux maps using POP output suggest that quasi-biweekly equatorial Yanai waves excite trapped waves on the western and south-western flanks of the Seychelles Plateau, near the surface. The anticyclonic energy flux associated with the trapped wave extends vertically throughout the water column and around most of the plateau circumference, diminishing on the eastern flank of the plateau. This work highlights the role that equatorial planetary waves and trapped waves play in facilitating energy redistribution, dissipation, and mixing in the tropical ocean. |
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A warm jet in a cold ocean MacKinnon, J.A., and 28 others including J. Thomson, S.D. Brenner, C.M. Lee, L. Rainville, and M.M. Smith, "A warm jet in a cold ocean," Nat. Commun., 12, doi:10.1038/s41467-021-22505-5, 2021. |
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23 Apr 2021 ![]() |
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Unprecedented quantities of heat are entering the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean through Bering Strait, particularly during summer months. Though some heat is lost to the atmosphere during autumn cooling, a significant fraction of the incoming warm, salty water subducts (dives beneath) below a cooler fresher layer of near-surface water, subsequently extending hundreds of kilometers into the Beaufort Gyre. Upward turbulent mixing of these sub-surface pockets of heat is likely accelerating sea ice melt in the region. This Pacific-origin water brings both heat and unique biogeochemical properties, contributing to a changing Arctic ecosystem. However, our ability to understand or forecast the role of this incoming water mass has been hampered by lack of understanding of the physical processes controlling subduction and evolution of this this warm water. Crucially, the processes seen here occur at small horizontal scales not resolved by regional forecast models or climate simulations; new parameterizations must be developed that accurately represent the physics. Here we present novel high resolution observations showing the detailed process of subduction and initial evolution of warm Pacific-origin water in the southern Beaufort Gyre. |
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Comparing observations and parameterizations of iceocean drag through an annual cycle across the Beaufort Sea Brenner, S., L. Rainville, J. Thomson, S. Cole, C. Lee, "Comparing observations and parameterizations of iceocean drag through an annual cycle across the Beaufort Sea," J. Geophys. Res., 126, doi:10.1029/2020JC016977, 2021. |
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1 Apr 2021 ![]() |
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Understanding and predicting sea ice dynamics and ice‐ocean feedback processes requires accurate descriptions of momentum fluxes across the ice‐ocean interface. In this study, we present observations from an array of moorings in the Beaufort Sea. Using a force‐balance approach, we determine ice‐ocean drag coefficient values over an annual cycle and a range of ice conditions. Statistics from high resolution ice draft measurements are used to calculate expected drag coefficient values from morphology‐based parameterization schemes. With both approaches, drag coefficient values ranged from approximately 110 x 10-3, with a minimum in fall and a maximum at the end of spring, consistent with previous observations. The parameterizations do a reasonable job of predicting the observed drag values if the under ice geometry is known, and reveal that keel drag is the primary contributor to the total ice‐ocean drag coefficient. When translations of bulk model outputs to ice geometry are included in the parameterizations, they overpredict drag on floe edges, leading to the inverted seasonal cycle seen in prior models. Using these results to investigate the efficiency of total momentum flux across the atmosphere‐ice‐ocean interface suggests an inter‐annual trend of increasing coupling between the atmosphere and the ocean. |
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Improving situational awareness in the Arctic Ocean Rainville, L., and 22 others including C.M. Lee and G.B. Shilling, "Improving situational awareness in the Arctic Ocean," Front. Mar. Sci., 7, doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.581139, 2020. |
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25 Nov 2020 ![]() |
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To successfully operate in a harsh environment like the Arctic Ocean, one must be able to understand and predict how that environment will evolve over different spatial and temporal scales. This is particularly challenging given the on-going and significant environmental changes that are occurring in the region. Access to the most recent environmental information provides timely knowledge that enables ship-based operations to proceed efficiently, effectively and safely in this difficult arena. Knowledge of the evolving environmental conditions during a field campaign is critical for effective planning, optimal execution of sampling strategies, and to provide a broader context to data collected at specific times and places. We describe the collaborations and processes that enabled an operational system to be developed to provide a remote field-team, located on USCGC Healy in the Beaufort Sea, with near real-time situational awareness information regarding the weather, sea ice conditions, and oceanographic processes. The developed system included the punctual throughput of near real-time products such as satellite imagery, meteorological forecasts, ice charts, model outputs, and up to date locations of key sea ice and ocean-based assets. Science and operational users, as well as onshore personnel, used this system for real-time practical considerations such as ship navigation, and to time scientific operations to ensure the appropriate sea ice and weather conditions prevailed. By presenting the outputs of the system within the context of case studies our results clearly demonstrate the benefits that improved situational awareness brings to ship-based operations in the Arctic Ocean, both today and in the future. |
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Observations of cross-frontal exchange associated with submesoscale features along the North Wall of the Gulf Stream Sanchez-Rios, A., R.K. Sherman, J. Klymak, E. D'Asaro, and C. Lee, "Observations of cross-frontal exchange associated with submesoscale features along the North Wall of the Gulf Stream," Deep Sea Res., 163, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2020.103342, 2020. |
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1 Sep 2020 ![]() |
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Using high-resolution measurements of the Gulf Stream North Wall (GSNW), we investigated whether detachments from the warm current at the edge of the front, known as streamers, affect the overall heat and salt content of the region. Temperature, salinity, and velocity data were collected across the front from towed CTDs, shipboard ADCPs, and gliders following a Lagrangian drifter that was deployed at the GSNW during winter 2012. Four streamers were identified, all of which expanded laterally 1015 km, with vertical salinity interleaving down to a 200 m depth. We observed that temperature and salinity (T/S) increased along the trajectory of the Lagrangian float. These trends were density compensated and ranged from the surface down to a 200 m depth and across a 5 km band. The heat and salt budget analysis showed that surface fluxes, advection due to large-scale circulation, and diapycnal mixing could not explain the observed increase in T/S in the mixed layer and in the subsurface area. The only possible source that could explained the increase in T/S was along-isopycnal mixing. Estimates of the Reynolds transport supported this conclusion, although the low number of realizations meant these estimates were not statistically significant. From the heat and salt budgets, we observed that an along-isopycnal diffusivity, ki, of 110 ± 30 m2s-1 accounted for the estimated residual and matched the Reynolds transport estimates. This value of is consistent with other studies that assert that lateral mixing is required for the production of Eighteen Degree Water (EDW) subtropical mode water. |
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Drivers for Atlantic-origin waters abutting Greenland Gillard, L.C., X. Hu, P.G. Myers, M.H. Ribergaard, and C.M. Lee, "Drivers for Atlantic-origin waters abutting Greenland," Cryosphere, 14, 2729-2753, doi:10.5194/tc-14-2729-2020, 2020. |
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27 Aug 2020 ![]() |
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The oceanic heat available in Greenland’s troughs is dependent on the geographic location of the trough, the water origin, and how the water is impacted by local processes along the pathway to the trough. This study investigates the spatial pattern and quantity of the warm water (with a temperature greater −1.5°C) brought to the shelf and into the troughs abutting the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS). An increase in ocean heat in these troughs may drive a retreat of the GrIS. Warm water that is exchanged from the trough into the fjord may influence the melt on the marine-terminating glaciers. Several regional ocean model experiments were used to study regional differences in heat transport through troughs. Results showed that warm water extends north into Baffin Bay, reaching as far north as the Melville Bay troughs. Melville Bay troughs experienced warming following 2009. From 2004 to 2006, model experiments captured an increase in onshore heat flux in the Disko Bay trough, coinciding with the timing of the disintegration of Jakobshavn Isbrae's floating tongue and observed ocean heat increase in Disko Bay. The seasonality of the maximum onshore heat flux differs due to distance away from the Irminger Sea. Ocean temperatures near the northwestern coast and southeastern coast respond differently to changes in meltwater from Greenland and high-frequency atmospheric phenomena. With a doubling of the GrIS meltwater, Baffin Bay troughs transported ~20% more heat towards the coast. Fewer storms resulted in a doubling of onshore heat through Helheim Glacier's trough. These results demonstrate the regional variability of onshore heat transport through troughs and its potential implications to the GrIS. |
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Enhanced mixing across the gyre boundary at the Gulf Stream front Wenegrat, J.O., L.N. Thomas, M.A. Sundermeyer, J.R. Taylor, E.A. D'Asaro, J.M. Klymak, R. Kipp Shearman, and C.M. Lee, "Enhanced mixing across the gyre boundary at the Gulf Stream front," Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 117, 17,607-17,614, doi:10.1073/pnas.2005558117, 2020. |
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28 Jul 2020 ![]() |
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The Gulf Stream front separates the North Atlantic subtropical and subpolar ocean gyres, water masses with distinct physical and biogeochemical properties. Exchange across the front is believed to be necessary to balance the freshwater budget of the subtropical gyre and to support the biological productivity of the region; however, the physical mechanisms responsible have been the subject of long-standing debate. Here, the evolution of a passive dye released within the north wall of the Gulf Stream provides direct observational evidence of enhanced mixing across the Gulf Stream front. Numerical simulations indicate that the observed rapid cross-frontal mixing occurs via shear dispersion, generated by frontal instabilities and episodic vertical mixing. This provides unique direct evidence for the role of submesoscale fronts in generating lateral mixing, a mechanism which has been hypothesized to be of general importance for setting the horizontal structure of the ocean mixed layer. Along the Gulf Stream front in the North Atlantic, these observations further suggest that shear dispersion at sharp fronts may provide a source of freshwater flux large enough to explain much of the freshwater deficit in the subtropical-mode water budget and a flux of nutrients comparable to other mechanisms believed to control primary productivity in the subtropical gyre. |
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Restratification at a California Current upwelling front. Part I: Observations Johnson, L., C.M. Lee, E.A. D'Asaro, L. Thomas, and A. Shcherbina, "Restratification at a California Current upwelling front. Part I: Observations," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 50, 14-55-1472, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-19-0203.1, 2020. |
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6 May 2020 ![]() |
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A coordinated survey between a subsurface Lagrangian float and a ship-towed Triaxus profiler obtained detailed measurements of a restratifying surface intensified front (above 30 m) within the California Current System. The survey began as downfront winds incited mixing in the boundary layer. As winds relaxed and mixing subsided, the system entered a different dynamical regime as the front developed an overturning circulation with large vertical velocities that tilted isopycnals and stratified the upper ocean within a day. The horizontal buoyancy gradient was 1.5 x 10-6 s-2 and associated with vorticity, divergence, and strain that approached the Coriolis frequency. Estimates of vertical velocity from the Lagrangian float reached 1.2 x 10-3 m s-1. These horizontal gradients and vertical velocities were consistent with submesoscale dynamics that are distinct from the classic quasigeostrophic framework used to describe larger-scale flows. Vertical and horizontal gradients of velocity and buoyancy in the vicinity of the float revealed that sheared currents differentially advected the horizontal buoyancy gradient to increase vertical stratification. This was supported by analyses of temperature and salinity gradients that composed the horizontal and vertical stratification. Potential vorticity was conserved during restratification at 16 m, consistent with adiabatic processes. Conversely, potential vorticity near the surface (8 m) increased, highlighting the role of friction in modulating near-surface stratification. The observed increase in stratification due to these submesoscale processes was equivalent to a heat flux of 2000 W m-2, which is an order-of-magnitude larger than the average observed surface heat flux of 100 W m-2. |
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Restratification at a California Current upwelling front. Part II: Dynamics Johnson, L., C.M. Lee, E.A. D'Asaro, J.O. Wenegrat, and L.N. Thomas, "Restratification at a California Current upwelling front. Part II: Dynamics," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 50, 1473-1487, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-19-0204.1, 2020. |
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6 May 2020 ![]() |
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A coordinated multiplatform campaign collected detailed measurements of a restratifying surface intensified upwelling front within the California Current System. A companion paper outlined the evolution of the front, revealing the importance of lateral advection at tilting isopycnals and increasing stratification in the surface boundary layer with a buoyancy flux equivalent to 2000 W m-2. Here, observations were compared with idealized models to explore the dynamics contributing to the stratification. A 2D model combined with a reduced form of the horizontal momentum equations highlight the importance of transient Ekman dynamics, turbulence, and thermal wind imbalance at modulating shear in the boundary layer. Specifically, unsteady frictional adjustment to the rapid decrease in wind stress created vertically sheared currents that advected horizontal gradients to increase vertical stratification on superinertial time scales. The magnitude of stratification depended on the strength of the horizontal buoyancy gradient. This enhanced stratification due to horizontal advection inhibited nighttime mixing that would have otherwise eroded stratification from the diurnal warm layer. This underscores the importance of near-surface lateral restratification for the upper ocean buoyancy budget on diel time scales. |
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The evolution of a shallow front in the Arctic marginal ice zone Brenner, S., L. Rainville, J. Thomson, and C. Lee, "The evolution of a shallow front in the Arctic marginal ice zone," Elem. Sci. Anth., 8, doi:10.1525/elementa.413, 2020. |
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4 May 2020 ![]() |
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The high degree of heterogeneity in the iceoceanatmosphere system in marginal ice zones leads to a complex set of dynamics which control fluxes of heat and buoyancy in the upper ocean. Strong fronts may occur near the ice edge between the warmer waters of the ice-free regions and the cold, fresh waters near and under the ice. This study presents observations of a well-defined density front located along the ice edge in the Beaufort Sea. The evolution of the front over a ~3-day survey period is captured by multiple cross-front sections measured using an underway conductivitytemperaturedepth system, with simultaneous measurements of atmospheric forcing. Synthetic aperture radar images bookending this period show that the ice edge itself underwent concurrent evolution. Prior to the survey, the ice edge was compact and well defined while after the survey it was diffuse and filamented with coherent vortical structures. This transformation might be indicative of the development an active ocean eddy field in the upper ocean mixed layer. Over the course of hours, increasing wind stress is correlated with changes to the lateral buoyancy gradient and frontogenesis. Frontal dynamics appear to vary from typical open-ocean fronts (e.g., here the frontogenesis is linked to an "up-front" wind stress). Convective and shear-driven mixing appear to be unable to describe deepening at the heel of the front. While there was no measurable spatial variation in wind speed, we hypothesize that spatial heterogeneity in the total surface stress input, resulting from varying ice conditions across the marginal ice zone, may be a driver of the observed behaviour. |
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OceanGliders: A component of the integrated GOOS Testor, P., and 102 others including, C.M. Lee, B. Curry, and L. Rainville, "OceanGliders: A component of the integrated GOOS," Front. Mar. Sci., 6, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00422, 2019. |
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2 Oct 2019 ![]() |
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The OceanGliders program started in 2016 to support active coordination and enhancement of global glider activity. OceanGliders contributes to the international efforts of the Global Ocean Observation System (GOOS) for Climate, Ocean Health, and Operational Services. It brings together marine scientists and engineers operating gliders around the world: (1) to observe the long-term physical, biogeochemical, and biological ocean processes and phenomena that are relevant for societal applications; and, (2) to contribute to the GOOS through real-time and delayed mode data dissemination. The OceanGliders program is distributed across national and regional observing systems and significantly contributes to integrated, multi-scale and multi-platform sampling strategies. OceanGliders shares best practices, requirements, and scientific knowledge needed for glider operations, data collection and analysis. It also monitors global glider activity and supports the dissemination of glider data through regional and global databases, in real-time and delayed modes, facilitating data access to the wider community. OceanGliders currently supports national, regional and global initiatives to maintain and expand the capabilities and application of gliders to meet key global challenges such as improved measurement of ocean boundary currents, water transformation and storm forecast. |
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Arctic Mediterranean exchanges: A consistent volume budget and trends in transports from two decades of observations Østerhus, S., and 16 others including R. Woodgate, C.M. Lee, and B. Curry, "Arctic Mediterranean exchanges: A consistent volume budget and trends in transports from two decades of observations," Ocean Sci., 15, 379-399, doi:10.5194/os-15-379-2019, 2019. |
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12 Apr 2019 ![]() |
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The Arctic Mediterranean (AM) is the collective name for the Arctic Ocean, the Nordic Seas, and their adjacent shelf seas. Water enters into this region through the Bering Strait (Pacific inflow) and through the passages across the GreenlandScotland Ridge (Atlantic inflow) and is modified within the AM. The modified waters leave the AM in several flow branches which are grouped into two different categories: (1) overflow of dense water through the deep passages across the GreenlandScotland Ridge, and (2) outflow of light water here termed surface outflow on both sides of Greenland. These exchanges transport heat and salt into and out of the AM and are important for conditions in the AM. They are also part of the global ocean circulation and climate system. Attempts to quantify the transports by various methods have been made for many years, but only recently the observational coverage has become sufficiently complete to allow an integrated assessment of the AM exchanges based solely on observations. In this study, we focus on the transport of water and have collected data on volume transport for as many AM-exchange branches as possible between 1993 and 2015. The total AM import (oceanic inflows plus freshwater) is found to be 9.1 Sv (sverdrup, 1 Sv =106 m3 s-1) with an estimated uncertainty of 0.7 Sv and has the amplitude of the seasonal variation close to 1 Sv and maximum import in October. Roughly one-third of the imported water leaves the AM as surface outflow with the remaining two-thirds leaving as overflow. The overflow water is mainly produced from modified Atlantic inflow and around 70% of the total Atlantic inflow is converted into overflow, indicating a strong coupling between these two exchanges. The surface outflow is fed from the Pacific inflow and freshwater (runoff and precipitation), but is still approximately two-thirds of modified Atlantic water. For the inflow branches and the two main overflow branches (Denmark Strait and Faroe Bank Channel), systematic monitoring of volume transport has been established since the mid-1990s, and this enables us to estimate trends for the AM exchanges as a whole. At the 95 % confidence level, only the inflow of Pacific water through the Bering Strait showed a statistically significant trend, which was positive. Both the total AM inflow and the combined transport of the two main overflow branches also showed trends consistent with strengthening, but they were not statistically significant. They do suggest, however, that any significant weakening of these flows during the last two decades is unlikely and the overall message is that the AM exchanges remained remarkably stable in the period from the mid-1990s to the mid-2010s. The overflows are the densest source water for the deep limb of the North Atlantic part of the meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), and this conclusion argues that the reported weakening of the AMOC was not due to overflow weakening or reduced overturning in the AM. Although the combined data set has made it possible to establish a consistent budget for the AM exchanges, the observational coverage for some of the branches is limited, which introduces considerable uncertainty. This lack of coverage is especially extreme for the surface outflow through the Denmark Strait, the overflow across the IcelandFaroe Ridge, and the inflow over the Scottish shelf. We recommend that more effort is put into observing these flows as well as maintaining the monitoring systems established for the other exchange branches. |
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Interruption of two decades of Jakobshavn Isbrae acceleration and thinning as regional ocean cools Khazendar, A., and 13 others including C.M. Lee, "Interruption of two decades of Jakobshavn Isbrae acceleration and thinning as regional ocean cools," Nat. Geosci., 12, 277-283, doi:10.1038/s41561-019-0329-3, 2019. |
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1 Apr 2019 ![]() |
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Jakobshavn Isbrae has been the single largest source of mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet over the last 20 years. During that time, it has been retreating, accelerating and thinning. Here we use airborne altimetry and satellite imagery to show that since 2016 Jakobshavn has been re-advancing, slowing and thickening. We link these changes to concurrent cooling of ocean waters in Disko Bay that spill over into Ilulissat Icefjord. Ocean temperatures in the bay’s upper 250 m have cooled to levels not seen since the mid 1980s. Observations and modelling trace the origins of this cooling to anomalous wintertime heat loss in the boundary current that circulates around the southern half of Greenland. Longer time series of ocean temperature, subglacial discharge and glacier variability strongly suggest that ocean-induced melting at the front has continued to influence glacier dynamics after the disintegration of its floating tongue in 2003. We conclude that projections of Jakobshavn’s future contribution to sea-level rise that are based on glacier geometry are insufficient, and that accounting for external forcing is indispensable. |
