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Axel Schweiger Senior Principal Scientist axel@apl.washington.edu Phone 206-543-1312 |
Research Interests
Remote Sensing, Arctic Climatology, Systems Management
Dr. Schweiger's research focuses on sea ice, clouds, and radiation in the Arctic. He is using satellite data, models, and in-situ observations to improve our understanding of sea ice and cloud variability. He has developed the PSC Arctic Ice Volume Page, which provides monthly updated total Arctic Ice Volume estimates based on the PIOMAS model. He has worked on the validation, improvements, and applications of PIOMAS to a variety of problems.
He is a an investigator in the Seasonal Ice Zone Reconnaissance Survey Project (SIZRS) that utilizes US-Coast Guard Arctic Domain Awareness flights make Atmospheric and Oceanographic measurements of the seasonal ice zone of the Beaufort Sea and targets the improved understanding of the changes in the Arctic system as sea ice retreats.
He has worked on algorithm development for the retrieval of clouds and atmospheric profiles and generated the the TOVS Polar Pathfinder data set, a 20-year data set of polar temperature, humidity profiles and cloud information. Previous research includes work on microwave-based sea ice concentration algorithms and the application of artificial intelligence methods to remote sensing problems. Dr. Schweiger has been with the Polar Science Center since 1992.
B.A. Geography & English, Universitat Erlangen, 1984
M.S. Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1987
Ph.D. Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1992
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Arctic Surface Air Temperatures for the Past 100 Years Accurate fields of Arctic surface air temperature (SAT) are needed for climate studies, but a robust gridded data set of SAT of sufficient length is not available over the entire Arctic. We plan to produce authoritative SAT data sets covering the Arctic Ocean from 1901 to present, which will be used to better understand Arctic climate change. |
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The Fate of Summertime Arctic Ocean Heating: A Study of Ice-Albedo Feedback on Seasonal to Interannual Time Scales The main objective of this study is to determine the fate of solar energy absorbed by the arctic seas during summer, with a specific focus on its impact on the sea ice pack. Investigators further seek to understand the fate of this heat during the winter and even beyond to the following summer. Their approach is use a coupled sea ice–ocean model forced by atmospheric reanalysis fields, with and without assimilation of satellite-derived ice and ocean variables. They are also using satellite-derived ocean color data to help determine light absorption in the upper ocean. |
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Arctic Sea Ice Extent and Volume Follow Long-term Trend In mid-September Arctic sea ice reached its minimum extent and volume. There are annual fluctuations 2012 was a record low for both measures but reports of a recent 'rebound' are short-sighted. Axel Schweiger, Chair of the APL-UW Polar Science Center, shows that the downward long-term trend is clear. |
6 Nov 2015
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Arctic Sea Ice Extent and Volume Dip to New Lows By mid-September, the sea ice extent in the Arctic reached the lowest level recorded since 1979 when satellite mapping began. |
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15 Oct 2012
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APL-UW polar oceanographers and climatologists are probing the complex iceoceanatmosphere system through in situ and remote sensing observations and numerical model simulations to learn how and why. |
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Focus on Arctic Sea Ice: Current and Future States of a Diminished Sea Ice Cover APL-UW polar scientists are featured in the March edition of the UW TV news magazine UW|360, where they discuss their research on the current and future states of a diminished sea ice cover in the Arctic. |
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7 Mar 2012
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The dramatic melting of Arctic sea ice over the past several summers has generated great interest and concern in the scientific community and among the public. Here, APL-UW polar scientists present their research on the current state of Arctic sea ice. A long-term, downward trend in sea ice volume is clear. |
Publications |
2000-present and while at APL-UW |
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ICESat-2 shows sea ice leads have little overall effects on the Arctic cloudiness in cold months Liu, Z., and A. Schweiger, "ICESat-2 shows sea ice leads have little overall effects on the Arctic cloudiness in cold months," J. Clim., 37, 4045-4058, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0285.1, 2024. |
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1 Aug 2024 ![]() |
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The effect of leads in Arctic sea ice on clouds is a potentially important climate feedback. We use observations of clouds and leads from the Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) to study the effects of leads on clouds. Both leads and clouds are strongly forced by synoptic weather conditions, with more clouds over both leads and sea ice at lower sea level pressure. Contrary to previous studies, we find the overall lead effect on low-level cloud cover is 0.02, a weak cloud dissipating effect in cold months, after the synoptic forcing influence is removed. This is due to compensating contributions from the cloud dissipating effect by newly frozen leads under high pressure systems and the cloud enhancing effect by newly open leads under low pressure system. The lack of proper representation of lead effect on clouds in current climate models and reanalyses may impact their performance in winter months, such as in sea ice growth and Arctic cyclone development. |
