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Sabine Mecking Principal Oceanographer Affiliate Assistant Professor, Oceanography smecking@apl.washington.edu Phone 206-221-6570 |
Research Interests
Large-Scale Ocean Circulation, Climate Variability, Tracers, Biogeochemical Cycling
Dr. Mecking's research interests are in interdisciplinary oceanography involving large-scale ocean circulation, ocean mixing, tracer ages, biogeochemical cycling, and thermocline ventilation. One particular focus is how these processes are affected by decadal-scale climate variability and how they relate to the uptake and storage of carbon in the ocean. Her work involves participation in hydrographic cruises, data analysis, and combining data with general circulation models through collaboration with modelers. Dr. Mecking joined APL-UW in 2006.
Vordiplom Oceanography, Universitat Hamburg, 1993
M.S. Oceanography, University of Washington, 1997
Ph.D. Oceanography, University of Washington, 2001
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Modeling CFC and SF6 Mixed Layer Boundary Conditions Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) are tracers that enter the ocean surface mixed layer through airsea gas exchange and are then transported into the ocean interior. Because of their long time-scale evolution, these tracers are used to estimate ocean interior ventilation time scales (ages) as well as anthropogenic carbon uptake by the ocean. |
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28 Sep 2012
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Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) are man-made, transient tracers that enter the ocean surface mixed layer through airsea gas exchange and that then are transported into the ocean interior as part of the general ocean circulation. Because of their conservative and time-evolving nature, these tracers are widely used to estimate ocean interior ventilation time scales (ages) as well as anthropogenic carbon uptake by the ocean. |
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Atlantic Ocean: Transport and Divergence of Carbon, Oxygen, and Nutrients Estimates of the transport and divergence of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients in the Atlantic Ocean are based on two approaches: a multi-box inverse model based on WOCE/JGOFS data, and tracer data sets from the same period. |
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29 Nov 2011
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This project seeks to provide data-based estimates of the transport and divergence of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients in the Atlantic Ocean based on two approaches: 1) using a multi-box inverse model based on the long line data collected during the WOCE/JGOFS period, and 2) using tracer age data sets from the same time period. This first part is done in collaboration with Alison Macdonald at WHOI. The latter part includes a GCM-based analysis of possible tracer age biases due to mixing, which is performed in collaboration with LuAnne Thompson at UW. The goal of the project is to evaluate the location and magnitude of oceanic uptake/outgassing of CO2 as well as the size of the biological carbon pump (see poster at 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting). Collaborators: Alison Macdonald (WHOI), LuAnne Thompson (UW). Funding: NSF |
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Mixed Layer Boundary Conditions of Chlorofluorocarbons in the North Pacific A series of model experiments with the Hallberg Isopycnal Model (HIM) are used to investigate the mixed layer boundary conditions of CFCs in the North Pacific Ocean and the the implications of possible winter-time undersaturations on the interpretation of CFC-derived age distributions and anthropogenic carbon estimates in the ocean interior. |
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28 Nov 2011
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The purpose of this research is to perform a series of model experiments with the Hallberg Isopycnal Model (HIM) to investigate 1) mixed layer boundary conditions of CFCs in the North Pacific Ocean and 2) the implications of possible winter-time undersaturations on the interpretation of CFC-derived age distributions and anthropogenic carbon estimates in the ocean interior. The results from the modeling study will be used to aid the interpretation of the U.S. CLIVAR/CO2 Repeat Hydrography data in the North Pacific which consist of the meridional P16N line and zonal P2 line conducted along 152W in 2006 and along 30N in 2004, respectively. The project is performed in collaboration with LuAnne Thompson and Mark Warner at UW. Funding: NOAA |
Publications |
2000-present and while at APL-UW |
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Linking northeastern North Pacific oxygen changes to upstream surface outcrop variations Mecking, S., and K. Drushka, "Linking northeastern North Pacific oxygen changes to upstream surface outcrop variations," Biogeosciences, 21, 1117-1133, doi:10.5194/bg-21-1117-2024, 2024. |
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7 Mar 2024 ![]() |