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Subannual and seasonal variability of Atlantic-origin waters in two adjacent West Greenland fjords Carroll, D., D.A. Sutherland, B. Curry, J.D. Nash, E.L. Shroyer, G.A. Catania, L.A. Stearns, J.P. Grist, C.M. Lee, and L. de Steur, "Subannual and seasonal variability of Atlantic-origin waters in two adjacent West Greenland fjords," J. Geophys. Res., 123, 6670-6687, doi:10.1029/2018JC014278, 2018. |
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1 Sep 2018 ![]() |
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Greenland fjords provide a pathway for the inflow of warm shelf waters to glacier termini and outflow of glacially modified waters to the coastal ocean. Characterizing the dominant modes of variability in fjord circulation, and how they vary over subannual and seasonal time scales, is critical for predicting ocean heat transport to the ice. Here we present a 2‐year hydrographic record from a suite of moorings in Davis Strait and two neighboring west Greenland fjords that exhibit contrasting fjord and glacier geometry (Kangerdlugssuaq Sermerssua and Rink Isbrae). Hydrographic variability above the sill exhibits clear seasonality, with a progressive cooling of near‐surface waters and shoaling of deep isotherms above the sill during winter to spring. Renewal of below‐sill waters coincides with the arrival of dense waters at the fjord mouth; warm, salty Atlantic‐origin water cascades into fjord basins from winter to midsummer. We then use Seaglider observations at Davis Strait, along with reanalysis of sea ice and wind stress in Baffin Bay, to explore the role of the West Greenland Current and local air‐sea forcing in driving fjord renewal. These results demonstrate the importance of both remote and local processes in driving renewal of near‐terminus waters, highlighting the need for sustained observations and improved ocean models that resolve the complete slope‐trough‐fjord‐ice system. |
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Internal waves in the Arctic: Influence of ice concentration, ice roughness, and surface layer stratification Cole, S.T., J.M. Toole, L. Rainville, and C.M. Lee, "Internal waves in the Arctic: Influence of ice concentration, ice roughness, and surface layer stratification," J. Geophys. Res., 123, 5571-5586, doi:10.1029/2018JC014096, 2018. |
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1 Aug 2018 ![]() |
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The Arctic ice cover influences the generation, propagation, and dissipation of internal waves, which in turn may affect vertical mixing in the ocean interior. The Arctic internal wavefield and its relationship to the ice cover is investigated using observations from Ice‐Tethered Profilers with Velocity and Seaglider sampling during the 2014 Marginal Ice Zone experiment in the Canada Basin. Ice roughness, ice concentration, and wind forcing all influenced the daily to seasonal changes in the internal wavefield. Three different ice concentration thresholds appeared to determine the evolution of internal wave spectral energy levels: (1) the initial decrease from 100% ice concentration after which dissipation during the surface reflection was inferred to increase, (2) the transition to 7080% ice concentration when the local generation of internal waves increased, and (3) the transition to open water that was associated with larger‐amplitude internal waves. Ice roughness influenced internal wave properties for ice concentrations greater than approximately 7080%: smoother ice was associated with reduced local internal wave generation. Richardson numbers were rarely supercritical, consistent with weak vertical mixing under all ice concentrations. On decadal timescales, smoother ice may counteract the effects of lower ice concentration on the internal wavefield complicating future predictions of internal wave activity and vertical mixing. |
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A multi-method autonomous assessment of primary productivity and export efficiency in the springtime North Atlantic Briggs, N., K. Guðmundsson, I. Cetinić, E. D'Asaro, E. Rehm, C. Lee, and M.J. Perry, "A multi-method autonomous assessment of primary productivity and export efficiency in the springtime North Atlantic," Biogeiosciences, 15, 4515-4532, doi:10.5194/bg-15-4515-2018, 2018. |
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25 Jul 2018 ![]() |
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Fixation of organic carbon by phytoplankton is the foundation of nearly all open-ocean ecosystems and a critical part of the global carbon cycle. But the quantification and validation of ocean primary productivity at large scale remains a major challenge due to limited coverage of ship-based measurements and the difficulty of validating diverse measurement techniques. Accurate primary productivity measurements from autonomous platforms would be highly desirable due to much greater potential coverage. In pursuit of this goal we estimate gross primary productivity over 2 months in the springtime North Atlantic from an autonomous Lagrangian float using diel cycles of particulate organic carbon derived from optical beam attenuation. We test method precision and accuracy by comparison against entirely independent estimates from a locally parameterized model based on chlorophyll a and light measurements from the same float. During nutrient-replete conditions (80% of the study period), we obtain strong relative agreement between the independent methods across an order of magnitude of productivities (r2 = 0.97), with slight underestimation by the diel cycle method (19±5%). At the end of the diatom bloom, this relative difference increases to 58% for a 6-day period, likely a response to SiO4 limitation, which is not included in the model. In addition, we estimate gross oxygen productivity from O2 diel cycles and find strong correlation with diel-cycle-based gross primary productivity over the entire deployment, providing further qualitative support for both methods. Finally, simultaneous estimates of net community productivity, carbon export, and particle size suggest that bloom growth is halted by a combination of reduced productivity due to SiO4 limitation and increased export efficiency due to rapid aggregation. After the diatom bloom, high Chl a-normalized productivity indicates that low net growth during this period is due to increased heterotrophic respiration and not nutrient limitation. These findings represent a significant advance in the accuracy and completeness of upper-ocean carbon cycle measurements from an autonomous platform. |
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Interaction of superinertial waves with submesoscale cyclonic filaments in the North Wall of the Gulf Stream Whitt, D.B., L.N. Thomas, J.M. Klymak, C.M. Lee, and E.A. D'Asaro, "Interaction of superinertial waves with submesoscale cyclonic filaments in the North Wall of the Gulf Stream," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 48, 81-99, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-17-0079.1, 2018. |
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1 Jan 2018 ![]() |
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High-resolution, nearly Lagrangian observations of velocity and density made in the North Wall of the Gulf Stream reveal banded shear structures characteristic of near-inertial waves (NIWs). Here, the current follows submesoscale dynamics, with Rossby and Richardson numbers near one, and the vertical vorticity is positive. This allows for a unique analysis of the interaction of NIWs with a submesoscale current dominated by cyclonic as opposed to anticyclonic vorticity. Rotary spectra reveal that the vertical shear vector rotates primarily clockwise with depth and with time at frequencies near and above the local Coriolis frequency f. At some depths, more than half of the measured shear variance is explained by clockwise rotary motions with frequencies between f and 1.7f. The dominant superinertial frequencies are consistent with those inferred from a dispersion relation for NIWs in submesoscale currents that depends on the observed aspect ratio of the wave shear as well as the vertical vorticity, baroclinicity, and stratification of the balanced flow. These observations motivate a ray tracing calculation of superinertial wave propagation in the North Wall, where multiple filaments of strong cyclonic vorticity strongly modify wave propagation. The calculation shows that the minimum permissible frequency for inertiagravity waves is mostly greater than the Coriolis frequency, and superinertial waves can be trapped and amplified at slantwise critical layers between cyclonic vortex filaments, providing a new plausible explanation for why the observed shear variance is dominated by superinertial waves. |
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An undercurrent off the east coast of Sri Lanka Anutaliya, A., U. Send, J.L. McClean, J. Sprintall, L. Rainville, C.M. Lee, S.U.P. Jinadasa, A.J. Wallcraft, and E.J. Metzger, "An undercurrent off the east coast of Sri Lanka," Ocean Sci., 13, 1035-1044, doi:10.5194/os-13-1035-2017, 2017. |
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7 Dec 2017 ![]() |
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The existence of a seasonally varying undercurrent along 8°N off the east coast of Sri Lanka is inferred from shipboard hydrography, Argo floats, glider measurements, and two ocean general circulation model simulations. Together, they reveal an undercurrent below 100200 m flowing in the opposite direction to the surface current, which is most pronounced during boreal spring and summer and switches direction between these two seasons. The volume transport of the undercurrent (2001000 m layer) can be more than 10 Sv in either direction, exceeding the transport of 16 Sv carried by the surface current (0200 m layer). The undercurrent transports relatively fresher water southward during spring, while it advects more saline water northward along the east coast of Sri Lanka during summer. Although the undercurrent is potentially a pathway of salt exchange between the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, the observations and the ocean general circulation models suggest that the salinity contrast between seasons and between the boundary current and interior is less than 0.09 in the subsurface layer, suggesting a small salt transport by the undercurrent of less than 4% of the salinity deficit in the Bay of Bengal. |
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Cascading off the West Greenland Shelf: A numerical perspective Marson, J.M., P.G. Myers, X. Hu, B. Petrie, K. Azetsu-Scott, and C.M. Lee, "Cascading off the West Greenland Shelf: A numerical perspective," J. Geophys. Res., 122, 5316-5328, doi:10.1002/2017JC012801, 2017. |
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1 Jul 2017 ![]() |
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Cascading of dense water from the shelf to deeper layers of the adjacent ocean basin has been observed in several locations around the world. The West Greenland Shelf (WGS), however, is a region where this process has never been documented. In this study, we use a numerical model with a 1/4° resolution to determine (i) if cascading could happen from the WGS; (ii) where and when it could take place; (iii) the forcings that induce or halt this process; and (iv) the path of the dense plume. Results show cascading happening off the WGS at Davis Strait. Dense waters form there due to brine rejection and slide down the slope during spring. Once the dense plume leaves the shelf, it gradually mixes with waters of similar density and moves northward into Baffin Bay. Our simulation showed events happening between 20032006 and during 2014; but no plume was observed in the simulation between 2007 and 2013. We suggest that the reason why cascading was halted in this period is related to: the increased freshwater transport from the Arctic Ocean through Fram Strait; the additional sea ice melting in the region; and the reduced presence of Irminger Water at Davis Strait during fall/early winter. Although observations at Davis Strait show that our simulation usually overestimates the seasonal range of temperature and salinity, they agree with the overall variability captured by the model. This suggests that cascades have the potential to develop on the WGS, albeit less dense than the ones estimated by the simulation. |
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An autonomous approach to observing the seasonal ice zone in the western Arctic Lee, C.M., J. Thomson, and the Marginal Ice Zone and Arctic Sea State Teams, "An autonomous approach to observing the seasonal ice zone in the western Arctic," Oceanography, 30, 56-68, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2017.222, 2017. |
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1 Jun 2017 ![]() |
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The Marginal Ice Zone and Arctic Sea State programs examined the processes that govern evolution of the rapidly changing seasonal ice zone in the Beaufort Sea. Autonomous platforms operating from the ice and within the water column collected measurements across the atmosphere-ice-ocean system and provided the persistence to sample continuously through the springtime retreat and autumn advance of sea ice. Autonomous platforms also allowed operational modalities that reduced the field programs’ logistical requirements. Observations indicate that thermodynamics, especially the radiative balances of the ice-albedo feedback, govern the seasonal cycle of sea ice, with the role of surface waves confined to specific events. Continuous sampling from winter into autumn also reveals the imprint of winter ice conditions and fracturing on summertime floe size distribution. These programs demonstrate effective use of integrated systems of autonomous platforms for persistent, multiscale Arctic observing. Networks of autonomous systems are well suited to capturing the vast scales of variability inherent in the Arctic system. |
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Autonomous instruments significantly expand ocean observing: An introduction to the special issue on autonomous and Lagrangian platforms and sensors (APLS) Lee, C.M., T. Paluszkiewicz, D.L. Rudnick, M.M. Omand, and R.E. Todd, "Autonomous instruments significantly expand ocean observing: An introduction to the special issue on autonomous and Lagrangian platforms and sensors (APLS)," Oceanography, 30, 15-17, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2017.211, 2017. |
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1 Jun 2017 ![]() |
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Oceanography relies heavily on observations to fuel new ideas and drive advances, creating a strong coupling between the science and the technological developments that enable new measurements. Novel observations, such as those that resolve new properties or scales, often lead to advances in understanding. Physical, biological, and chemical processes unfold over a broad range of scales seconds to decades and millimeters to ocean basins with critical interactions between scales. Observational studies work within a tradespace that balances spatial and temporal resolution, scope, and resource constraints. New platforms and sensors, along with the novel observational approaches they enable, address this challenge by providing access to an expanding range of temporal and spatial scales. |
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Autonomous multi-platform observations during the Salinity Processes in the Upper-ocean Regional Study Lindstrom, E.J., A.Y. Shcherbina, L. Rainville, J.T. Farrar, L.R. Centurioni, S. Dong, E.A. D’Asaro, C. Eriksen, D.M. Fratantoni, B.A. Hodges, V. Hormann, W.S. Kessler, C.M. Lee, S.C. Riser, L. St. Laurent, and D.L. Volkov, "Autonomous multi-platform observations during the Salinity Processes in the Upper-ocean Regional Study," Oceanography, 38-48, doi:, 2017. |
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1 Jun 2017 ![]() |
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The Salinity Processes in the Upper-ocean Regional Study (SPURS) aims to understand the patterns and variability of sea surface salinity. In order to capture the wide range of spatial and temporal scales associated with processes controlling salinity in the upper ocean, research vessels delivered autonomous instruments to remote sites, one in the North Atlantic and one in the Eastern Pacific. Instruments sampled for one complete annual cycle at each of these two sites, which are subject to contrasting atmospheric forcing. The SPURS field programs coordinated sampling from many different platforms, using a mix of Lagrangian and Eulerian approaches. This article discusses the motivations, implementation, and first results of the SPURS-1 and SPURS-2 programs. |
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Multi-month dissipation estimates using microstructure from autonomous underwater gliders Rainville, L., J.I. Gobat, C.M. Lee, and G.B. Shilling, "Multi-month dissipation estimates using microstructure from autonomous underwater gliders," Oceanography, 30, 49-50, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2017.219, 2017. |
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1 Jun 2017 ![]() |
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Ocean turbulence is inherently episodic and patchy. It is the primary mechanism that transforms water mass properties and drives the exchanges of heat, freshwater, and momentum across the water column. Given its episodic nature, capturing the net impact of turbulence via direct measurements requires sustained observations over extended temporal and/or broad spatial scales. |
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Northern Arabian Sea Circulation-Autonomous Research (NASCar): A research initiative based on autonomous sensors Centurioni, L.R., and 33 others, including R.R. Harcourt, C.M. Lee, L. Rainville, and A.Y. Shcherbina, "Northern Arabian Sea Circulation-Autonomous Research (NASCar): A research initiative based on autonomous sensors," Oceanography, 30, 74-87, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2017.224, 2017. |
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1 Jun 2017 ![]() |
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The Arabian Sea circulation is forced by strong monsoonal winds and is characterized by vigorous seasonally reversing currents, extreme differences in sea surface salinity, localized substantial upwelling, and widespread submesoscale thermohaline structures. Its complicated sea surface temperature patterns are important for the onset and evolution of the Asian monsoon. This article describes a program that aims to elucidate the role of upper-ocean processes and atmospheric feedbacks in setting the sea surface temperature properties of the region. The wide range of spatial and temporal scales and the difficulty of accessing much of the region with ships due to piracy motivated a novel approach based on state-of-the-art autonomous ocean sensors and platforms. The extensive data set that is being collected, combined with numerical models and remote sensing data, confirms the role of planetary waves in the reversal of the Somali Current system. These data also document the fast response of the upper equatorial ocean to monsoon winds through changes in temperature and salinity and the connectivity of the surface currents across the northern Indian Ocean. New observations of thermohaline interleaving structures and mixing in setting the surface temperature properties of the northern Arabian Sea are also discussed. |
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On the benefit of current and future ALPS data for improving Arctic coupled oceansea ice state estimation Nguyen, A.T., V. Ocaña, V. Garg. P. Heimbach, J.M. Toole, R.A. Kirshfield, C.M. Lee, and L. Rainville, "On the benefit of current and future ALPS data for improving Arctic coupled oceansea ice state estimation," Oceanography, 30, 69-73, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2017.223, 2017. |
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1 Jun 2017 ![]() |
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Autonomous and Lagrangian platforms and sensors (ALPS) have revolutionized the way the subsurface ocean is observed. The synergy between ALPS-based observations and coupled ocean-sea ice state and parameter estimation as practiced in the Arctic Subpolar gyre sTate Estimate (ASTE) project is illustrated through several examples. In the western Arctic, Ice-Tethered Profilers have been providing important hydrographic constraints of the water column down to 800 m depth since 2004. ASTE takes advantage of these detailed constraints to infer vertical profiles of diapycnal mixing rates in the central Canada Basin. The state estimation framework is also used to explore the potential utility of Argo-type floats in regions with sparse data coverage, such as the eastern Arctic and the seasonal ice zones. Finally, the framework is applied to identify potential deployment sites that optimize the impact of float measurements on bulk oceanographic quantities of interest. |
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Optimal planning and sampling predictions for autonomous Lagrangian platforms and sensors in the northern Arabian Sea Lermusiaux, P.F.J., and 12 others, including A.Y. Shcherbina and C.M. Lee, "Optimal planning and sampling predictions for autonomous Lagrangian platforms and sensors in the northern Arabian Sea," Oceanography, 30, 172-185, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2017.242, 2017. |
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1 Jun 2017 ![]() |
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Where, when, and what to sample, and how to optimally reach the sampling locations, are critical questions to be answered by autonomous and Lagrangian platforms and sensors. For a reproducible scientific sampling approach, answers should be quantitative and provided using fundamental principles. This article reviews concepts and recent progress toward this principled approach, focusing on reachability, path planning, and adaptive sampling, and presents results of a real-time forecasting and planning experiment completed during FebruaryApril 2017 for the Northern Arabian Sea Circulation-autonomous research program. The predictive skill, layered fields, and uncertainty estimates obtained using the MIT MSEAS multi-resolution ensemble ocean modeling system are first studied. With such inputs, deterministic and probabilistic three-dimensional reachability forecasts issued daily for gliders and floats are then showcased and validated. Finally, a Bayesian adaptive sampling framework is shown to forecast in real time the observations that are most informative for estimating classic ocean fields and also secondary variables such as Lagrangian coherent structures. |
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Downstream evolution of the Kuroshio's time-varying transport and velocity structure Andres, M., V. Mensah, S. Jan, M.-H. Chang, Y.-J. Yang, C.M. Lee, B. Ma, and T.B. Sanford, "Downstream evolution of the Kuroshio's time-varying transport and velocity structure," J. Geophys. Res., 122, 3519-3542, doi:10.1002/2016JC012519, 2017. |
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1 May 2017 ![]() |
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Observations from two companion field programsOrigins of the Kuroshio and Mindanao Current (OKMC) and Observations of Kuroshio Transport Variability (OKTV)are used here to examine the Kuroshio's temporal and spatial evolution. Kuroshio strength and velocity structure were measured between June 2012 and November 2014 with pressure-sensor equipped inverted echo sounders (PIESs) and upward-looking acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) deployed across the current northeast of Luzon, Philippines, and east of Taiwan with an 8 month overlap in the two arrays' deployment periods. The time-mean net (i.e., integrated from the surface to the bottom) absolute transport increases downstream from 7.3 Sv (±4.4 Sv standard error) northeast of Luzon to 13.7 Sv (±3.6 Sv) east of Taiwan. The observed downstream increase is consistent with the return flow predicted by the simple Sverdrup relation and the mean wind stress curl field over the North Pacific (despite the complicated bathymetry and gaps along the North Pacific western boundary). Northeast of Luzon, the Kuroshiobounded by the 0 m s1 isotachis shallower than 750 dbar, while east of Taiwan areas of positive flow reach to the seafloor (3000 m). Both arrays indicate a deep counterflow beneath the poleward-flowing Kuroshio (10.3 ± 2.3 Sv by Luzon and 12.5 ± 1.2 Sv east of Taiwan). Time-varying transports and velocities indicate the strong influence at both sections of westward propagating eddies from the ocean interior. Topography associated with the ridges east of Taiwan also influences the mean and time-varying velocity structure there. |
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Ekman circulation in the Arctic Ocean: Beyond the Beaufort Gyre Ma, B., M. Steele, and C.M. Lee, "Ekman circulation in the Arctic Ocean: Beyond the Beaufort Gyre," J. Geophys. Res., 122, 3358-3374, doi:10.1002/2016JC012624, 2017. |
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1 Apr 2017 ![]() |
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Data derived from satellite-based observations, with buoy-based observations and assimilations, are used to calculate ocean Ekman layer transport and evaluate long-term trends in the Arctic Ocean over the period 19792014. The 36 year mean of upwelling (downwelling) is 3.7 ± 2.0 (4.0 ± 2.2) Sv for the entire Arctic Basin, with ~0.3 Sv net downwelling contributed mostly by the Canadian region. With regard to long-term trends, the annual mean upwelling (downwelling) over the entire Arctic Basin is increasing at a linear rate of 0.92 (0.98) Sv/decade. The Canada/Alaska coasts and Beaufort and Laptev Seas are regions of greatest Ekman transport intensification. The central Arctic Ocean and Lincoln Sea also have an increasing trend in transport. The Canadian and Eurasian regions each account for about half the total vertical Ekman variations in the Arctic Basin. |
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ASIRI: An oceanatmosphere initiative for Bay of Bengal Wijesekera, H.W., and 46 others, including C.M. Lee, L. Rainville, K.M. Stafford, and C.B. Whalen, "ASIRI: An oceanatmosphere initiative for Bay of Bengal," Bull. Am. Meteor., Soc., 97, 1859-1884, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00197.1, 2016. |
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1 Oct 2016 ![]() |
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AirSea Interactions in the Northern Indian Ocean (ASIRI) is an international research effort (201317) aimed at understanding and quantifying coupled atmosphereocean dynamics of the Bay of Bengal (BoB) with relevance to Indian Ocean monsoons. Working collaboratively, more than 20 research institutions are acquiring field observations coupled with operational and high-resolution models to address scientific issues that have stymied the monsoon predictability. ASIRI combines new and mature observational technologies to resolve submesoscale to regional-scale currents and hydrophysical fields. These data reveal BoB’s sharp frontal features, submesoscale variability, low-salinity lenses and filaments, and shallow mixed layers, with relatively weak turbulent mixing. Observed physical features include energetic high-frequency internal waves in the southern BoB, energetic mesoscale and submesoscale features including an intrathermocline eddy in the central BoB, and a high-resolution view of the exchange along the periphery of Sri Lanka, which includes the 100-km-wide East India Coastal Current (EICC) carrying low-salinity water out of the BoB and an adjacent, broad northward flow (~300 km wide) that carries high-salinity water into BoB during the northeast monsoon. Atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) observations during the decaying phase of the MaddenJulian oscillation (MJO) permit the study of multiscale atmospheric processes associated with non-MJO phenomena and their impacts on the marine boundary layer. Underway analyses that integrate observations and numerical simulations shed light on how airsea interactions control the ABL and upper-ocean processes. |
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Stratified Ocean Dynamics in the Arctic: Science and Experiment Plan Lee, C.M., et al., "Stratified Ocean Dynamics in the Arctic: Science and Experiment Plan," APL-UW TR 1601, Technical Report, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, September 2016, 46pp. |
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15 Sep 2016 ![]() |
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Vertical and lateral water properties and density structure within the Arctic Ocean are intimately related to the ocean circulation, and have profound consequences for sea ice growth and retreat as well as for propagation of acoustic energy at all scales. Our current understanding of the dynamics governing arctic upper ocean stratification and circulation derives largely from a period when extensive ice cover modulated the oceanic response to atmospheric forcing. Recently, however, there has been significant arctic warming, accompanied by changes in the extent, thickness distribution, and properties of the arctic sea ice cover. The need to understand these changes and their impact on arctic stratification and circulation, sea ice evolution, and the acoustic environment motivate the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Stratified Ocean Dynamics of the Arctic Departmental Research Initiative. |
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Collaborative observations of boundary currents, water mass variability, and monsoon response in the southern Bay of Bengal Lee, C.M., S.U.P. Jinadasa, A. Anutaliya, L.R. Centurioni, H.J.S. Fernando, V. Hormann, M. Lankhorst, L. Rainville, U. Send, and H.W. Wijesekera, "Collaborative observations of boundary currents, water mass variability, and monsoon response in the southern Bay of Bengal," Oceanography 29, 102–111, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2016.43, 2016. |
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1 Jun 2016 ![]() |
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The region surrounding Sri Lanka modulates monsoon-driven exchange between the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Here, local circulation impacts the pathways followed by the boundary currents that drive exchange, thereby modulating mixing and water mass transformation. From 2013 to 2016, an international partnership conducted sustained measurements around the periphery of Sri Lanka, with the goal of understanding how circulation and mixing in this critical region modulate exchange between the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Observations from satellite remote sensing, surface drifters, gliders, current meter moorings, and Pressure Inverted Echo Sounders capture seasonally reversing monsoon currents off the southern tip of Sri Lanka, trace the wintertime freshwater export pathway of the East India Coastal Current, and document the deflection of currents running along the east coast of Sri Lanka by cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies. Measurements also reveal energetic interleaving, indicative of mixing and stirring associated with these flows. Circulation inferred from satellite remote sensing and drifter tracks sometimes differs from that indicated by in situ sections, pointing to the need for observing systems that employ complementary approaches toward understanding this region. |
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Radar backscattering changes in Arctic sea ice from late summer to early autumn observed by space-borne X-band HH-polarization SAR Park, J.-W., H.-C. Kim, S.-H. Hong, S.-Ho. Dang, H.C. Graber, B. Hwang, and C.M. Lee, "Radar backscattering changes in Arctic sea ice from late summer to early autumn observed by space-borne X-band HH-polarization SAR," Remote Sens. Lett., 7, 551-560, doi:10.1080/2150704X.2016.1165881, 2016. |
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1 Jun 2016 ![]() |
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Melt ponds are believed to play an important role in sea ice dynamics because they accelerate the melting of sea ice in the warmer spring and summer months. Additionally, they are known to absorb solar radiation rather than reflect it as the surrounding sea ice does. However, the size and distribution of melt ponds are highly variable, and thus, the contribution of melt ponds to sea ice melting should differ based on the maturity of the melt pond. Because of the harsh conditions of the Arctic, estimating the actual surface changes via in situ measurements and/or optical remote sensing data is difficult. In this study, we present a high-resolution time-series analysis of the short-term variation of sea ice and melt ponds over the Beaufort Sea using space-borne multispectral and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. A KOMPSAT-3 (Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-3) optical image was used for an initial classification of the surface types, and 15 TerraSAR-X SAR images covering 46 days in the 2014 Arctic summer were used to perform a dense time-series analysis. The surface of the target sea ice was classified into six categories based on spectral characteristics. The temporal variation of the radar backscattering coefficient in each class exhibited a distinct pattern, which was closely related to surface changes. Overall, changes in the radar backscattering coefficient indicated dynamic surface changes, except over pressure ridges. All ice classes showed a two-step decrease in radar backscattering, whereas snow-covered ice surfaces exhibited far fewer changes compared to bare ice surfaces. The surfaces adjacent to ponds showed stronger negative decreases than other classes. The changes in dark melt pond classes presented a complex non-linear decrease, which differed from the stepwise decrease of blue melt ponds. These observations can be used for important modelling studies of surface melting/freezing rates and to infer the variation over large areas using remote sensing data. |
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Studies of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago water transport and its relationship to basin-local forcing: Results from AO-FVCOM Zhang, Y., C. Chen, R.C. Beardsley, G. Gao, Z. Lai, B. Curry, C.M. Lee, H. Lin, J. Qi, and Q. Xu, "Studies of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago water transport and its relationship to basin-local forcing: Results from AO-FVCOM," J. Geophys. Res., 121, 4392-4415, doi:10.1002/2016JC011634, 2016. |
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1 Jun 2016 ![]() |
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A high-resolution (up to 2 km), unstructured-grid, fully coupled Arctic sea ice-ocean Finite-Volume Community Ocean Model (AO-FVCOM) was employed to simulate the flow and transport through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA) over the period 1978–2013. The model-simulated CAA outflow flux was in reasonable agreement with the flux estimated based on measurements across Davis Strait, Nares Strait, Lancaster Sound, and Jones Sounds. The model was capable of reproducing the observed interannual variability in Davis Strait and Lancaster Sound. The simulated CAA outflow transport was highly correlated with the along-strait and cross-strait sea surface height (SSH) difference. Compared with the wind forcing, the sea level pressure (SLP) played a dominant role in establishing the SSH difference and the correlation of the CAA outflow with the cross-strait SSH difference can be explained by a simple geostrophic balance. The change in the simulated CAA outflow transport through Davis Strait showed a negative correlation with the net flux through Fram Strait. This correlation was related to the variation of the spatial distribution and intensity of the slope current over the Beaufort Sea and Greenland shelves. The different basin-scale surface forcings can increase the model uncertainty in the CAA outflow flux up to 15%. The daily adjustment of the model elevation to the satellite-derived SSH in the North Atlantic region outside Fram Strait could produce a larger North Atlantic inflow through west Svalbard and weaken the outflow from the Arctic Ocean through east Greenland. |
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Global estimate of lateral springtime restratification Johnson, L., C.M. Lee, and E.A. D'Asaro, "Global estimate of lateral springtime restratification," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 46, 1555–1573, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-15-0163.1, 2016. |
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1 May 2016 ![]() |
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Submesoscale frontal dynamics are thought to be of leading-order importance for stratifying the upper ocean by slumping horizontal density gradients to produce vertical stratification. Presented here is an investigation of submesoscale instabilities in the mixed layermixed layer eddies (MLEs)as a potential mechanism of frontal slumping that stratifies the upper ocean during the transition from winter to spring, when wintertime forcings weaken but prior to the onset of net solar warming. Observations from the global Argo float program are compared to predictions from a one-dimensional mixed layer model to assess where in the world’s oceans lateral processes influence mixed layer evolution. The model underestimates spring stratification for ~75% ± 25% of the world’s oceans. Relationships between vertical and horizontal temperature and salinity gradients are used to suggest that in 30% ± 20% of the oceans this excess stratification can be attributed to the slumping of horizontal density fronts. Finally, 60% ± 10% of the frontal enhanced stratification is consistent with MLE theory, suggesting that MLEs may be responsible for enhanced stratification in 25% ± 15% of the world’s oceans. Enhanced stratification from frontal tilting occurs in regions of strong horizontal density gradients (e.g., midlatitude subtropical gyres), with a small fraction occurring in regions of deep mixed layers (e.g., high latitudes). Stratification driven by MLEs appears to constrain the coexistence of sharp lateral gradients and deep wintertime mixed layers, limiting mixed layer depths in regions of large lateral density gradients, with an estimated wintertime restratification flux of order 100 W m−2. |
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An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part III: Hydrography and fluxes Ilicak, M., and 37 others, including B. Curry and C. Lee, "An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part III: Hydrography and fluxes," Ocean Modell., 100, 141-161, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.02.004, 2016. |
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1 Apr 2016 ![]() |
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An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part I: Sea ice and solid freshwater Wang, Q., and 38 others, including B. Curry and C. Lee, "An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part I: Sea ice and solid freshwater," Ocean Modell., 99, 110-132, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.12.008, 2016. |
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1 Mar 2016 ![]() |
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An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part II: Liquid freshwater Wang, Q., and 38 others., including B. Curry and C. Lee, "An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part II: Liquid freshwater," Ocean Modell., 99, 86-109, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.12.009, 2016. |
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1 Mar 2016 ![]() |
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Submesoscale streamers exchange water on the north wall of the Gulf Stream Klymak, J.M., R.K. Shearman, J. Gula, C.M. Lee, E.A. D'Asaro, L.N. Thomas, R.R. Harcourt, A.Y. Shcherbina, M.A. Sundermeyer, J. Molemaker, and J.C. McWilliams, "Submesoscale streamers exchange water on the north wall of the Gulf Stream," Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 1226-1233, doi:10.1002/2015GL067152, 2016. |
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16 Feb 2016 ![]() |
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The Gulf Stream is a major conduit of warm surface water from the tropics to the subpolar North Atlantic. Here we observe and simulate a submesoscale (<20 km) mechanism by which the Gulf Stream exchanges water with subpolar water to the north. Along isopycnals, the front has a sharp compensated temperature-salinity contrast, with distinct mixed water between the two water masses 2 and 4 km wide. This mixed water does not increase downstream despite substantial energy available for mixing. A series of streamers detrain this water at the crest of meanders. Subpolar water replaces the mixed water and resharpens the front. The water mass exchange accounts for a northward flux of salt of 0.52.5 psu m2 s-1, (large-scale diffusivity O (100 m2 s-1)). This is similar to bulk-scale flux estimates of 1.2 psu m2 s-1 and supplies fresher water to the Gulf Stream required for the production of 18° subtropical mode water. |
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Greenland freshwater pathways in the sub-Arctic seas from model experiments with passive tracers Dukhovskoy, D.S., P.G. Myers, G. Platov, M.-L. Timmermans, B. Curry, A. Proshutinsky, |
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26 Jan 2016 ![]() |
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Accelerating since the early 1990s, the Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss exerts a significant impact on thermohaline processes in the sub-Arctic seas. Surplus freshwater discharge from Greenland since the 1990s, comparable in volume to the amount of freshwater present during the Great Salinity Anomaly events, could spread and accumulate in the sub-Arctic seas, influencing convective processes there. However, hydrographic observations in the Labrador Sea and the Nordic Seas, where the Greenland freshening signal might be expected to propagate, do not show a persistent freshening in the upper ocean during last two decades. This raises the question of where the surplus Greenland freshwater has propagated. In order to investigate the fate, pathways, and propagation rate of Greenland meltwater in the sub-Arctic seas, several numerical experiments using a passive tracer to track the spreading of Greenland freshwater have been conducted as a part of the Forum for Arctic Ocean Modeling and Observational Synthesis effort. The models show that Greenland freshwater propagates and accumulates in the sub-Arctic seas, although the models disagree on the amount of tracer propagation into the convective regions. Results highlight the differences in simulated physical mechanisms at play in different models and underscore the continued importance of intercomparison studies. It is estimated that surplus Greenland freshwater flux should have caused a salinity decrease by 0.060.08 in the sub-Arctic seas in contradiction with the recently observed salinification (by 0.150.2) in the region. It is surmised that the increasing salinity of Atlantic Water has obscured the freshening signal. |
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Symmetric instability, inertial oscillations, and turbulence at the Gulf Stream front Thomas, L.N., J.R. Taylor, E.A. D'Asaro, C.M. Lee, J.M. Klymak, and A. Shcherbina, "Symmetric instability, inertial oscillations, and turbulence at the Gulf Stream front," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 46, 197-217, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-15-0008.1, 2016. |
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1 Jan 2016 ![]() |
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The passage of a winter storm over the Gulf Stream observed with a Lagrangian float and hydrographic and velocity surveys provided a unique opportunity to study how the interaction of inertial oscillations, the front, and symmetric instability (SI) shapes the stratification, shear, and turbulence in the upper ocean under unsteady forcing. During the storm, the rapid rise and rotation of the winds excited inertial motions. Acting on the front, these sheared motions modulate the stratification in the surface boundary layer. At the same time, cooling and downfront winds generated a symmetrically unstable flow. The observed turbulent kinetic energy dissipation exceeded what could be attributed to atmospheric forcing, implying SI drew energy from the front. The peak excess dissipation, which occurred just prior to a minimum in stratification, surpassed that predicted for steady SI turbulence, suggesting the importance of unsteady dynamics. The measurements are interpreted using a large-eddy simulation (LES) and a stability analysis configured with parameters taken from the observations. The stability analysis illustrates how SI more efficiently extracts energy from a front via shear production during periods when inertial motions reduce stratification. Diagnostics of the energetics of SI from the LES highlight the temporal variability in shear production but also demonstrate that the time-averaged energy balance is consistent with a theoretical scaling that has previously been tested only for steady forcing. As the storm passed and the winds and cooling subsided, the boundary layer restratified and the thermal wind balance was reestablished in a manner reminiscent of geostrophic adjustment. |
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The arctic observing summit 2013 Lee, C., H. Eicken, and M. Jakobson, "The arctic observing summit 2013," Arctic, 68, A04, doi:10.14430/arctic4456, 2015. |
15 Dec 2015 ![]() |
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Eddy-Kuroshio interaction processes revealed by mooring observations off Taiwan and Luzon Tsai, C.-J., M. Andres, S. Jan, V. Mensah, T.B. Sanford, R.-C. Lien, and C.M. Lee, "Eddy-Kuroshio interaction processes revealed by mooring observations off Taiwan and Luzon," Geophys. Res. Letts., 42, 8090-8105, doi:10.1002/2015GL065814, 2015. |
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16 Oct 2015 ![]() |
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The influence and fate of westward propagating eddies that impinge on the Kuroshio were observed with pressure sensor-equipped inverted echo sounders (PIESs) deployed east of Taiwan and northeast of Luzon. Zero lag correlations between PIES-measured acoustic travel times and satellite-measured sea surface height anomalies (SSHa), which are normally negative, have lower magnitude toward the west, suggesting the eddy-influence is weakened across the Kuroshio. The observational data reveal that impinging eddies lead to seesaw-like SSHa and pycnocline depth changes across the Kuroshio east of Taiwan, whereas analogous responses are not found in the Kuroshio northeast of Luzon. Anticyclones intensify sea surface and pycnocline slopes across the Kuroshio, while cyclones weaken these slopes, particularly east of Taiwan. During the 6%u2009month period of overlap between the two PIES arrays, only one anticyclone affected the pycnocline depth first at the array northeast of Luzon and 21%u2009days later in the downstream Kuroshio east of Taiwan. |
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The LatMix summer campaign: Submesoscale stirring in the upper ocean Shcherbina, A.Y., and 37 others including E. D'Asaro, R.R. Harcourt, C.M. Lee, R.-C. Lien, and T.B. Sanford, "The LatMix summer campaign: Submesoscale stirring in the upper ocean," Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., 96, 1257-1279, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00015.1, 2015. |
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1 Aug 2015 ![]() |
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Lateral stirring is a basic oceanographic phenomenon affecting the distribution of physical, chemical, and biological fields. Eddy stirring at scales on the order of 100 km (the mesoscale) is fairly well understood and explicitly represented in modern eddy-resolving numerical models of global ocean circulation. The same cannot be said for smaller-scale stirring processes. Here, the authors describe a major oceanographic field experiment aimed at observing and understanding the processes responsible for stirring at scales of 0.110 km. Stirring processes of varying intensity were studied in the Sargasso Sea eddy field approximately 250 km southeast of Cape Hatteras. Lateral variability of water-mass properties, the distribution of microscale turbulence, and the evolution of several patches of inert dye were studied with an array of shipboard, autonomous, and airborne instruments. Observations were made at two sites, characterized by weak and moderate background mesoscale straining, to contrast different regimes of lateral stirring. Analyses to date suggest that, in both cases, the lateral dispersion of natural and deliberately released tracers was O(1) m2 s-1 as found elsewhere, which is faster than might be expected from traditional shear dispersion by persistent mesoscale flow and linear internal waves. These findings point to the possible importance of kilometer-scale stirring by submesoscale eddies and nonlinear internal-wave processes or the need to modify the traditional shear-dispersion paradigm to include higher-order effects. A unique aspect of the Scalable Lateral Mixing and Coherent Turbulence (LatMix) field experiment is the combination of direct measurements of dye dispersion with the concurrent multiscale hydrographic and turbulence observations, enabling evaluation of the underlying mechanisms responsible for the observed dispersion at a new level. |
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Outside influences on the water column of Cumberland Sound, Baffin Island Bedard, J.M. S. Vagle, J.M. Klymak, W.J. Williams, B. Curry, and C.M. Lee, "Outside influences on the water column of Cumberland Sound, Baffin Island," J. Geophys. Res., 120, 5000-5018, doi:10.1002/2015JC010811, 2015. |