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Understanding the response of the ocean to global warming, including the renewal of ocean waters from the surface (ventilation), is important for future climate predictions. Oxygen distributions in the ocean thermocline have proven an effective way to infer changes in ventilation because physical processes (ventilation and circulation) that supply oxygen are thought to be primarily responsible for changes in interior oxygen concentrations. Here, the focus is on the North Pacific thermocline, where some of the world's oceans' largest oxygen variations have been observed. These variations, described as bi-decadal cycles on top of a small declining trend, are strongest on subsurface isopycnals that outcrop into the mixed layer of the northwestern North Pacific in late winter. In this study, surface density time series are reconstructed in this area using observational data only and focusing on the time period from 1982, the first full year of the satellite sea surface temperature record, to 2020. It is found that changes in the annual maximum outcrop area of the densest isopycnals outcropping in the northwestern North Pacific are correlated with interannual oxygen variability observed at Ocean Station P (OSP) downstream at about a 10-year lag. The hypothesis is that ocean ventilation and uptake of oxygen is greatly reduced when the outcrop areas are small and that this signal travels within the North Pacific Current to OSP, with 10 years being at the higher end of transit times reported in other studies. It is also found that sea surface salinity (SSS) dominates over sea surface temperature (SST) in driving interannual fluctuations in annual maximum surface density in the northwestern North Pacific, highlighting the role that salinity may play in altering ocean ventilation. In contrast, SSS and SST contribute about equally to the long-term declining surface density trends that are superimposed on the interannual cycles. |
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Variability in the meridional overturning circulation at 32 degrees S in the Pacific Ocean diagnosed by inverse box models Arumi-Planas, C., and 10 others including S. Mecking, "Variability in the meridional overturning circulation at 32 degrees S in the Pacific Ocean diagnosed by inverse box models," Prog. Oceanogr., 203, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102780, 2022. |
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1 Apr 2022 ![]() |
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The meridional circulation and transport at 32 degrees S in the Pacific Ocean in 1992 and 2017 are compared with analogous data from 2003 and 2009 computed by Hernandez-Guerra and Talley (2016). The hydrographic data come from the GO-SHIP database and an inverse box model has been applied with similar constraints as in Hernandez-Guerra and Talley (2016). In 1992, 2003 and 2017 the pattern of the overturning streamfunction and circulation are similar, but in 2009 the pattern of the circulation changes in the whole water column. The horizontal distribution of mass transports at all depths in 1992 and 2017 resembles the familiar shape of the "classical gyre" also observed in 2003 and is notably different to the "bowed gyre" found in 2009. The hydrographic data have been compared with data obtained from the numerical modelling outputs of ECCO, SOSE, GLORYS, and MOM. Results show that none of these models properly represents the "bowed gyre" circulation in 2009, and this change in circulation pattern was not observed during the entire length of model simulations. Additionally, the East Australian Current in the western boundary presents higher mass transport in the hydrographic data than in any numerical modelling output. Its poleward mass transport ranges from -35.1 +/- 2.0 Sv in 1992 to -54.3 +/- 2.6 Sv in 2003. Conversely, the Peru-Chile Current is well represented in models and presents an equatorward mass transport from 2.3 +/- 0.8 Sv in 2009 to 4.4 +/- 1.0 Sv in 1992. Furthermore, the Peru-Chile Undercurrent presents a more intense poleward mass transport in 2009 (-3.8 +/- 1.2 Sv). In addition, the temperature and freshwater transports in 1992 (0.42 +/- 0.12 PW and 0.26 +/- 0.08 Sv), 2003 (0.38 +/- 0.12 PW and 0.25 +/- 0.02 Sv), and 2017 (0.42 +/- 0.12 PW and 0.34 +/- 0.08 Sv) are similar, but significantly different from those in 2009 (0.16 +/- 0.12 PW and 0.50 +/- 0.03 Sv, respectively). To clarify the causes of these different circulation schemes, a linear Rossby wave model is adopted, which includes the wind-stress curl variability as remote forcing and the response to sea surface height changes along 30 degrees S. |
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Unabated bottom water warming and freshening in the South Pacific Ocean Purkey, S.G., G.C. Johnson, L.D. Talley, B.M. Sloyan, S.E. Wijffels, W. Smethie, S. Mecking, and K. Katsumata, "Unabated bottom water warming and freshening in the South Pacific Ocean," J. Geophys. Res., 124, 1778-1794, doi:10.1029/2018JC014775, 2019. |
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1 Mar 2019 ![]() |
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Over 90% of the excess energy gained by Earth's climate system has been absorbed by the oceans, with about 10% found deeper than 2,000 m. The rates and patterns of deep and abyssal (deeper than 4,000 m) ocean warming, while vital for understanding how this heat sink might behave in the future, are poorly known owing to limited data. Here we use highly accurate data collected by ships along oceanic transects with decadal revisits to quantify how much heat and freshwater has entered the South Pacific Ocean between the 1990s and 2010s. We find widespread warming throughout the deep basins there and evidence that the warming rate has accelerated in the 2010s relative to the 1990s. The warming is strongest near Antarctica where the abyssal ocean is ventilated by surface waters that sink to the sea floor and hence become bottom water, but abyssal warming is observed everywhere. In addition, we observe an infusion of freshwater propagating along the pathway of the bottom water as it moves northward from Antarctica. We quantify the deep ocean warming contributions to heat uptake as well as sea level rise through thermal expansion. |