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1 Jul 2015 ![]() |
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Cumberland Sound, host to a commercially viable fish population in the deepest depths, is a large embayment on the southeast coast of Baffin Island that opens to Davis Strait. Conductivity, temperature, and depth profiles were collected during three summer field seasons (20112013), and two moorings were deployed during 20112012. Within the sound, salinity increases with increasing depth while water temperature cools reaching a minimum of -1.49°C at roughly 100 m. Below 100 m, the water becomes both warmer and saltier. Temperature-salinity curves for each year followed a similar pattern, but the entire water column in Cumberland Sound cooled from 2011 to 2012, and then warmed through the summer of 2013. Even though the sound's maximum depth is over a kilometer deeper than its sill, water in the entire sound is well oxygenated. A comparison of water masses within the sound and in Davis Strait shows that, above the sill, the sound is flooded with cold Baffin Island Current water following an intermittent geostrophic flow pattern entering the sound along the north coast and leaving along the south. Below the sill, replenishment is infrequent and includes water from both the Baffin Island Current and the West Greenland Current. Deep water replenishment occurred more frequently on spring tides, especially in the fall of 2011. Although the sound's circulation is controlled by outside currents, internal water modifying processes occur such as estuarine flow and wind-driven mixing. |
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Towards real-time under-ice acoustic navigation at mesoscale ranges Webster, S.E., L.E. Freitag, C.M. Lee, and J.I. Gobat, "Towards real-time under-ice acoustic navigation at mesoscale ranges," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 26-30 May, Seattle, WA, 537-544, doi:10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139231 (IEEE, 2015). |
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26 May 2015 ![]() |
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This paper describes an acoustic navigation system that provides mesoscale coverage (hundreds of kilometers) under the ice and presents results from the first multi-month deployment in the Arctic. The hardware consists of ice-tethered acoustic navigation beacons transmitting at 900 Hz that broadcast their latitude and longitude plus several bytes of optional control data. The real-time under-ice navigation algorithm, based on a Kalman filter, uses time-of-flight measurements from these sources to simultaneously estimate vehicle position and depth-averaged local currents. The algorithm described herein was implemented on Seagliders, a type of autonomous underwater glider (AUG), but the underlying theory is applicable to other autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). As part of an extensive field campaign from March to September 2014, eleven acoustic sources and four Seagliders were deployed to monitor the seasonal melt of the marginal ice zone (MIZ) in the Beaufort and northern Chukchi Seas. Beacon-to-beacon performance was excellent due to a sound duct at 100 m depth where the transmitters were positioned; the travel-time error at 200 km has a standard deviation of 40 m when sound-speed is known, and ranges in excess of 400 km were obtained. Results with the Seagliders, which were not regularly within the duct, showed reliable acoustic ranges up to 100 km and more sparse but repeatable range measurements to over 400 km. Navigation results are reported for the real-time algorithm run in post-processing mode, using data from a 295-hour segment with significant time spent under ice. |
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A simple optical index shows spatial and temporal heterogeneity in phytoplankton community composition during the 2008 North Atlantic Bloom Experiment Cetinić, I., M.J. Perry, E. D'Asaro, N. Briggs, N. Poulton, M.E. Sieracki, and C.M. Lee, "A simple optical index shows spatial and temporal heterogeneity in phytoplankton community composition during the 2008 North Atlantic Bloom Experiment," Biogeosciences, 12, 2179-2194, doi:10.5194/bg-12-2179-2015, 2015. |
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14 Apr 2015 ![]() |
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The ratio of two in situ optical measurements chlorophyll fluorescence (Chl F) and optical particulate backscattering (bbp) 3 varied with changes in phytoplankton community composition during the North Atlantic Bloom Experiment in the Iceland Basin in 2008. Using ship-based measurements of Chl F, bbp, chlorophyll a (Chl), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) pigments, phytoplankton composition and carbon biomass, we found that oscillations in the ratio varied with changes in plankton community composition; hence we refer to Chl F/bbp as an "optical community index". The index varied by more than a factor of 2, with low values associated with pico- and nanophytoplankton and high values associated with diatom-dominated phytoplankton communities. Observed changes in the optical index were driven by taxa-specific chlorophyll-to-autotrophic carbon ratios and by physiological changes in Chl F associated with the silica limitation. A Lagrangian mixed-layer float and four Seagliders, operating continuously for 2 months, made similar measurements of the optical community index and followed the evolution and later demise of the diatom spring bloom. Temporal changes in optical community index and, by implication, the transition in community composition from diatom to post-diatom bloom communities were not simultaneous over the spatial domain surveyed by the ship, float and gliders. The ratio of simple optical properties measured from autonomous platforms, when carefully validated, provides a unique tool for studying phytoplankton patchiness on extended temporal scales and ecologically relevant spatial scales and should offer new insights into the processes regulating patchiness. |
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Eddy-driven subduction exports particulate organic carbon from the spring bloom Omand, M.M., E.A. D'Asaro, C.M. Lee, M.J. Perry, N. Briggs, I. Cetinić, and A. Mahadevan, "Eddy-driven subduction exports particulate organic carbon from the spring bloom," Science, 348, 222-225, do:10.1126/science.1260062, 2015. |
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26 Mar 2015 ![]() |
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The export of particulate organic carbon (POC) from the surface ocean to depth is traditionally ascribed to sinking. Here, we show that a dynamic eddying flow field subducts surface water with high concentrations of nonsinking POC. Autonomous observations made by gliders during the North Atlantic spring bloom reveal anomalous features at depths of 100 to 350 m with elevated POC, chlorophyll, oxygen, and temperature-salinity characteristics of surface water. High-resolution modeling reveals that during the spring transition, intrusions of POC-rich surface water descend as coherent, 1 to 10 km scale filamentous features, often along the perimeter of eddies. Such a submesoscale eddy-driven flux of POC is unresolved in global carbon cycle models but can contribute as much as half of the total springtime export of POC from the highly productive subpolar oceans. |
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Salinity and temperature balances at the SPURS central mooring during fall and winter Farrar, J.T., L. Rainville, A.J. Plueddemann, W.S. Kessler, C. Lee, B.A. Hodges, R.W. Schmitt, J.B. Edson, S.C. Riser, C.C. Eriksen, and D.M. Fratantoni, "Salinity and temperature balances at the SPURS central mooring during fall and winter," Oceanography, 28, 56-65, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2015.06, 2015. |
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1 Mar 2015 ![]() |
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One part of the Salinity Processes in the Upper-ocean Regional Study (SPURS) field campaign focused on understanding the physical processes affecting the evolution of upper-ocean salinity in the region of climatological maximum sea surface salinity in the subtropical North Atlantic (SPURS-1). An upper-ocean salinity budget provides a useful framework for increasing this understanding. The SPURS-1 program included a central heavily instrumented mooring for making accurate measurements of air-sea surface fluxes, as well as other moorings, Argo floats, and gliders that together formed a dense observational array. Data from this array are used to estimate terms in the upper-ocean salinity and heat budgets during the SPURS-1 campaign, with a focus on the first several months (October 2012 to February 2013) when the surface mixed layer was becoming deeper, fresher, and cooler. Specifically, we examine the salinity and temperature balances for an upper-ocean mixed layer, defined as the layer where the density is within 0.4 kg m-3 of its surface value. The gross features of the evolution of upper-ocean salinity and temperature during this fall/winter season are explained by a combination of evaporation and precipitation at the sea surface, horizontal transport of heat and salt by mixed-layer currents, and vertical entrainment of fresher, cooler fluid into the layer as it deepened. While all of these processes were important in the observed seasonal (fall) freshening at this location in the salinity-maximum region, the variability of salinity on monthly-to-intraseasonal time scales resulted primarily from horizontal advection. |
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A framework for prioritization, design and coordination of Arctic long-term observing networks: A perspective from the U.S. SEARCH program Lee, O., H. Eicken, G. Kling, and C. Lee, "A framework for prioritization, design and coordination of Arctic long-term observing networks: A perspective from the U.S. SEARCH program," Arctic, 68, 5 (Suppl. 1), do:10.14430/arctic4450, 2015. |
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1 Jan 2015 ![]() |
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Arctic observing networks exist in many countries and often cross international boundaries. We review their status and the development of networked long-term observations as part of a U.S. Arctic Observing System, highlighting major challenges and opportunities for prioritizing observations, designing a network, and increasing coordination. Most Arctic observing activities focus on specific themes and ecosystem services, resulting in a relatively narrow scope of observations for each network. Across all networks there is a need to improve national and international coordination to (1) reduce potential mismatch between identified science needs and outcomes desired by society, (2) link current observing networks to emerging agency and private-sector observing programs across disciplines, and (3) present a stable set of goals and priorities to increase network utility in view of the limited funding resources. We survey the landscape of observing activities and efforts to coordinate them internationally and present a framework for prioritization and coordination based on the activities of the U.S. Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH). This framework includes a hierarchy of interconnected activities involved in the design and implementation of observing networks. Across the hierarchy, definition of %u201Cactionable%u201D science questions helps drive network design, with priorities set by the breadth and depth of the societal applications or policy requirements that these questions can inform. We present an example of applying this design hierarchy to observations that support policy and management decisions about offshore resource development in the Chukchi Sea. |
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Multipurpose acoustic networks in the integrated Arctic Ocean observing system Mikhalevsky, P.N., H. Sagen, P.F. Worcester, A.B. Baggeroer, J. Orcutt, S.E. Moore, C.M. Lee, J. Vigness-Raposa, L. Freitag, M. Arrott, K. Atakan, A. Beszczynska-Moller, T.F. Duda, B.D. Dushaw, J.C. Gascard, A.N. Gavrilov, H. Keers, A.K. Morozov, W.H. Munk, M. Rixen, S. Sandven, E. Skarsoulis, K.M. Stafford, F. Vernon, and M.Y. Yuen, "Multipurpose acoustic networks in the integrated Arctic Ocean observing system," Arctic, 68, 5 (Suppl. 1), doi:10.14430/arctic4449, 2015. |
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1 Jan 2015 ![]() |
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The dramatic reduction of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean will increase human activities in the coming years. This activity will be driven by increased demand for energy and the marine resources of an Arctic Ocean accessible to ships. Oil and gas exploration, fisheries, mineral extraction, marine transportation, research and development, tourism, and search and rescue will increase the pressure on the vulnerable Arctic environment. Technologies that allow synoptic in situ observations year-round are needed to monitor and forecast changes in the Arctic atmosphere-ice-ocean system at daily, seasonal, annual, and decadal scales. These data can inform and enable both sustainable development and enforcement of international Arctic agreements and treaties, while protecting this critical environment. In this paper, we discuss multipurpose acoustic networks, including subsea cable components, in the Arctic. These networks provide communication, power, underwater and under-ice navigation, passive monitoring of ambient sound (ice, seismic, biologic, and anthropogenic), and acoustic remote sensing (tomography and thermometry), supporting and complementing data collection from platforms, moorings, and vehicles. We support the development and implementation of regional to basin-wide acoustic networks as an integral component of a multidisciplinary in situ Arctic Ocean observatory. |
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Preliminary results in under-ice acoustic navigation for Seagliders in Davis Strait Webster, S.E., C.M. Lee, and J.I. Gobat, "Preliminary results in under-ice acoustic navigation for Seagliders in Davis Strait," Proc., OCEANS 2014, 14-19 September, St. John's Newfoundland, doi:10.1109/OCEANS.2014.7003070 (IEEE, 2014). |
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14 Sep 2014 ![]() |
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This paper presents an under-ice acoustic navigation system developed for Seaglider, a buoyancy-driven autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), and post-processed navigation results from one of fourteen glider deployments between 2006 and 2014 in Davis Strait. Seagliders typically receive all geolocation information from global positioning system (GPS) signals received while they are at the surface, and perform dead reckoning while underwater. Extended under-ice deployments, where access to GPS is denied due to the inability of the glider to surface, require an alternative source of geolocation information. In the deployments described herein, geolocation information is provided by range measurements from mooring-mounted acoustic navigation sources at fixed, known locations. In this paper we describe the navigation system used in Davis Strait and present navigation results from a six degree-of-freedom Kalman filter using post-processed navigation data. |
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Global patterns of diapycnal mixing from measurements of the turbulent dissipation rate Waterhouse, A.F., et al., including M.H. Alford, E. Kunze, T.B. Sanford, and C.M. Lee, "Global patterns of diapycnal mixing from measurements of the turbulent dissipation rate," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 1854-1872, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-13-0104.1, 2014. |
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1 Jul 2014 ![]() |
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The authors present inferences of diapycnal diffusivity from a compilation of over 5200 microstructure profiles. As microstructure observations are sparse, these are supplemented with indirect measurements of mixing obtained from (i) Thorpe-scale overturns from moored profilers, a finescale parameterization applied to (ii) shipboard observations of upper-ocean shear, (iii) strain as measured by profiling floats, and (iv) shear and strain from full-depth lowered acoustic Doppler current profilers (LADCP) and CTD profiles. Vertical profiles of the turbulent dissipation rate are bottom enhanced over rough topography and abrupt, isolated ridges. The geography of depth-integrated dissipation rate shows spatial variability related to internal wave generation, suggesting one direct energy pathway to turbulence. The global-averaged diapycnal diffusivity below 1000-m depth is O(10-4) m2 s-1 and above 1000-m depth is O(10-5) m2 s-1. The compiled microstructure observations sample a wide range of internal wave power inputs and topographic roughness, providing a dataset with which to estimate a representative global-averaged dissipation rate and diffusivity. However, there is strong regional variability in the ratio between local internal wave generation and local dissipation. In some regions, the depth-integrated dissipation rate is comparable to the estimated power input into the local internal wave field. In a few cases, more internal wave power is dissipated than locally generated, suggesting remote internal wave sources. However, at most locations the total power lost through turbulent dissipation is less than the input into the local internal wave field. This suggests dissipation elsewhere, such as continental margins. |
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Response of upper ocean currents to Typhoon Fanapi Hormann, V., L.R. Centurioni, L. Rainville, C.M. Lee, and L.J. Braasch, "Response of upper ocean currents to Typhoon Fanapi," Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 3995-4003, doi:10.1002/2014GL060317, 2014. |
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16 Jun 2014 ![]() |
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The response of upper ocean currents to Typhoon Fanapi in fall 2010 was studied using an extensive air-deployed drifter array. Separation of the observations into near-inertial and sub-inertial motions quantified the importance of strong advection by the sub-inertial circulation for the evolution of the cold wake formed by Typhoon Fanapi. The near-inertial currents generated during the storm showed the expected rightward bias, with peak magnitudes of up to 0.6 m/s and an e-folding time of about 4 days for the strong currents within the cold wake. The shear of the near-inertial currents is crucial for the storm-induced cooling and deepening of the mixed layer and such instabilities were here directly observed across the base of th a dominant process for the wake warming was found to be noticeably reduced when the near-inertial motions were strongest. |
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Multiplatform, multidisciplinary investigations of the impacts of modified circumpolar deep water in the Ross Sea, Antarctica Smith Jr., W.O., et al., including C.M. Lee, "Multiplatform, multidisciplinary investigations of the impacts of modified circumpolar deep water in the Ross Sea, Antarctica," Oceanography, 27, 180-185, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2014.36, 2014. |
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1 Jun 2014 ![]() |
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In 20102011, three projects combined to characterize the temporal and spatial distributions of Modified Circumpolar Deep Water (MCDW) in the Ross Sea using icebreaker-based sampling, gliders, instrumented seals, and hindcasts from a numerical circulation model. The fieldwork clearly identified MCDW throughout the Ross Sea, and the data were used to determine its influence on potential heat and nutrient inputs and biotic distributions. Furthermore, the numerical simulations confirm its apparent trajectory and location. Substantial small-scale variability in oceanographic and biological distributions suggests that such variability may play an important role in biogeochemical cycles. Data from the three projects provide a view of hydrographic variability in the Ross Sea that is impossible to obtain using traditional sampling. Multiplatform investigations are promising approaches to future polar experiments where logistical considerations are of paramount importance. |
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On the distribution of dissolved methane in Davis Strait, North Atlantic Ocean Punshon, S., K. Azetsu-Scott, and C.M. Lee, "On the distribution of dissolved methane in Davis Strait, North Atlantic Ocean," Mar. Chem., 161, 20-25, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2014.02.004, 2014. |
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20 Apr 2014 ![]() |
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Depth profiles of dissolved methane were measured along three transects of Davis Strait and the northern Labrador Sea in October 2011. Concentrations ranged from 0.2 nmol L-1 (6% saturation) in the remarkably methane depleted Baffin Bay Deep Water to 38.8 nmol L-1 (1057% saturation) in localised subsurface anomalies near the Baffin Island Shelf. These anomalies may be the result of natural gas seepage and this hypothesis is supported by the distribution of potential sea surface oil slicks detected by satellite radar backscatter. In contrast, methane concentrations within the Baffin Island Current 200 km to the south of these anomalies were only slightly above atmospheric equilibrium. Methane was moderately supersaturated in West Greenland Shelf Water (< 200%) with a distribution consistent with a sediment source. These measurements represent the first detailed baseline study of the vertical distribution of dissolved methane in an important Canadian Arctic Archipelago outflow region. |
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Modulation of Kuroshio transport by mesoscale eddies at the Luzon Strait entrance Lien, R.-C., B. Ma, Y.-H. Cheng, C.-R. Ho, B. Qiu, C.M. Lee, and M.-H. Chang, "Modulation of Kuroshio transport by mesoscale eddies at the Luzon Strait entrance," J. Geophys. Res., 119, 2129-2142, doi:10.1002/2013JC009548, 2014. |
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1 Apr 2014 ![]() |
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Measurements of Kuroshio Current velocity at the entrance to Luzon Strait along 18.75°N were made with an array of six moorings during June 2012 to June 2013. Strong positive relative vorticity of the order of the planetary vorticity f was observed on the western flank of the Kuroshio in the upper 150 m. On the eastern flank, the negative vorticity observed was about an order of magnitude smaller than f. Kuroshio transport near its origin is computed from direct measurements for the first time. Kuroshio transport has an annual mean of 15 Sv with a standard deviation of 3 Sv. It is modulated strongly by impinging westward propagating eddies, which are identified by an improved eddy detection method and tracked back to the interior ocean. Eight Kuroshio transport anomalies >5 Sv are identified; seven are explained by the westward propagating eddies. Cyclonic (anticyclonic) eddies decrease (increase) the zonal sea level anomaly (SLA) slope and reduce (enhance) Kuroshio transport. Large transport anomalies of >10 Sv within O(10 days) are associated with the pairs of cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies. The observed Kuroshio transport was strongly correlated with the SLA slope (correlation = 0.9). Analysis of SLA slope data at the entrance to Luzon Strait over the period 19922013 reveals a seasonal cycle with a positive anomaly (i.e., an enhanced Kuroshio transport) in winter and spring and a negative anomaly in summer and fall. Eddy induced vorticity near the Kuroshio has a similar seasonal cycle, suggesting that seasonal variation of the Kuroshio transport near its origin is modulated by the seasonal variation of the impinging mesoscale eddies. |
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Multi-year volume, liquid freshwater, and sea ice transports through Davis Strait, 20042010 Curry, B., C.M. Lee, B. Petrie, R.E. Moritz, and R. Kwok, "Multi-year volume, liquid freshwater, and sea ice transports through Davis Strait, 20042010," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 1244-1266, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-13-0177.1, 2013. |
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1 Apr 2014 ![]() |
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Davis Strait is a primary gateway for freshwater exchange between the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans including freshwater contributions from West Greenland and Canadian Arctic Archipelago glacial melt. Data from six years (20042010) of continuous measurements collected by a full-strait moored array and concurrent high-resolution Seaglider surveys are used to estimate volume and liquid freshwater transports through Davis Strait, with respective annual averages of 1.6 ± 0.5 Sv and 93 ± 6 mSv (negative sign indicates southward transport). Sea ice export contributes an additional 10 ± 1 mSv of freshwater transport, estimated using satellite ice area transport and moored upward-looking sonar ice thickness measurements. Interannual and annual variability of the net transports are large, with average annual volume and liquid freshwater transport standard deviations of 0.7 Sv and 17 mSv and with interannual standard deviations of 0.3 Sv and 15 mSv. Moreover, there are no clear trends in the net transports over the 6-yr period. However, salinity in the upper 250 m between Baffin Island and mid-strait decreases starting in September 2009, remains below average through August 2010, but appears to return to normal by the end of 2010. This freshening event, likely caused by changes in Arctic freshwater storage, is not apparent in the liquid freshwater transport time series due to a reduction in southward volume transport in 20092010. Reanalysis of Davis Strait mooring data from the period 19871990, compared to the 20042010 measurements, reveals less Arctic outflow and warmer, more saline North Atlantic inflow during the most recent period. |
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Multiyear volume, liquid freshwater, and sea ice transports through Davis Strait, 200410 Curry, B., C.M. Lee, B. Petrie, R.E. Moritz, and R. Kwok, "Multiyear volume, liquid freshwater, and sea ice transports through Davis Strait, 200410," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 1244-1266, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-13-0177.1, 2014. |
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1 Apr 2014 ![]() |
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Davis Strait is a primary gateway for freshwater exchange between the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans including freshwater contributions from west Greenland and Canadian Arctic Archipelago glacial melt. Data from six years (200410) of continuous measurements collected by a full-strait moored array and concurrent high-resolution Seaglider surveys are used to estimate volume and liquid freshwater transports through Davis Strait, with respective annual averages of 1.6 ± 0.5 Sverdrups (Sv; 1 Sv = 106 m3 s-1) and 93 ± 6 mSv (negative sign indicates southward transport). Sea ice export contributes an additional 10 ± 1 mSv of freshwater transport, estimated using satellite ice area transport and moored upward-looking sonar ice thickness measurements. Interannual and annual variability of the net transports are large, with average annual volume and liquid freshwater transport standard deviations of 0.7 Sv and 17 mSv and with interannual standard deviations of 0.3 Sv and 15 mSv. Moreover, there are no clear trends in the net transports over the 6-yr period. However, salinity in the upper 250 m between Baffin Island and midstrait decreases starting in September 2009 and remains below average through August 2010, but appears to return to normal by the end of 2010. This freshening event, likely caused by changes in arctic freshwater storage, is not apparent in the liquid freshwater transport time series due to a reduction in southward volume transport in 200910. Reanalysis of Davis Strait mooring data from the period 198790, compared to the 200410 measurements, reveals less arctic outflow and warmer, more saline North Atlantic inflow during the most recent period. |
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On the waters upstream of Nares Strait, Arctic Ocean, from 1991 to 2012 Jackson, J.M., C. Lique, M. Alkire, M. Steele, C.M. Lee, W.M. Smethie, and P. Schlosser, "On the waters upstream of Nares Strait, Arctic Ocean, from 1991 to 2012," Cont. Shelf Res., 73, 83-96, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2013.11.025, 2014. |
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1 Feb 2014 ![]() |
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The Lincoln Sea is a bifurcation point, where waters from the Canadian and Eurasian Basins flow to Nares or Fram Strait. Mechanisms that control which waters are found in the Lincoln Sea, and on its continental shelves, are unknown. Using conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD; from hydrographic and ice-tethered profiler surveys), nutrient, and mooring data with the DRAKKAR global 3-D coupled ocean/sea-ice model, the Lincoln Sea was examined from 1991 to 2012. Although both Pacific and Atlantic waters were observed on the North Ellesmere and North Greenland shelves, Atlantic water was shallower on the North Greenland shelf. Thus, deeper than 125 m, water was warmer and saltier on the North Greenland shelf than the North Ellesmere shelf. Three different water types were identified on the North Ellesmere shelf waters from the Canadian Basin were observed 1992, 1993, 1996, 2005, and 2012, waters from both the Canadian and Eurasian Basins were observed in 2003, 2004, and 2008, and waters with no temperature minima or maxima below the surface mixed layer were observed in 1991, 2006, 2009, and 2010. Mixing with vertical advection speeds of 1x10-4 m s-1 were observed on the continental slope and this mixing could cause the disappearance of the temperature maxima. Model results suggest that currents on the North Ellesmere shelf were weak (less than 10 cm s-1), baroclinic, and directed away from Nares Strait while currents on the North Greenland shelf were stronger (less than 15 cm s-1), and primarily directed towards Nares Strait. CTD, mooring, and model results suggest that the water advected to Nares Strait is primarily from the North Greenland shelf while water on the North Ellesmere shelf is advected westward. |
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Subthermocline eddies over the Washington continental slope as observed by Seagliders, 200309 Pelland, N.A., C.C. Eriksen, and C.M. Lee, "Subthermocline eddies over the Washington continental slope as observed by Seagliders, 200309," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 2025-2053, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-12-086.1, 2013. |
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1 Oct 2013 ![]() |
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In the California Current System, subthermocline, lenslike anticyclonic eddies generated within the California Undercurrent (CU) are one mechanism for lateral transport of the warm, saline waters of the CU. Garfield et al. established the name "Cuddies" for eddies of this type and hypothesized that they account for a significant fraction of the offshore transport of CU water. This study presents observations of subthermocline eddies collected from a time series of Seaglider surveys in the northern California Current System. Gliders made 46 crossings of subthermocline anticyclones and 17 crossings of subthermocline cyclones over 5.5 yr. Close inspection grouped these into 20 distinct anticyclones and 10 distinct cyclones. Water properties at the core of anticyclonic eddies were similar to those in the core of the CU over the continental slope; these anticyclones are examples of Cuddies. Anticyclonic (cyclonic) eddies had average radii of 20.4 (20.6) km, peak azimuthal current speeds of 0.25 (0.23) m s-1, and average core anomalies of potential vorticity 65% below (125% above) ambient values. Anticyclones contained an order of magnitude greater available heat and salt anomaly relative to background conditions than cyclones on average. Circumstantial evidence of eddy decay through lateral intrusions was found although this was not observed consistently. Observed eddy properties and the geometry of flow over the continental slope were consistent with eddy formation due to frictional torque acting on the CU. Loss of heat and salt from the CU due to subthermocline eddies is estimated to account for 44% of the freshening and cooling of the CU as it flows poleward. |
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Statistics of vertical vorticity, divergence, and strain in a developed submesoscale turbulence field Shcherbina, A.Y., E.A. D'Asaro, C.M. Lee, J.M. Klymak, M.J. Molemaker, and J.C. McWilliams, "Statistics of vertical vorticity, divergence, and strain in a developed submesoscale turbulence field," Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 4706-4711, doi:10.1002/grl.50919, 2013. |
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16 Sep 2013 ![]() |
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A detailed view of upper ocean vorticity, divergence, and strain statistics was obtained by a two-vessel survey in the North Atlantic Mode Water region in winter 2012. Synchronous Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler sampling provided the first in situ estimates of the full velocity gradient tensor at O(1 km) scale without the usual mix of spatial and temporal aliasing. The observed vorticity distribution in the mixed layer was markedly asymmetric (skewness 2.5), with sparse strands of strong cyclonic vorticity embedded in a weak, predominantly anticyclonic background. Skewness of the vorticity distribution decreased linearly with depth, disappearing completely in the pycnocline. Statistics of divergence and strain rate generally followed the normal and χ distributions, respectively. These observations confirm a high-resolution numerical model prediction for the structure of the active submesoscale turbulence field in this area. |
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Propagation of internal tides generated near Luzon Strait: Observations from autonomous gliders Rainville, L., C.M. Lee, D.L. Rudnick, and K.-C. Yang, "Propagation of internal tides generated near Luzon Strait: Observations from autonomous gliders," J. Geophys. Res., 118, 4125-4138, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20293, 2013. |
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1 Sep 2013 ![]() |
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The vertical isopycnal displacements associated with internal waves generated by the barotropic tidal currents in the vicinity of Luzon Strait are estimated using measurements collected by autonomous underwater gliders. Nearly 23,000 profiles from Seagliders and Spray gliders, collected during 29 different missions since 2007, are used to estimate the amplitude and phase of the linear semidiurnal and diurnal internal waves in this energetic region, particularly in the previously poorly sampled area near the eastern ridge and on the Pacific side of Luzon Strait. The mean and variability of the internal wave field in the upper 1000 m of the water column are described. The phase progression of internal waves as they propagate away from their generation sites is captured directly. The glider-based observations are used to map the mode-1 semidiurnal and diurnal internal wave fields, providing the baroclinic energy flux over a roughly 600 km x 800 km region based strictly on in situ observations. |
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Transport estimate of the Western Branch of the Norwegian Atlantic Current from glider surveys Høydalsvik, F., C. Mauritzen, K.A. Orvik, J.H. LaCasce, C.M. Lee, and J. Gobat, "Transport estimate of the Western Branch of the Norwegian Atlantic Current from glider surveys," Deep-Sea Res. I, 79, 86-95, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2013.05.005, 2013. |
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1 Sep 2013 ![]() |
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The northernmost limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), so relevant for understanding decadal climate variability, enters the Nordic Seas as the Norwegian Atlantic Current and continues on to recirculate in the Arctic Ocean. The strength of the Eastern Branch of the Norwegian Atlantic Current has been systematically monitored for over 15 years at the Svinøy section off southern Norway, whereas the strength of the Western Branch has not. We therefore used autonomous gliders to monitor and quantify the strength of this broader branch at the Svinøy section, located 500 km downstream from the IcelandScotland Ridge, and at the Station Mike section 300 km further downstream. The gliders' diving depth is 1000 m, spanning the warm Atlantic Water. The current encompasses more than warm Atlantic Water; we find that the transport peaks in two distinct temperature ranges, one around 7.58°C (Atlantic Water, carrying 7 Sv (1x106 m3/s)) and another around 0.5°C (Norwegian Sea Deep Water, carrying 12 Sv). Contrary to earlier expectations, our results indicate that the Western Branch carries as much water of Atlantic origin (temperature>7.5°C) as the Eastern Branch. It should therefore be included in future monitoring plans for this region. |
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Observations of the cold wake of Typhoon Fanapi (2010) Mrvaljevic, R.K., P.G. Black, L.R. Centurioni, Y.-T. Chang, E.A. D'Asaro, S.R. Jayne, C.M. Lee, R.-C. Lien, I.-I. Lin, J. Morzel, P.P. Niiler, L. Rainville, and T.B. Sanford, "Observations of the cold wake of Typhoon Fanapi (2010)," Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 316-321, doi:10.1002/grl.50096, 2013. |
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28 Jan 2013 ![]() |
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Several tens of thousands of temperature profiles are used to investigate the thermal evolution of the cold wake of Typhoon Fanapi, 2010. Typhoon Fanapi formed a cold wake in the Western North Pacific Ocean on 18 September characterized by a mixed layer that was >2.5°C cooler than surrounding water, and extending to >80 m, twice as deep as the pre-existing mixed layer. The initial cold wake became capped after 4 days as a warm, thin surface layer formed. The thickness of the capped wake, defined as the 26°C to 27°C layer, decreased, approaching the background thickness of this layer with an e-folding time of 23 days, almost twice the e-folding lifetime of the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) cold wake (12 days). The wake was advected several hundreds of kilometers from the storm track by a pre-existing mesoscale eddy. The observations reveal new intricacies of cold wake evolution and demonstrate the challenges of describing the thermal structure of the upper ocean using sea surface information alone. |
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Composition and fluxes of freshwater through Davis Strait using multiple chemical tracers Azetsu-Scott, K., B. Petrie, P. Yeats, and C. Lee, "Composition and fluxes of freshwater through Davis Strait using multiple chemical tracers," J. Geophys. Res., 117, doi:10.1029/2012JC008172, 2012. |
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1 Dec 2012 ![]() |
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Freshwater transport through Davis Strait can supply additional buoyancy to the deep convection region of the Labrador Sea which influences the strength of the meridional overturning circulation and consequently the global climate. The freshwater contribution from local sea ice meltwater, meteoric water (fluvial, glaciofluvial and precipitation) and the Arctic outflow were quantified using oxygen isotope composition (δ18O), salinity and nutrient relationships in SeptemberOctober, 2004. Freshwater transported by the Arctic outflow was isolated using a modified nutrient relationship method and further deconvoluted into sea ice meltwater, meteoric water and Pacific water. For the first time, fluxes of individual freshwater components were estimated using observations of the velocity field derived from mooring arrays and geostrophic currents from hydrography. The Arctic outflow dominated in western Davis Strait (>60%) and its influence extended eastward close to the Greenland Slope. The sea ice meltwater fraction was small (<2%) and limited to the surface layer of the central and western Strait. The meteoric water fraction was highest on the Greenland Shelf (>6%) and attributed to glacial meltwater. The freshwater inventory of the 0100 m layer was equivalent to 7.4 m in western Davis Strait: 8 m from the Arctic outflow and 0.6 m from brine rejection. In eastern Davis Strait, the freshwater inventory was 4 m: 3 m from meteoric water and 1 m from sea ice meltwater. The Arctic outflow contributed 8299 mSv to the southward freshwater transport about 6781% of the total; glacial meltwater contributed the largest northward transport of 1030 mSv. |
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Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) Program: Science and Experiment Plan Lee, C.M., et al., "Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) Program: Science and Experiment Plan," APL-UW TR 1201, Technical Report, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, October 2012, 48 pp. |
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9 Oct 2012 ![]() |
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The Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) intensive field program will employ an array of cutting-edge autonomous platforms to characterize the processes that govern Beaufort Sea MIZ evolution from initial breakup and MIZ formation though the course of the summertime sea ice retreat. Instruments will be deployed on and under the ice prior to initial formation of the MIZ along the Alaska coast, and will continue sampling from open water, across the MIZ, and into full ice cover, as the ice edge retreats northward through the summer. The flexible nature of ice-mounted and mobile, autonomous oceanographic platforms (e.g., gliders and floats) facilitates access to regions of both full ice cover and riskier MIZ regions. This approach exploits the extended endurance of modern autonomous platforms to maintain a persistent presence throughout the entire northward retreat. It also takes advantage of the inherent scalability of these instruments to sample over a broad range of spatial and temporal scales. |
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Eddy-driven stratification initiates North Atlantic spring phytoplankton blooms Mahadevan, A., E. D'Asaro, C. Lee, and M.J. Perry, "Eddy-driven stratification initiates North Atlantic spring phytoplankton blooms," Science, 337, 54-58, doi:10.1126/science.1218740, 2012. |
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6 Jul 2012 ![]() |
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Springtime phytoplankton blooms photosynthetically fix carbon and export it from the surface ocean at globally important rates. These blooms are triggered by increased light exposure of the phytoplankton due to both seasonal light increase and the development of a near-surface vertical density gradient (stratification) that inhibits vertical mixing of the phytoplankton. Classically and in current climate models, that stratification is ascribed to a springtime warming of the sea surface. Here, using observations from the subpolar North Atlantic and a three-dimensional biophysical model, we show that the initial stratification and resulting bloom are instead caused by eddy-driven slumping of the basin-scale north-south density gradient, resulting in a patchy bloom beginning 20 to 30 days earlier than would occur by warming. |
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Particulate organic carbon and inherent optical properties during 2008 North Atlantic Bloom Experiment Cetinić, I., M.J. Perry, N.T. Briggs, E. Kallin, E.A. D'Asaro, and C.M. Lee, "Particulate organic carbon and inherent optical properties during 2008 North Atlantic Bloom Experiment," J. Geophys. Res., 117, doi:10.1029/2011JC007771, 2012. |
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30 Jun 2012 ![]() |
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The co-variability of particulate backscattering (bbp) and attenuation (cp) coefficients and particulate organic carbon (POC) provides a basis for estimating POC on spatial and temporal scales that are impossible to obtain with traditional sampling and chemical analysis methods. However, the use of optical proxies for POC in the open ocean is complicated by variable relationships reported in the literature between POC and cp or bbp. During the 2008 North Atlantic Bloom experiment, we accrued a large data set consisting of >300 POC samples and simultaneously measured cp and bbp. Attention to sampling detail, use of multiple types of POC blanks, cross-calibration of optical instruments, and parallel measurements of other biogeochemical parameters facilitated distinction between natural and methodological-based variability. The POC versus cp slope varied with plankton community composition but not depth; slopes were 11% lower for the diatom versus the recycling community. Analysis of literature POC versus cp slopes indicates that plankton composition is responsible for a large component of that variability. The POC versus bbp slope decreased below the pycnocline by 20%, likely due to changing particle composition associated with remineralization and fewer organic rich particles. The higher bbp/cp ratios below the mixed layer are also indicative of particles of lower organic density. We also observed a peculiar platform effect that resulted in ~27% higher values for downcast versus upcast bbp measurements. Reduction in uncertainties and improvement of accuracies of POC retrieved from optical measurements is important for autonomous sampling, and requires community consensus for standard protocols for optics and POC. |
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Estimates of net community production and export using high-resolution, Lagrangian measurements of O2, NO3, and POC through the evolution of a spring diatom bloom in the North Atlantic Alkire, M.B., E. D'Asaro, C. Lee, M.J. Perry, A. Gray, I. Cetinic, N. Briggs, E. Rehm, E. Kallin, J. Kaiser, and A. Gonzalez-Posada, "Estimates of net community production and export using high-resolution, Lagrangian measurements of O2, NO3, and POC through the evolution of a spring diatom bloom in the North Atlantic," Deep Sea Res. I, 64, 157-174, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2012.01.012, 2012. |
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1 Jun 2012 ![]() |
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Budgets of nitrate, dissolved oxygen, and particulate organic carbon (POC) were constructed from data collected on-board a Lagrangian, profiling float deployed between April 4 and May 25, 2008, as part of the North Atlantic Bloom Experiment. These measurements were used to estimate net community production (NCP) and apparent export of POC along the float trajectory. A storm resulting in deep mixing and temporary suspension of net production separated the bloom into early (April 2327) and main (May 613) periods over which ~264 and ~805 mmol C m-2 were produced, respectively. Subtraction of the total POC production from the NCP yielded maximum estimates of apparent POC export amounting to ~92 and 574 mmol C m-2 during the early and main blooms, respectively. The bloom terminated the following day and ~282 mmol C m-2 were lost due to net respiration (70%) and apparent export (30%). Thus, the majority of the apparent export of POC occurred continuously during the main bloom and a large respiration event occurred during bloom Termination. A comparison of the POC flux during the main bloom period with independent estimates at greater depth suggest a rapid rate of remineralization between 60 and 100 m. We suggest the high rates of remineralization in the upper layers could explain the apparent lack of carbon overconsumption (C:N>6.6) in the North Atlantic during the spring bloom. |
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The subpolar front of the Japan/East Sea. Part III: Competing roles of frontal dynamics and atmospheric forcing in driving ageostrophic vertical circulation and subduction Yoshikawa, Y., C.M. Lee, and L.N. Thomas, "The subpolar front of the Japan/East Sea. Part III: Competing roles of frontal dynamics and atmospheric forcing in driving ageostrophic vertical circulation and subduction," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 42, 991-1011, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-11-0154.1, 2012. |
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1 Jun 2012 ![]() |
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The effects of wind stress and surface cooling on ageostrophic vertical circulation and subduction at the subpolar front of the Japan/East Sea are investigated using a nonhydrostatic numerical model. In experiments forced by wind and/or cooling, ageostrophic vertical circulation is enhanced relative to the unforced case. Both surface cooling and wind stress intensify the circulation by enhancing frontogenesis associated with frontal meandering. Winds further strengthen vertical motions by generating internal gravity waves. Downfront winds (i.e., oriented along the frontal jet) transport surface water from the denser to lighter side of the front, causing it to migrate toward the region of higher stratification and enhancing the vertical mixing at the front. This induces outcropping of isopycnals from the middle of the pycnocline along which surface water is subducted. Hence downfront winds enhance subduction down to the middle of the pycnocline, but not beneath. On the other hand, cooling uplifts isopycnals from greater depths to the surface so that it allows for the subduction of fluid to greater depths. In contrast to the vertical circulation, frontal subduction is more intensified by surface cooling than wind stress, because part of wind-forced circulation (e.g., internal gravity wave) does not contribute to subduction. Ageostrophic vertical circulation and frontal subduction are most intense when both wind stress and surface cooling are at play. |
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The Arctic Ocean in summer: A quasi-synoptic inverse estimate of boundary fluxes and water mass transformation Tsubouchi, T., S. Bacon, A.C. Naveira Garabato, Y. Aksenov, S.W. Laxon, E. Fahrbach, A. Beszczynska-Möller, E. Hansen, C. M. Lee, and R. B. Ingvaldsen, "The Arctic Ocean in summer: A quasi-synoptic inverse estimate of boundary fluxes and water mass transformation," J. Geophys. Res., 117, doi:10.1029/2011JC007174, 2012. |
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31 Jan 2012 ![]() |
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The first quasi-synoptic estimates of Arctic Ocean and sea ice net fluxes of volume, heat and freshwater are calculated by application of an inverse model to data around the ocean boundary. Hydrographic measurements from four gateways to the Arctic (Bering, Davis, and Fram Straits and the Barents Sea Opening) completely enclose the ocean, and were made within the same 32-day period in summer 2005. The inverse model is formulated as a set of full-depth and density-layer-specific volume and salinity transport conservation equations, with conservation constraints also applied to temperature, but only in non-outcropping layers. The model includes representations of Fram Strait sea ice export and of interior Arctic Ocean diapycnal fluxes. |
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Autonomous data describe North Atlantic spring bloom Fennel, L., I. Cetinic, E. D'Asaro, C. Lee, and M.J. Perry, "Autonomous data describe North Atlantic spring bloom," Eos, Trans. AGU, 92, 465, doi:10.1029/2011EO500002, 2011. |
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13 Dec 2011 ![]() |
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Each spring, increasing sunlight and associated changes in the ocean structure trigger rapid growth of phytoplankton across most of the North Atlantic Ocean north of 30°N. The bloom, one of the largest in the world, is a major sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide and a prototype for similar blooms around the world. Models of the ocean carbon cycle, a necessary component of climate models, need to accurately reproduce the biological, chemical, and physical processes occurring during these blooms. However, a paucity of detailed observations severely limits efforts to evaluate such models. |
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Circulation and intrusions northeast of Taiwan: Chasing and predicting uncertainty in the cold dome Gawarkiewicz, G., S. Jan, P.F.J. Lermusiaux, J.L. McClean, L. Centurioni, K. Taylor, B. Cornuelle, T.F. Duda, J. Wang, Y.J. Yang, T. Sanford, R.-C. Lien, C. Lee, M.-A. Lee, W. Leslie, P.J. Haley Jr., P.P. Niiler, G. Gopalakrishnan, P. Velez-Belchi, D.-K. Lee, and Y.Y. Kim, "Circulation and intrusions northeast of Taiwan: Chasing and predicting uncertainty in the cold dome," Oceanography 24, 110-121, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.99, 2011. |
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5 Dec 2011 ![]() |
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An important element of present oceanographic research is the assessment and quantification of uncertainty. These studies are challenging in the coastal ocean due to the wide variety of physical processes occurring on a broad range of spatial and temporal scales. In order to assess new methods for quantifying and predicting uncertainty, a joint Taiwan-US field program was undertaken in August/September 2009 to compare model forecasts of uncertainties in ocean circulation and acoustic propagation, with high-resolution in situ observations. The geographical setting was the continental shelf and slope northeast of Taiwan, where a feature called the "cold dome" frequently forms. Even though it is hypothesized that Kuroshio subsurface intrusions are the water sources for the cold dome, the dome's dynamics are highly uncertain, involving multiple scales and many interacting ocean features. During the experiment, a combination of near-surface and profiling drifters, broad-scale and high-resolution hydrography, mooring arrays, remote sensing, and regional ocean model forecasts of fields and uncertainties were used to assess mean fields and uncertainties in the region. River runoff from Typhoon Morakot, which hit Taiwan August 7%u20138, 2009, strongly affected shelf stratification. In addition to the river runoff, a cold cyclonic eddy advected into the region north of the Kuroshio, resulting in a cold dome formation event. Uncertainty forecasts were successfully employed to guide the hydrographic sampling plans. Measurements and forecasts also shed light on the evolution of cold dome waters, including the frequency of eddy shedding to the north-northeast, and interactions with the Kuroshio and tides. For the first time in such a complex region, comparisons between uncertainty forecasts and the model skill at measurement locations validated uncertainty forecasts. To complement the real-time model simulations, historical simulations with another model show that large Kuroshio intrusions were associated with low sea surface height anomalies east of Taiwan, suggesting that there may be some degree of predictability for Kuroshio intrusions. |
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Seasonal and mesoscale variability of the Kuroshio near its origin Rudnick, D.L., S. Jan, L. Centurioni, C.M. Lee, R.-C. Lien, J. Wang, D.-K. Lee, R.-S. Tseng, Y.Y. Kim, and C.-S. Chern, "Seasonal and mesoscale variability of the Kuroshio near its origin," Oceanography 24, 52-63, http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2011.94, 2011 |
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5 Dec 2011 ![]() |
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The Kuroshio is the most important current in the North Pacific. Here, we present historical data and recent observations of the Kuroshio off the coasts of Taiwan and the Philippine Archipelago, with a focus on its origins. Seasonal climatologies from shipboard hydrographic and velocity measurements, and from surface drifters, demonstrate changes in the Kuroshio caused by the monsoon. In particular, seasonal monsoon forcing affects the degree of penetration of the Kuroshio through Luzon Strait. Data from surface drifters and underwater gliders describe its mesoscale variability. Velocities derived from drifters make clear the mesoscale variability associated with the Subtropical Countercurrent east of the Kuroshio. Underwater gliders document mesoscale structure prominent in salinity extrema associated with water masses. The evolution of these water masses as they progress northward near the Kuroshio indicates strong mixing in the region. |
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Typhoon-ocean interaction in the western North Pacific: Part 1 D'Asaro, E., P. Black, L. Centurioni, P. Harr, S. Jayne, I.-I Lin, C. Lee, J. Morzel, R. Mrvaljevic, P.P. Niiler, L. Rainville, T. Sanford, and T.Y. Tang, "Typhoon-ocean interaction in the western North Pacific: Part 1," Oceanography, 24, 24-31, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.91, 2011 |
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5 Dec 2011 ![]() |
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The application of new technologies has allowed oceanographers and meteorologists to study the ocean beneath typhoons in detail. Recent studies in the western Pacific Ocean reveal new insights into the influence of the ocean on typhoon intensity. |
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High-resolution observations of aggregate flux during a sub-polar North Atlantic spring bloom Briggs, N., M.J. Perry, I. Cetinic, C. Lee, E. D'Asaro, A.M. Gray, and E. Rehm, "High-resolution observations of aggregate flux during a sub-polar North Atlantic spring bloom," Deep-Sea Res. I, 58, 1031-1039, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2011.07.007, 2011. |
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1 Oct 2011 ![]() |
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An aggregate flux event was observed by ship and by four underwater gliders during the 2008 sub-polar North Atlantic spring bloom experiment (NAB08). At the height of the diatom bloom, aggregates were observed as spikes in measurements of both particulate backscattering coefficient (bbp) and chlorophyll a fluorescence. Optical sensors on the ship and gliders were cross-calibrated through a series of simultaneous profiles, and bbp was converted to particulate organic carbon. The aggregates sank as a discrete pulse, with an average sinking rate of ~75 m^2 d^-1; 65% of aggregate backscattering and 90% of chlorophyll fluorescence content was lost between 100 m and 900 m. Mean aggregate organic carbon flux at 100 m in mid-May was estimated at 514 mg C m^2 d^-1, consistent with independent flux estimates. The use of optical spikes observed from gliders provides unprecedented coupled vertical and temporal resolution measurements of an aggregate flux event. |
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A synthesis of exchanges through the main oceanic gateways to the Arctic Ocean Beszczynska-Moller, A., R.A. Woodgate, C. Lee, H. Melling, and M. Karcher, "A synthesis of exchanges through the main oceanic gateways to the Arctic Ocean," Oceanography, 24, 82-99, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.59, 2011. |
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1 Sep 2011 ![]() |
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In recent decades, the Arctic Ocean has changed dramatically. Exchanges through the main oceanic gateways indicate two main processes of global climatic importance - poleward oceanic heat flux into the Arctic Ocean and export of freshwater toward the North Atlantic. Since the 1990s, in particular during the International Polar Year (2007-2009), extensive observational efforts were undertaken to monitor volume, heat, and freshwater fluxes between the Arctic Ocean and the subpolar seas on scales from daily to multiyear. This paper reviews present-day estimates of oceanic fluxes and reports on technological advances and existing challenges in measuring exchanges through the main oceanic gateways to the Arctic. |
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Impact of wind-driven mixing in the Arctic Ocean Rainville, L., C.M. Lee, and R.A. Woodgate, "Impact of wind-driven mixing in the Arctic Ocean," Oceanography 24, 136-145, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.65, 2011. |
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1 Sep 2011 ![]() |
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The Arctic Ocean traditionally has been described as an ocean with low variability and weak turbulence levels. Many years of observations from ice camps and ice-based instruments have shown that the sea ice cover effectively isolates the water column from direct wind forcing and damps existing motions, resulting in relatively small upper-ocean variability and an internal wave field that is much weaker than at lower latitudes. Under the ice, direct and indirect estimates across the Arctic basins suggest that turbulent mixing does not play a significant role in the general distribution of oceanic properties and the evolution of Arctic water masses. However, during ice-free periods, the wind generates inertial motions and internal waves, and contributes to deepening of the mixed layer both on the shelves and over the deep basins - as at lower latitudes. Through their associated vertical mixing, these motions can alter the distribution of properties in the water column. With an increasing fraction of the Arctic Ocean becoming ice-free in summer and in fall, there is a crucial need for a better understanding of the impact of direct wind forcing on the Arctic Ocean. |
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Closing the loop: Approaches to monitoring the state of the Arctic Mediterranean during the International Polar Year 2007-2008 Mauritzen, C., et al., including C.M. Lee, "Closing the loop: Approaches to monitoring the state of the Arctic Mediterranean during the International Polar Year 2007-2008," Prog. Oceanogr., 90, 62-89, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2011.02.010, 2011. |
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1 Jul 2011 ![]() |
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During the 4th International Polar Year 2007-2009 (IPY), it has become increasingly obvious that we need to prepare for a new era in the Arctic. IPY occurred during the time of the largest retreat of Arctic sea ice since satellite observations started in 1979. This minimum in September sea ice coverage was accompanied by other signs of a changing Arctic, including the unexpectedly rapid transpolar drift of the Tara schooner, a general thinning of Arctic sea ice and a double-dip minimum of the Arctic Oscillation at the end of 2009. Thanks to the lucky timing of the IPY, those recent phenomena are well documented as they have been scrutinized by the international research community, taking advantage of the dedicated observing systems that were deployed during IPY. However, understanding changes in the Arctic System likely requires monitoring over decades, not years. Many IPY projects have contributed to the pilot phase of a future, sustained, observing system for the Arctic. We now know that many of the technical challenges can be overcome. |
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Enhanced turbulence and energy dissipation at ocean fronts D'Asaro, E., C. Lee, L. Rainville, L. Thomas, and R. Harcourt, "Enhanced turbulence and energy dissipation at ocean fronts," Science, 332, 318-322, doi:0.1126/science.1201515, 2011. |
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15 Apr 2011 ![]() |
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The ocean surface boundary layer mediates air-sea exchange. In the classical paradigm and in current climate models, its turbulence is driven by atmospheric forcing. Observations at a 1-km-wide front within the Kuroshio found the rate of energy dissipation within the boundary layer to be enhanced by 10 to 20 times, suggesting that the front not the atmospheric forcing supplied the energy for the turbulence. The data quantitatively support the hypothesis that winds aligned with the frontal velocity catalyzed a release of energy from the front to the turbulence. The resulting boundary layer is stratified, in contrast to the classically well-mixed layer. These effects will be strongest at the intense fronts found in the Kuroshio, Gulf Stream, and Antarctic Circumpolar Current, key players in the climate system. |
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Export and mesopelagic particle flux during a North Atlantic spring diatom bloom Martin, P., R.S. Lampitt, M.J. Perry, R. Sanders, C. Lee, and E. D'Asaro, "Export and mesopelagic particle flux during a North Atlantic spring diatom bloom," Deep Sea Res. I, 58, 338-349, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2011.01.006, 2011. |
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1 Apr 2011 ![]() |
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Spring diatom blooms are important for sequestering atmospheric CO2 below the permanent thermocline in the form of particulate organic carbon (POC). We measured downward POC flux during a sub-polar North Atlantic spring bloom at 100 m using thorium-234 (234Th) disequilibria, and below 100 m using neutrally buoyant drifting sediment traps. The cruise followed a Lagrangian float, and a pronounced diatom bloom occurred in a 600 km2 area around the float. Particle flux was low during the first three weeks of the bloom, between 10 and 30 mg POC m/d. Then, nearly 20 days after the bloom had started, export as diagnosed from 234Th rose to 360-620 mg POC m2/d, co-incident with silicate depletion in the surface mixed layer. Sediment traps at 600 and 750 m depth collected 160 and 150 mg POC m2/ d, with a settled volume of particles of 1000-1500 mL m2/ d. This implies that 25-43% of the 100 m POC export sank below 750 m. The sinking particles were ungrazed diatom aggregates that contained transparent exopolymer particles (TEP). We conclude that diatom blooms can lead to substantial particle export that is transferred efficiently through the mesopelagic. We also present an improved method of calibrating the Alcian Blue solution against Gum Xanthan for TEP measurements. |
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Atmospheric and oceanic processes in the vicinity of an island strait Pullen, J.D., A.L. Gordon, J. Sprintall, C.M. Lee, M.H. Alford, J.D. Doyle, and P.W. May, "Atmospheric and oceanic processes in the vicinity of an island strait," Oceanography, 24, 112-121, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.08, 2011. |
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1 Mar 2011 ![]() |
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In early February 2008, the mean flow through the Philippines' Mindoro Strait reversed. The flow was southward through the strait during late January and northward during most of February. The flow reversal coincided with the period between two Intensive Observational Period cruises (IOP-08-1 and IOP-08-2) sponsored by the Office of Naval Research as part of the Philippine Straits Dynamics Experiment (PhilEx). Employing high-resolution oceanic and atmospheric models supplemented with in situ ocean and air measurements, we detail the regional and local conditions that influenced this flow reversal. High-resolution air-sea simulations captured the flow reversal and agreed with measured currents from two moorings in the vicinity of Mindoro Strait. A short (January 24-27) easterly monsoon surge and a longer (February 9-16) northerly surge were represented in the model as well as in QuikSCAT and underway wind data taken during IOP-08-2. Mesoscale oceanic dipole eddies off Mindoro and Luzon islands were formed/enhanced and subsequently detached during these wind events. The cyclonic eddy in the dipole pair associated with the easterly surge was opportunistically sampled during the IOP-08-1 cruise, and the modeled eddy characteristics were verified using in situ shipboard data. The predominant geostrophic southward flow through the strait was interrupted by a strong and sustained wind-driven (by the northerly surge) flow reversal in early February. Enhanced upper-ocean stratification in winter 2008 due to anomalously high precipitation served to isolate the observed near-surface flow. |
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Development of a hindcast/forecast model for the Philippine Archipelago Arango, H.G., J.C. Levin, E.N. Curchitser, B. Zhang, A.M. Moore, W. Han, A.L. Gordon, C.M. Lee, and J.B. Girton, "Development of a hindcast/forecast model for the Philippine Archipelago," Oceanography, 24, 58-69, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.04, 2011. |
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1 Mar 2011 ![]() |
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This article discusses the challenges of developing a regional ocean prediction model for the Philippine Archipelago, a complex area in terms of geometry, bathymetry-dominated dynamics and variability, and strong local and remote wind forcing, where there are limited temporal and spatial ocean measurements. We used the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) for real-time forecasting during the Philippine Straits Dynamics Experiment (2007-2009) observational program. The article focuses on the prediction experiments before and during the exploratory cruise period, June 6 - July 3, 2007. The gathered observations were not available in real time, so the 4-Dimensional Variational (4D-Var) data assimilation experiments were carried out in hindcast mode. The best estimate of ocean state (nowcast) is determined by combining satellite-derived products for sea surface temperature and height, and subsurface temperature and salinity measurements from several hydrographic assets over a sequential five-day data assimilation window. The largest source of forecast uncertainty is from the prescribed lateral boundary conditions in the nearby Pacific Ocean, especially excessive salt flux. This result suggests that remote forcing and inflows from the Pacific are crucial for predicting ocean circulation in the Philippine Archipelago region. The lateral boundary conditions are derived from 1/12 degree global HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) daily snapshots. The incremental, strong-constraint 4D-Var data assimilation successfully decreased temperature and salinity errors of the real-time, nonassimilative control forecast by 38% and 49%, respectively. |
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Observations of currents and temperature-salinity-pigment fields in the northern Adriatic Sea in winter 2003. Poulain, P.M., C. Lee, E. Mauri, G. Notarstefano, and L. Ursella, "Observations of currents and temperature-salinity-pigment fields in the northern Adriatic Sea in winter 2003." Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 52, 149-174, 2011. |
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1 Mar 2011 ![]() |
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Satellite (sea surface temperature and chlorophyll concentration) and in-situ data (currents from surface drifters and ADCP; sub-surface temperature, salinity and optical properties measured by a towed-vehicle) are used to describe the circulation features and the distribution of temperature, salinity and chlorophyll pigment in the northern Adriatic Sea in winter 2003, with particular focus on fronts and jets. The horizontal structure and temporal variations of these parameters are qualitatively related to the local wind forcing, to the river runoff and to the bathymetry. Vigorous currents are triggered by predominant northeasterly Bora wind events, including a strong cross-basin jet, south of Istria, associated with a sharp (> 3 C/km) and thin (< 0.5 km) front almost compensated in temperature and salinity and affected by barotropic instabilities. To the north, a cyclonic gyre is evident with a southern limb corresponding to the Po River plume extending offshore to the NE. Cold and pigment-rich, river-influenced waters prevail off the entire Italian coast. South of the Po delta these waters flow southeastwards in a coastal layer with baroclinic instabilities. |
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Tidally driven exchange in an archipelago strait: Biological and optical responses Jones, B.H., C.M. Lee, G. Toro-Farmer, E.S. Boss, M.C. Gregg, and C.L. Villanoy, "Tidally driven exchange in an archipelago strait: Biological and optical responses," Oceanography, 24, 142-155, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.11, 2011. |
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1 Mar 2011 ![]() |
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Measurements in San Bernardino Strait, one of two major connections between the Pacific Ocean and the interior waters of the Philippine Archipelago, captured tidal currents that drove vertical mixing and net landward transport. A TRIAXUS towed profiling vehicle equipped with physical and optical sensors was used to repeatedly map subregions within the strait, employing survey patterns designed to resolve tidal variability of physical and optical properties. Strong flow over the sill between Luzon and Capul islands resulted in upward transport and mixing of deeper high-salinity, low-oxygen, high-particle-and-nutrient-concentration water into the upper water column, landward of the sill. During the high-velocity ebb flow, topography influences the vertical distribution of water, but without the diapycnal mixing observed during flood tide. The surveys captured a net landward flux of water through the narrowest part of the strait. The tidally varying velocities contribute to strong vertical transport and diapycnal mixing of the deeper water into the upper layer, contributing to the observed higher phytoplankton biomass within the interior of the strait. |
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Volume, freshwater, and heat fluxes through Davis Strait, 2004-05 Curry, B., C.M. Lee, and B. Petrie, "Volume, freshwater, and heat fluxes through Davis Strait, 2004-05," J. Phys. Oceangr., 41, 429-436, doi: 10.1175/2010JPO4536.1, 2011. |
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1 Mar 2011 ![]() |
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Davis Strait volume, freshwater, and heat fluxes estimated from objectively mapped 2004-05 moored array data do not differ significantly from values based on a 1987-90 array but are distributed differently across the strait. The 2004-05 array provided the first year-long measurements in the upper 100 m and over the shelves. The upper 100 m accounts for 39% of the net volume and 59% of the net freshwater fluxes. Shelf contributions are small: 0.4 Sv (volume), 15 mSv (freshwater), and 3 TW (heat) from the West Greenland shelf and -0.1 Sv, -7 mSv, and 1 TW from the Baffin Island shelf. Contemporaneous measurements of the Baffin Bay inflows and outflows indicate that volume and freshwater budgets balance to within 26% and 4%, respectively, of the net Davis Strait outflow. Davis Strait volume and freshwater fluxes nearly equal those from Fram Strait, indicating that both are significant Arctic freshwater pathways. |
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Calcium carbonate saturation states in the waters of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and the Labrador Sea Azetsu-Scott, K., A. Clarke, K. Falkner, J. Hamilton, E.P. Jones, C. Lee, B. Petrie, S. Prinsenberg, M. Starr, and P. Yeats, "Calcium carbonate saturation states in the waters of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and the Labrador Sea," J. Geophys. Res., 115, doi:10.1029/2009JC005917, 2010. |
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23 Nov 2010 ![]() |
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Ocean acidification is predicted to occur first in polar oceans. We investigated the saturation state of waters with respect to calcite and aragonite in six sections along an Arctic outflow pathway through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA) and into the northwestern Atlantic using dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity measurements from 2003 to 2005. The study area, a key region connecting the Arctic and the North Atlantic, includes Smith Sound, Barrow Strait, Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, Hudson Strait, and the Labrador Sea. |
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Analysis of the Arctic system for freshwater cycle intensification: Observations and expectations Rawlins, M.A., et al., including M. Steele, C.M. Lee, M. Wensnahan, and R. Woodgate, "Analysis of the Arctic system for freshwater cycle intensification: Observations and expectations," J. Clim., 23, 5715-5737, doi:10.1175/2010JCLI3421.1, 2010. |
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1 Nov 2010 ![]() |
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Hydrologic cycle intensification is an expected manifestation of a warming climate. Although positive trends in several global average quantities have been reported, no previous studies have documented broad intensification across elements of the Arctic freshwater cycle (FWC). In this study, the authors examine the character and quantitative significance of changes in annual precipitation, evapotranspiration, and river discharge across the terrestrial pan-Arctic over the past several decades from observations and a suite of coupled general circulation models (GCMs). Trends in freshwater flux and storage derived from observations across the Arctic Ocean and surrounding seas are also described. |
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Singing behavior of fin whales in the Davis Strait with implications for mating, migration and foraging Simon, M., K.M. Stafford, K. Beedholm, C.M. Lee, and P.T. Madsen, "Singing behavior of fin whales in the Davis Strait with implications for mating, migration and foraging," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 128, 3200-3210, doi:10.1121/1.3495946, 2010. |
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1 Nov 2010 ![]() |
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Most baleen whales undertake migrations between low-latitude breeding grounds and high-latitude feeding grounds. Though little is known about the timing of their migration from the Arctic, fin whales are assumed to undertake a similar migratory pattern. To address questions about habitat use and migrations, the acoustic activity of fin whales in Davis Strait, between Greenland and Canada, was monitored continuously for two years using three bottom-moored acoustic recorders. |
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Observations of storm-induced mixing and Gulf Stream Ring incursion over the southern flank of Georges Bank: Winter and summer 1997 Lee, C.M., and K.H. Brink, "Observations of storm-induced mixing and Gulf Stream Ring incursion over the southern flank of Georges Bank: Winter and summer 1997," J. Geophys. Res., 115, doi:10.1029/2009JC005706, 2010. |
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7 Aug 2010 ![]() |
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High-resolution hydrographic measurements collected along the southern edge of Georges Bank during March and JuneJuly 1997 focused on characterizing processes that drive fluxes of material between the slope and bank. Wintertime sampling characterized changes driven by a strong storm. A Scotian Shelf crossover event produced a ribbon of anomalously fresh water along the bank's southern flank that was diluted during the storm. Comparison of prestorm and poststorm sections shows that over the bank changes in heat and salt inventories are consistent with those expected solely from local surface fluxes. In deeper waters, advective effects, likely associated with frontal motion and eddies, are clearly important. Summertime surveys resolve the development of a massive intrusion of Gulf Stream-like waters onto the bank. East of the intrusion, a thin extrusion of bank water is drawn outward by the developing ring, exporting fresher water at a rate of about 7 x 104 m3/s. A large-amplitude Gulf Stream meander appears to initiate the extrusion, but it quickly evolves, near the bank edge, into a warm core ring. Ring water intrudes to approximately the 80 m isobath, 40 km inshore from the bank edge. The intrusion process seems analogous to the development of Gulf Stream shingles (a hydrodynamic instability) in the South Atlantic Bight. It appears that, once the intruded water is established on the bank, it remains there and dissipates in place. Although the intrusion is an extremely dramatic event, it is probably not actually a major contributor to shelf edge exchanges over a seasonal time scale. |
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The subpolar front of the Japan/East Sea. Part II: Inverse method for determining the frontal vertical circulation Thomas, L.N., C.M. Lee, and Y. Yoshikawa, "The subpolar front of the Japan/East Sea. Part II: Inverse method for determining the frontal vertical circulation," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 40, 3-25, doi:10.1175/2009JPO4018.1, 2010. |
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1 Jan 2010 ![]() |
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An inverse method for inferring vertical velocities from high-resolution hydrographic/velocity surveys is formulated and applied to observations collected at the subpolar front of the Japan/East Sea (JES) taken during several cold-air outbreaks. The method is distinct from vertical velocity inferences based on the omega equation in that the driving mechanism for the ageostrophic flow is inferred rather than assumed and hence is particularly appropriate for application to wind- or buoyancy-forced upper-ocean currents where friction, mixing, inertial/superinertial motions, or higher-order effects can contribute along with shear/strain of the geostrophic flow to force vertical motions. |
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Glider observations of kinematics in a Gulf of Alaska eddy Martin, J.P., C.M. Lee, C.C. Eriksen, C. Ladd, and N.B. Kachel, "Glider observations of kinematics in a Gulf of Alaska eddy," J. Geophys. Res., 114, doi:10.1029/2008JC005231, 2009. |
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24 Dec 2009 ![]() |
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The depth-radial structure of a Gulf of Alaska (GoA) eddy is investigated using observations from an autonomous winged buoyancy-driven glider, drifters, and satellite altimeters. The eddy formed when Sitka and Yakutat eddies merged in June 2005. Sitka and Yakutat eddies form in the northeastern GoA and travel westward carrying anomalous energy, temperature, and chemical properties. The glider crossed the eddy seven times from mid-August to late October 2005. A temperature maximum, at 130 m depth near the eddy's center, is indicative of coastal water. The strongest azimuthal current is 0.35 m s-1, occurring at 270 m depth and 17.5 km radius. The eddy's Rossby (Burger) number is 0.16 (0.47). Using a model with nonzero constant potential vorticity anomaly only within each depth's radius of strongest current, a function is fit to azimuthal current. The fit explains a large percentage of the current's radial variance, with a squared correlation coefficient of >/=0.9 at the depths of strongest current (270 m) and weakest stratification (360 m). Temporal trends in azimuthal volume transport rate and depth mean potential vorticity are not observed during the glider survey. |
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Surprising return of deep convection to the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean in winter 2007-2008 Vage, K., R.S. Pickart, V. Thierry, G. Reverdin, C.M. Lee, B. Petie, T.A. Agnew, A. Wong, and M.H. Ribergaard, "Surprising return of deep convection to the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean in winter 2007-2008," Nature Geosci., 2, 67-72, doi:10.1038/ngeo382, 2009 |
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1 Feb 2009 ![]() |
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In the process of open-ocean convection in the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean, surface water sinks to depth as a distinct water mass, the characteristics of which affect the meridional overturning circulation and oceanic heat flux. In addition, carbon is sequestered from the atmosphere in the process. In recent years, this convection has been shallow or non-existent, which could be construed as a consequence of a warmer climate. |
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Seaglider observations of blooms and subsurface chlorophyll maxima off the Washington coast Perry, M.J., B.S. Sackman, C.C. Eriksen, and C.M. Lee, "Seaglider observations of blooms and subsurface chlorophyll maxima off the Washington coast," Limnol. Oceanogr., 53, 2169-2179, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2169, 2008. |
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1 Sep 2008 ![]() |
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From September 2003 to December 2007, autonomous, underwater Seaglider continuously ran a V-shaped transect off Washington State from about 200-m water depth (i.e., at the break between the shelf and slope) to offshore waters with depths >2700 m. Seaglider visited the offshore vertex at 47°N, 128°W, where our observations concentrated, approximately monthly. Seaglider measured temperature, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen to 1000 m and also recorded chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence and particulate optical backscatter to 150 m. |
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Acoustic navigation and communications for high latitude ocean research (ANCHOR) Lee, C.M., and J.I. Gobat, "Acoustic navigation and communications for high latitude ocean research (ANCHOR)," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123, 2990, doi:10.1121/1.2932529, 2008. |
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1 May 2008 ![]() |
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Recent community reports on autonomous and Lagrangian platforms and Arctic observing identify the development of under-ice navigation and telemetry technologies as one of the critical factors limiting the scope of autonomous (e.g. floats, AUVs and gliders) high-latitude measurement efforts. These platforms could provide persistent, high-resolution, basin-wide sampling in ice-covered regions and collect measurements near the critical icewater interface. Motivated by the dramatic advances in temporal and spatial reach promised by autonomous sampling and by the need to coordinate nascent efforts to develop navigation and communication system components, an international group of acousticians, platform developers, high-latitude oceanographers and marine mammal researchers gathered in Seattle, U.S.A. from 27 February 1 March for an NSF Office of Polar Programs sponsored Acoustic Navigation and Communication for High-latitude Ocean Research workshop. |
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Fresh-water fluxes via Pacific and Arctic outflows across the Canadian polar shelf Melling, H., T.A. Agnew, K.K. Falkner, D.A. Greenberg, C.M. Lee, A. Munchow, B. Petrie, S.J. Prinsenberg, R.M. Samelson, and R.A. Woodgate, "Fresh-water fluxes via Pacific and Arctic outflows across the Canadian polar shelf," in Arctic-Subarctic Ocean Fluxes, edited by R.R. Dickson, J. Meincke, and P. Rhines, 193-248 (Springer: Dordrecht, 2008). |
1 Jan 2008 ![]() |
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The arctic freshwater system: Changes and impacts White, D., et al. (including C. Lee, M. Steele, and R. Woodgate), "The arctic freshwater system: Changes and impacts," J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi:10.1029/2006JG000353, 2007. |
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30 Nov 2007 ![]() |
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Dramatic changes have been observed in the Arctic over the last century. Many of these involve the storage and cycling of fresh water. On land, precipitation and river discharge, lake abundance and size, glacier area and volume, soil moisture, and a variety of permafrost characteristics have changed. In the ocean, sea ice thickness and areal coverage have decreased and water mass circulation patterns have shifted, changing freshwater pathways and sea ice cover dynamics. Precipitation onto the ocean surface has also changed. Such changes are expected to continue, and perhaps accelerate, in the coming century, enhanced by complex feedbacks between the oceanic, atmospheric, and terrestrial freshwater systems. Change to the arctic freshwater system heralds changes for our global physical and ecological environment as well as human activities in the Arctic. In this paper we review observed changes in the arctic freshwater system over the last century in terrestrial, atmospheric, and oceanic systems. |
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Introduction to special section: Recent advances in oceanography and marine meteorology of the Adriatic Sea Lee, C.M., M. Orlic, P.M. Poulain, and B. Cushman-Roisin, "Introduction to special section: Recent advances in oceanography and marine meteorology of the Adriatic Sea," J. Geophys. Res., 112, 10.1029/2007JC004115, 2007. |
30 Mar 2007 ![]() |
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A climatology of the northern Adriatic Sea's response to bora and river forcing Jeffries, M.A., and C.M. Lee, "A climatology of the northern Adriatic Sea's response to bora and river forcing," J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi:10.1029/2006JD007907, 2007. |
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28 Mar 2007 ![]() |
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A new northern Adriatic climatology characterizes salinity and temperature fields associated with response to strong riverine input and bora wind forcing acting on variable ambient stratification. Time series of key forcing variables, specifically Po River discharge and wind velocity in bora pathways, combined with a measure of time-variable ambient stratification, indicate the dominant dynamics (e.g., bora winds acting on an unstratified northern Adriatic or strong Po River outflow into an unstratified basin). These indicators define an averaging scheme which organizes archived temperature and salinity profiles into groupings based on common dynamics, providing climatological characterizations of response to bora forcing and the differing basin responses to strong and weak Po discharge into strong and weak ambient stratification. The resulting maps demonstrate that the offshore penetration of Po waters depends strongly on outflow strength and ambient stratification. The climatology reveals buoyant Po River waters spreading in a surface layer throughout much of the northern basin during periods of strong ambient stratification, with little dependence on outflow strength. In contrast, during unstratified periods, outflow strength determines whether the river waters penetrate into the basin (strong outflow) or remain trapped over the Italian shelf (weak outflow). In addition, separation of oceanographic data into periods of strong bora winds reveals the formation of a freshwater filament in the resulting salinity fields. This feature extends into the open sea, separating two pools of higher salinity water. Significance testing of the mode-maps with climatological averages indicate that the mode-based maps are statistically robust within the 95% confidence interval in areas of energetic mesoscale activity such as those regions subject to direct riverine or wind forcing. |
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Turbulence in the wintertime northern Adriatic Sea under strong atmospheric forcing Peters, H., C.M. Lee, M. Orlic, and C.E. Dorman, "Turbulence in the wintertime northern Adriatic Sea under strong atmospheric forcing," J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi:10.1029/2006JC003634, 2007. |
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17 Feb 2007 ![]() |
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In February 2003, we observed the response of the 40 to 50 m deep northern Adriatic Sea to strong surface forcing by 20 m s-1 winds and 600 W m-2 net upward heat flux resulting from cold bora winds blowing onto a relatively warm sea through gaps in the Croatian mountains. Ocean turbulence throughout the water column was observed with a microstructure profiler and a bottom-mounted, upward-looking, 5-beam, acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Microstructure-based dissipation rates were close to similarity scaling of the surface wind stress. The surface buoyancy flux, related to the oceanic heat loss, contributed little energy to the turbulence, but led to sustained unstable stratification. The energy-containing range of the turbulence together with the upper end of the inertial subrange, with horizontal scales between a few hundred meters and about 10 m, contained coherent, anisotropic overturning motions aligned with the low-frequency, barotropic ocean currents which carried stress and showed an asymmetry between rare, narrow, faster downdrafts and diffuse, weak updrafts. These motions bear no similarity with Langmuir cells. The turbulence measurements were embedded in surveys of the mesoscale ocean variability. Part of the observations were set in a front a few hundred meters wide with little density contrast. As the bora wind relaxed, the front began to develop a highly stratified "foot" undergoing intense mixing. The paper addresses problems of beam spreading and instrumental noise in ADCPs. |
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Bora event variability and the role of air-sea feedback Pullen, J., J.D. Doyle, T. Haack, C. Dorman, R.P. Signell, and C.M. Lee, "Bora event variability and the role of air-sea feedback," J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi:10.1029/2006JC003726, 2007. |
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13 Feb 2007 ![]() |
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A two-way interacting high resolution numerical simulation of the Adriatic Sea using the Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM) and Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) was conducted to improve forecast momentum and heat flux fields, and to evaluate surface flux field differences for two consecutive bora events during February 2003. (COAMPS is a registered trademark of the Naval Research Laboratory.) The strength, mean positions and extensions of the bora jets, and the atmospheric conditions driving them varied considerably between the two events. Bora 1 had 62% stronger heat flux and 51% larger momentum flux than bora 2. The latter displayed much greater diurnal variability characterized by inertial oscillations and the early morning strengthening of a west Adriatic barrier jet, beneath which a stronger west Adriatic ocean current developed. Elsewhere, surface ocean current differences between the two events were directly related to differences in wind stress curl generated by the position and strength of the individual bora jets. The mean heat flux bias was reduced by 72%, and heat flux RMSE reduced by 30% on average at four instrumented over-water sites in the two-way coupled simulation relative to the uncoupled control. Largest reductions in wind stress were found in the bora jets, while the biggest reductions in heat flux were found along the north and west coasts of the Adriatic. In bora 2, SST gradients impacted the wind stress curl along the north and west coasts, and in bora 1 wind stress curl was sensitive to the Istrian front position and strength. The two-way coupled simulation produced diminished surface current speeds of ~12% over the northern Adriatic during both bora compared with a one-way coupled simulation. |
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February 2003 marine atmospheric conditions and the bora over the northern Adriatic Dorman, C.E., et al. (including C.M. Lee), "February 2003 marine atmospheric conditions and the bora over the northern Adriatic," J. Geophys. Res., 111, 10.1029/2005JC003134, 2006. |
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9 Dec 2006 ![]() |
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A winter oceanographic field experiment provided an opportunity to examine the atmospheric marine conditions over the northern Adriatic. Mean February winds are from a northeasterly direction over most of the Adriatic and a more northerly direction along the western coast. Wind speeds are fastest in jets over the NE coast during bora events and weakest in the mid-northwestern Adriatic. Diurnal air temperature cycles are smallest on the NE coast and largest in the midwestern Adriatic. The maximum sea-air difference is ±10°C on the eastern coast and near zero on the midwestern Adriatic. Boras are northeasterly (from) wind events that sweep off Croatia and Slovenia, bringing slightly colder and drier air over the northern Adriatic. The main bora season is December to March. Winter 20022003 was normal for bora events. Synoptic-scale temporal variations are correlated over the northern Adriatic. Fastest Bora winds and highest wind stress over the northern Adriatic is concentrated in four topographically controlled jets. The strongest is the Senj Jet, while the Trieste Jet extends across the entire northern Adriatic. Between each two jets is a weak wind zone. The greatest mean net heat loss is in bora jets in the NE Adriatic, where it was ~438 W m-2 and is weakest in the midwestern northern Adriatic, where it was near zero. Wind stress is concentrated over the NE half of Adriatic in four bora jets, while wind stress is weak in the NW Adriatic. There is significant variation in wind stress mean and standard deviation structure over the northern Adriatic with each bora event. |
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Aliasing due to sampling of the Adriatic temperature, salinity and density in space Pasaric, Z., M. Orlic, and C.M. Lee, "Aliasing due to sampling of the Adriatic temperature, salinity and density in space," Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci., 69, 636-642, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2006.05.018, 2006. |
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1 Sep 2006 ![]() |
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High-resolution underway temperature and conductivity measurements collected by R/V Knorr during winter and spring 2003 are used to characterize errors associated with spatial aliasing in the northern and central Adriatic Sea. During winter, 99th percentile temperature, salinity and density errors were 0.62°C, 0.25 and 0.12 kg/m3 (0.25°C, 0.10 and 0.05 kg/m3) for sampling at 10 km (5 km) horizontal resolution, respectively. The corresponding values in spring were 1.31°C, 0.50 and 0.40 kg/m3 (0.93°C, 0.25 and 0.22 kg/m3) for the 10 km (5 km) sample spacing, respectively. The largest errors were associated with energetic regions over the shallow, western Adriatic, in front of the Po River mouth and off the tip of the Istrian peninsula. The deeper eastern basin exhibited smaller errors. The variability of errors in time and space reflected the variability of small-scale density features, characterized by wavelengths as small as 2 km in winter and 1 km in spring and being more pronounced in the western and northern parts of the Adriatic. As these results indicate that errors associated with undersampling can be considerable, they should be taken into account while planning future CTD measurements in the region. |
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Biological structure and seasonality in the Japan/East Sea Ashjian, C., R. Arnone, C. Davis, B. Jones, M. Kahru, C.M. Lee, and B.G. Mitchell, "Biological structure and seasonality in the Japan/East Sea," Oceanography, 19, 126-137, 2006. |
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1 Sep 2006 ![]() |
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The Japan/East Sea (JES) contains several oceanic regions separated by dynamic boundaries. These distinct regions, and the physical features that establish and maintain the boundaries between the regions, have significant impacts on its ocean biology. Until recently, most studies of the biology of the JES have focused on nearshore regions, with few detailed studies of the interior of the JES or the dynamic features that define the different regions. In addition, the classic sampling methods used in previous work have not allowed high-resolution studies of biological-physical interactions associated with key dynamic mesoscale frontal zones, quasi-synoptic surveys of water column and bio- logical structure in three dimensions, or broad-scale description of the seasonal cycles in the different biogeographic regions of the JES. |
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Intermediate water formation at the Japan/East Sea subpolar front Lee, C.M., L.N. Thomas, and Y. Yoshikawa, "Intermediate water formation at the Japan/East Sea subpolar front," Oceanography, 19, 54-64, 2006. |
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An estimate of tidal energy lost to turbulence at the Hawaiian Ridge Klymak, J.M., J.N. Moum, J.D. Nash, E. Kunze, J.B. Girton, G.S. Carter, C.M. Lee, T.B. Sanford, and M.C. Gregg, "An estimate of tidal energy lost to turbulence at the Hawaiian Ridge," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 1148-1164, doi: 10.1175/JPO2885.1, 2006. |
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1 Jun 2006 ![]() |
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An integrated analysis of turbulence observations from four unique instrument platforms obtained over the Hawaiian Ridge leads to an assessment of the vertical, cross-ridge, and along-ridge structure of turbulence dissipation rate and diffusivity. The diffusivity near the seafloor was, on average, 15 times that in the midwater column. At 1000-m depth, the diffusivity atop the ridge was 30 times that 10 km off the ridge, decreasing to background oceanic values by 60 km. A weak (factor of 2) springneap variation in dissipation was observed. The observations also suggest a kinematic relationship between the energy in the semidiurnal internal tide (E) and the depth-integrated dissipation (D), such that D ~ E1±0.5 at sites along the ridge. This kinematic relationship is supported by combining a simple knife-edge model to estimate internal tide generation, with wavewave interaction time scales to estimate dissipation. The along-ridge kinematic relationship and the observed vertical and cross-ridge structures are used to extrapolate the relatively sparse observations along the length of the ridge, giving an estimate of 3 ± 1.5 GW of tidal energy lost to turbulence dissipation within 60 km of the ridge. This is roughly 15% of the energy estimated to be lost from the barotropic tide. |
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Internal tides and turbulence along the 3000-m isobath of the Hawaiian Ridge Lee, C.M., E. Kunze, T.B. Sanford, J.D. Nash, M.A. Merrifield, and P.E. Holloway, "Internal tides and turbulence along the 3000-m isobath of the Hawaiian Ridge," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 1165-1183, doi: 10.1175/JPO2886.1, 2006. |
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Full-depth velocity and density profiles taken along the 3000-m isobath characterize the semidiurnal internal tide and bottom-intensified turbulence along the Hawaiian Ridge. Observations reveal baroclinic energy fluxes of 21 ± 5 kW m-1 radiating from French Frigate Shoals, 17 ± 2.5 kW m-1 from Kauai Channel west of Oahu, and 13 ± 3.5 kW m-1 from west of Nihoa Island. Weaker fluxes of 14 ± 2 kW m-1 radiate from the region near Necker Island and east of Nihoa Island. Observed off-ridge energy fluxes generally agree to within a factor of 2 with those produced by a tidally forced numerical model. Average turbulent diapycnal diffusivity K is (0.51) x 10-4 m2 s-1 above 2000 m, increasing exponentially to 20 x 10-4 m2 s-1 near the bottom. Microstructure values agree well with those inferred from a finescale internal wave-based parameterization. A linear relationship between the vertically integrated energy flux and vertically integrated turbulent dissipation rate implies that dissipative length scales for the radiating internal tide exceed 1000 km. |
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Structure of the baroclinic tide generated at Kaena Ridge, Hawaii Nash, J.D., E. Kunze, C.M. Lee, and T.B. Sanford, "Structure of the baroclinic tide generated at Kaena Ridge, Hawaii," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 1123-1135, doi:10.1175/JPO2883.1, 2006. |
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Repeat transects of full-depth density and velocity are used to quantify generation and radiation of the semidiurnal internal tide from Kaena Ridge, Hawaii. A 20-km-long transect was sampled every 3 h using expendable current profilers and the absolute velocity profiler. Phase and amplitude of the baroclinic velocity, pressure, and vertical displacement were computed, as was the energy flux. Large barotropically induced isopycnal heaving and strong baroclinic energy-flux divergence are observed on the steep flanks of the ridge where upward and downward beams radiate off ridge. Directly above Kaena Ridge, strong kinetic energy density and weak net energy flux are argued to be a horizontally standing wave. The phasing of velocity and vertical displacements is consistent with this interpretation. Results compare favorably with the Merrifield and Holloway model. |
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Intensification of ocean fronts by down-front winds Thomas, L., and C.M. Lee, "Intensification of ocean fronts by down-front winds," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 35, 1086-1102, doi:10.1175/JPO2737.1, 2005 |
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1 Jun 2005 ![]() |
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Many ocean fronts experience strong local atmospheric forcing by down-front winds, that is, winds blowing in the direction of the frontal jet. An analytic theory and nonhydrostatic numerical simulations are used to demonstrate the mechanism by which down-front winds lead to frontogenesis. When a wind blows down a front, cross-front advection of density by Ekman flow results in a destabilizing wind-driven buoyancy flux (WDBF) equal to the product of the Ekman transport with the surface lateral buoyancy gradient. Destabilization of the water column results in convection that is localized to the front and that has a buoyancy flux that is scaled by the WDBF. Mixing of buoyancy by convection, and Ekman pumping/suction resulting from the cross-front contrast in vertical vorticity of the frontal jet, drive frontogenetic ageostrophic secondary circulations (ASCs). For mixed layers with negative potential vorticity, the most frontogenetic ASCs select a preferred cross-front width and do not translate with the Ekman transport, but instead remain stationary in space. Frontal intensification occurs within several inertial periods and is faster the stronger the wind stress. Vertical circulation is characterized by subduction on the dense side of the front and upwelling along the frontal interface and scales with the Ekman pumping and convective mixing of buoyancy. Cross-front sections of density, potential vorticity, and velocity at the subpolar front of the Japan/East Sea suggest that frontogenesis by down-front winds was active during cold-air outbreaks and could result in strong vertical circulation. |
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Transport pathways of the Adriatic: Multi-disciplinary perspectives on a wintertime bora wind event Lee, C.M., F. Askari, J. Book, S. Camiel, B. Cushman-Roisin, D. Dorman, J. Doyle, P. Flament, C.K. Harris, B.H. Jones, M. Kuzmic, P. Martin, A. Ogston, M. Orlic, H. Perkins, P. Poulain, J. Pullen, A. Russo, C. Sherwood, R.P. Signell, and D. Thaler, "Transport pathways of the Adriatic: Multi-disciplinary perspectives on a wintertime bora wind event," Eos Trans. AGU, 86, 157, 163, 165, 2005. |
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Cruise Report: DOLCE VITA 1 and 2, 31 January - 24 February and 26 May - 15 June, 2003 Lee, C., and J. Gobat, et al., "Cruise Report: DOLCE VITA 1 and 2, 31 January - 24 February and 26 May - 15 June, 2003," APL-UW TR 0409, February 2005. |
28 Feb 2005 ![]() |
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An Observational Array for High-Resolution, Year-Round Measurements of Volume, Freshwater, and Ice Flux Variability in Davis Strait: Cruise Report for R/V Knorr 179-05, 22 September - 4 October 2004 Lee, C.M., B. Petrie, J.I. Gobat, V. Soukhovtsev, J. Abiel, K. Van Thiel, and M. Scotney, "An Observational Array for High-Resolution, Year-Round Measurements of Volume, Freshwater, and Ice Flux Variability in Davis Strait: Cruise Report for R/V Knorr 179-05, 22 September - 4 October 2004," APL-UW TR 0408, November 2004 |
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30 Nov 2004 ![]() |
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As part of the Freshwater Initiative sponsored by the National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs, a team of scientists from the Applied Physics Laboratory of the University of Washington and the Bedford Institute of Oceanography are investigating freshwater exchange through Davis Strait. This 300-km-wide strait sits between Baffin Island and the west coast of Greenland and acts as the gateway for waters passing between the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and the subpolar North Atlantic. In autumn 2004 the R/V Knorr cruise 179-05 undertook the first of three one-year mooring deployments. Six subsurface moorings, one off-axis sound source, eight bottom landers, and two Seagldiers were deployed successfully slightly north of the Davis Strait sill. Four cross-strait hydrographic lines, complete with sampling for chemical tracers, characterized water mass variability from the southern end of Baffin Bay to the northern tip of the Labrador Sea. The moored array will be recovered, serviced, and redeployed annually for a period of at least three years. |
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Introduction to special section: U.S. GLOBEC: Physical processes on Georges Bank (GLOBEC) Beardsley, R.C., P.C. Smith, and C.M. Lee, "Introduction to special section: U.S. GLOBEC: Physical processes on Georges Bank (GLOBEC)," J. Geophys. Res., 108, 8000, doi: 10.1029/2003JC002165, 2003 |
18 Nov 2003 ![]() |
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From tides to mixing along the Hawaiian Ridge Rudnick, D.L., T.J. Boyd, R.E. Brainard, G.S. Carter, G.D. Egbert, M.C. Gregg, P.E. Holloway, J.M. Klymak, E. Kunze, C.M. Lee, M.D. Levine, D.S. Luther, J.P. Martin, M.A. Merrifield, J.N. Moum, J.D. Nash, R. Pinkel, L. Rainville, and T.B. Sanford, "From tides to mixing along the Hawaiian Ridge," Science, 301, 355-357, DOI: 10.1126/science.1085837, 2003. |
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18 Jul 2003 ![]() |
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The cascade from tides to turbulence has been hypothesized to serve as a major energy pathway for ocean mixing. We investigated this cascade along the Hawaiian Ridge using observations and numerical models. A divergence of internal tidal energy flux observed at the ridge agrees with the predictions of internal tide models. Large internal tidal waves with peak-to-peak amplitudes of up to 300 meters occur on the ridge. Internal-wave energy is enhanced, and turbulent dissipation in the region near the ridge is 10 times larger than open-ocean values. Given these major elements in the tides-to-turbulence cascade, an energy budget approaches closure. |
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Japan/East Sea intrathermocline eddies Gordon, A.L., C.F. Giulivi, C.M. Lee, H.H. Furey, A. Bower, and L. Talley, "Japan/East Sea intrathermocline eddies," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32, 1960-1974, 2002. |
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15 Jun 2002 ![]() |
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Intrathermocline eddies (ITE) with diameters of 100 km and of thickness greater than 100 m are observed within each of the three quasi-stationary meanders of the Tsushima Current of the Japan/East Sea. Within the ITE homogenous, anticyclonic flowing core, the temperature is near 10°C with a salinity of 34.12 psu. Because of compensatory baroclinicity of the upper and lower boundaries of the ITE core, the ITE has minor sea level expression. The ITE core displays positive oxygen and negative salinity anomalies in comparison to the surrounding thermocline water, indicative of formation from winter mixed layer water along the southern side of the Japan/East Sea subpolar front. The winter mixing layer is then overridden, or slips below, the regional upper thermocline stratification with its characteristic salinity maximum layer. The winter mixed layer off the coast of Korea closely matches the ITE core characteristics, and is considered as a potential source region. Other sources may be present along the southern boundary of the subpolar front, including a frequently observed warm eddy over the western side of Yamato Rise. |
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Mesoscale eddies, coastal upwelling, and the upper-ocean heat budget in the Arabian Sea Fischer, A.S., R.A. Weller, D.L. Rudnick, C.C. Eriksen, C.M. Lee, K.H. Brink, C.A. Fox, and R.R. Leben, "Mesoscale eddies, coastal upwelling, and the upper-ocean heat budget in the Arabian Sea," Deep-Sea Res. II, 49, 2231-2264, doi:10.1016/S0967-0645(02)00036-X, 2002. |
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4 Mar 2002 ![]() |
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Estimation of the terms in the upper-ocean heat budget from a moored array in the central Arabian Sea shows periods when a rough balance between the temperature trend and the horizontal advection of heat exists. Altimetry and sea-surface temperature imagery are used to demonstrate that these episodes of strong horizontal advection are associated with mesoscale features. During the wintertime Northeast (NE) Monsoon these are capped-off mesoscale eddy features generated during the previous summertime Southwest (SW) Monsoon and have little horizontal transport of heat within the mixed layer. During the SW Monsoon the major contribution is strong offshore export of coastally upwelled water in a filament with a strong surface presence. Temperature and salinity properties from the moored array and a SeaSoar survey during the formation of the coastal filament confirm the offshore transport of the upwelled water mass to the site of the moored array, more than 600 km offshore. Estimates of the filament section heat flux are several percent of the total estimated heat flux due to upwelling along the Arabian Peninsula, and remote sensing data show that similar mesoscale variability along the coast is enhanced during the SW Monsoon. This points to the importance of mesoscale-modulated transports in not only the observed heat budget at the moored array, but in the overall upper-ocean heat budget in the Arabian Sea. |
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The Modular Ocean Data Assimilation System (MODAS) Fox, D.N., W.J. Teague, C.N. Barron, M.R. Carnes, and C.M. Lee, "The Modular Ocean Data Assimilation System (MODAS)," J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 19, 240-252, 2002. |
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1 Feb 2002 ![]() |
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The Modular Ocean Data Assimilation System (MODAS) is used by the U.S. Navy for depiction of three-dimensional fields of temperature and salinity over the global ocean. MODAS includes both a static climatology and a dynamic climatology. While the static climatology represents the historical averages, the dynamic climatology assimilates near-real-time observations of sea surface height and sea surface temperature and provides improved temperature and salinity fields. The methodology for the construction of the MODAS climatology is described here. MODAS is compared with Levitus and Generalized Digital Environmental Model climatologies and with temperature and salinity profiles measured by SeaSoar in the Japan/East Sea to illustrate MODAS capabilities. MODAS with assimilated remotely sensed data is able to portray time-varying dynamical features that cannot be represented by static climatologies. |
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The upper-ocean response to monsoonal forcing in the Arabian Sea: Seasonal and spatial variability Lee, C.M., B.H. Jones, K.H. Brink, and A.S. Fischer, "The upper-ocean response to monsoonal forcing in the Arabian Sea: Seasonal and spatial variability," Deep-Sea Res. II, 47, 1177-1226, 2000. |
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16 Mar 2000 ![]() |
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Observations from four towed profiler surveys undertaken between December 1994 and October 1995 examine the seasonal and spatial variability of the upper ocean response to the Monsoon cycle in the Arabian Sea. Although observed atmospheric forcing agrees well with modern climatologies, cross-basin patterns of mixed-layer depth and water properties observed in 19941995 are not entirely consistent with an upper-ocean response dominated by Ekman pumping. During the winter monsoon, the mixed-layer deepens dramatically with distance offshore. Surface cooling intensifies with offshore distance, and a one-dimensional response dominated by convective overturning could explain observed wintertime mixed-layer depths. Except for waters associated with a filament extending offshore from the Omani coast, mixed-layer depths and water properties show only modest cross-basin contrasts during the Southwest Monsoon. Filament waters differ from surrounding mid-basin waters, having shallow mixed-layers and water properties similar to those of waters upwelled near the Omani coast. In September, following the Southwest Monsoon, waters within 1000 km of the Omani coast have cooled and freshened, with marked changes in stratification extending well into the pycnocline. Estimates of Ekman pumping and wind-driven entrainment made using the Southampton Oceanographic Center 19801995 surface flux and the Levitus mixed-layer climatologies indicate that during the Southwest Monsoon wind-driven entrainment is considerably stronger than Ekman pumping. Inshore of the windstress maximum, Ekman pumping partially counters wind-driven entrainment, while offshore the two processes act together to deepen the mixed-layer. As Ekman pumping is too weak to counter wind-driven mixed-layer deepening inshore of the windstress maximum, another mechanism must act to maintain the shallow mixed-layers seen in our observations and in climatologies. Offshore advection of coastally upwelled water offers a mechanism for maintaining upper ocean stratification that is consistent with observed changes in upper ocean water properties. Ekman upwelling will modulate wind-driven entrainment, but these results indicate that the primary mechanisms acting inshore of the windstress maximum are wind-driven mixing and horizontal advection. |
In The News
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During a pandemic, is oceangoing research safe? Eos, Jenessa Duncombe Postponing cruises. Cancelling cruises. UNOLS has extended its halt on vessel operations until July. UNOLS Chair Craig Lee explains why onboard mitigation of COVID-19 is "difficult to impossible." |
1 Apr 2020
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Coronavirus is wreaking havoc on scientific field work The Washington Post, Maddie Stone As the novel coronavirus pandemic continues to upend life around the world, scientific research is beginning to suffer. Over the past several weeks, major Earth science field campaigns, some years in the making, have been called off or postponed indefinitely. Craig Lee, APL-UW Senior Principal Oceanographer and UNOLS Council Chair, comments on impacts to at-sea research. |
27 Mar 2020
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These ocean robots spent a year collecting data under Antarctic ice Geek.com, Genevieve Scarano Studying Antarctic areas can be tough for scientists, but ocean robots are here to help: A group of autonomous subs have successfully collected data beneath the Dotson Ice Shelf in West Antarctica. |
24 Jan 2019
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Autonomous subs spend a year cruising under Antarctic ice TechCrunch, Devin Coldewey The freezing waters underneath Antarctic ice shelves and the underside of the ice itself are of great interest to scientists. A pair of autonomous subs have been nosing around the ice for a full year now, producing data unlike any other expedition ever has. |
23 Jan 2019
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One year into the mission, autonomous ocean robots set a record in survey of Antarctic ice shelf UW News, Hannah Hickey A team of ocean robots deployed in January 2018 have, over the past year, been the first self-guided ocean robots to successfully travel under an ice sheet and return to report long-term observations. |
23 Jan 2019
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Underwater robots survive a year probing climate change's effects on Antarctic ice GeekWire, Alan Boyle A squadron of Seagliders and EM-APEX floats was sent to probe the waters beneath the Dotson Ice Shelf in Antarctica one year ago. They have transmitted their data via satellite successfully, proving that these robots and approach can work in this harsh, remote environment. |
22 Jan 2019
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NASA, NSF expedition to study ocean carbon embarks in August from Seattle UW News, Hannah Hickey Dozens of scientists, as well as underwater drones and other high-tech ocean instruments, will set sail from Seattle in mid-August. Funded by NASA and the National Science Foundation, the team will study the life and death of the small organisms that play a critical role in removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and in the ocean’s carbon cycle. |
21 Jun 2018
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Underwater robots to measure Antarctica climate threat CNN, Lynda Kinkade and Shelby Rose Scientists with the University of Washington in conjunction with Paul G. Allen Philanthropies are sending robots to Antarctica for as long as a year in what will be the longest mission ever undertaken in the region. Seagliders and profiling floats will focus on Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica, the continent's fastest-melting ice sheet. The aim: to gain more extensive data about the rate of ice loss and thus more accurately predict future sea level rise. |
27 Jan 2018
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Ice-diving drones embark on risky Antarctic mission Scientific American, Mark Harris To forecast sea level rise, a flotilla of undersea robots must map the unseen bottom of a melting ice shelf if they are not sunk by it. |
6 Dec 2017
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Scientists get robots ready to study Antarctic ice shelves from below, with $2M boost from Paul Allen GeekWire, Alan Boyle Researchers from the University of Washington and Columbia University are getting ready for an unprecedented months-long campaign to study Antarctica’s ice shelves from the ocean below. Robotic Seagliders and EM-APEX profiling floats will be used to probe the ocean under ice shelves. |
6 Nov 2017
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Navy funds a small robot army to study the Arctic NPR, Geoff Brumfiel Climate change is causing the Arctic Ocean to thaw. The Navy is paying researchers to develop gliders and other gizmos, and stick them in and near the ice, because it needs to figure out how quickly the thaw is coming. |
15 Feb 2015
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UW Robotic Gliders Deploy for Arctic Ice Study KING 5 News, Alison Morrow Despite years of focus on melting Arctic sea ice, research models predicting how it changes are lacking. Getting the physics right is now the focus of a $12 million project funded by the US Office of Naval Research. The first-of-its-kind study began in March and ends in September. |
25 Jul 2014
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Tracking the breakup of Arctic summer sea ice UW News and Information, Hannah Hickey As sea ice begins to melt back toward its late September minimum, it is being watched as never before. Scientists have put sensors on and under ice in the Beaufort Sea for an unprecedented campaign to monitor the summer melt. |
16 Jul 2014
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Swimming, climbing robots explore the hostile Arctic New Scientist, Chris Baraniuk A tireless scientific expedition is currently encamped across a huge stretch of Arctic pack ice. |
9 Jul 2014
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Underwater Gliders for the US Navy Defense Industry Daily The U.S. Navy plans to use its fleet of deep and shallow water littoral battle space gliders to acquire critical oceanographic data, which will improve positioning of fleets during naval maneuvers. APL-UW's GLMPC system provides an integrated command and control interface across several glider platforms. |
12 Jul 2011
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Seaglider Monitors Climate-Related Ocean Circulation in the Arctic U.S. News & World Report An intelligent, ocean-going glider has spent six months on a record-breaking deployment to sample the icy waters off western Greenland. |
10 Jun 2009
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UW Seaglider is milestone in climate change research Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Monica Guzman Scientists are concerned that climate change might increase the amount of fresh water exiting the Arctic so much that it could change the density of the Labrador Sea, altering the circulation of the world's oceans. Data obtained by UW's Seagliders will help in showing just how quickly that could be happening. |
29 Apr 2009
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