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Predicting September Arctic sea ice: A multi-modal seasonal skill comparison Bushuk, M., and 60 others including A. Schweiger, M. Steele, and J. Zhang, "Predicting September Arctic sea ice: A multi-modal seasonal skill comparison," Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 105, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0163.1, 2024. |
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1 Jul 2024 ![]() |
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This study quantifies the state-of-the-art in the rapidly growing field of seasonal Arctic sea ice prediction. A novel multi-model dataset of retrospective seasonal predictions of September Arctic sea ice is created and analyzed, consisting of community contributions from 17 statistical models and 17 dynamical models. Prediction skill is compared over the period 20012020 for predictions of Pan-Arctic sea ice extent (SIE), regional SIE, and local sea ice concentration (SIC) initialized on June 1, July 1, August 1, and September 1. This diverse set of statistical and dynamical models can individually predict linearly detrended Pan-Arctic SIE anomalies with skill, and a multi-model median prediction has correlation coefficients of 0.79, 0.86, 0.92, and 0.99 at these respective initialization times. Regional SIE predictions have similar skill to Pan-Arctic predictions in the Alaskan and Siberian regions, whereas regional skill is lower in the Canadian, Atlantic, and Central Arctic sectors. The skill of dynamical and statistical models is generally comparable for Pan-Arctic SIE, whereas dynamical models outperform their statistical counterparts for regional and local predictions. The prediction systems are found to provide the most value added relative to basic reference forecasts in the extreme SIE years of 1996, 2007, and 2012. SIE prediction errors do not show clear trends over time, suggesting that there has been minimal change in inherent sea ice predictability over the satellite era. Overall, this study demonstrates that there are bright prospects for skillful operational predictions of September sea ice at least three months in advance. |
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Heat stored in the Earth system 19602020: Where does the energy go? von Schuckmann, K., and many others including A. Schweiger, "Heat stored in the Earth system 19602020: Where does the energy go?" Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 1675-1709, doi:10.5194/essd-15-1675-2023, 2023. |
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17 Apr 2023 ![]() |
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The Earth climate system is out of energy balance, and heat has accumulated continuously over the past decades, warming the ocean, the land, the cryosphere, and the atmosphere. According to the Sixth Assessment Report by Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, this planetary warming over multiple decades is human-driven and results in unprecedented and committed changes to the Earth system, with adverse impacts for ecosystems and human systems. The Earth heat inventory provides a measure of the Earth energy imbalance (EEI) and allows for quantifying how much heat has accumulated in the Earth system, as well as where the heat is stored. Here we show that the Earth system has continued to accumulate heat, with 381±61 ZJ accumulated from 1971 to 2020. This is equivalent to a heating rate (i.e., the EEI) of 0.48±0.1 W m-2. The majority, about 89 %, of this heat is stored in the ocean, followed by about 6 % on land, 1 % in the atmosphere, and about 4 % available for melting the cryosphere. Over the most recent period (20062020), the EEI amounts to 0.76±0.2 W m-2. The Earth energy imbalance is the most fundamental global climate indicator that the scientific community and the public can use as the measure of how well the world is doing in the task of bringing anthropogenic climate change under control. Moreover, this indicator is highly complementary to other established ones like global mean surface temperature as it represents a robust measure of the rate of climate change and its future commitment. We call for an implementation of the Earth energy imbalance into the Paris Agreement's Global Stocktake based on best available science. The Earth heat inventory in this study, updated from von Schuckmann et al. (2020), is underpinned by worldwide multidisciplinary collaboration and demonstrates the critical importance of concerted international efforts for climate change monitoring and community-based recommendations and we also call for urgently needed actions for enabling continuity, archiving, rescuing, and calibrating efforts to assure improved and long-term monitoring capacity of the global climate observing system. The data for the Earth heat inventory are publicly available, and more details are provided in Table 4. |
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Nudging observed winds in the Arctic to quantify associated sea ice loss from 1979 to 2020 Ding, Q., A. Schweiger, and I. Baxter, "Nudging observed winds in the Arctic to quantify associated sea ice loss from 1979 to 2020," J. Clim., 35, 3197-3213, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0893.1, 2022. |
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15 Oct 2022 ![]() |
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Over the past decades, Arctic climate has exhibited significant changes characterized by strong Pan-Arctic warming and a large scale wind shift trending toward an anticyclonic anomaly centered over Greenland and the Arctic ocean. Recent work has suggested that this wind change is able to warm the Arctic atmosphere and melt sea ice through dynamical-driven warming, moistening and ice drift effects. However, previous examination of this linkage lacks a capability to fully consider the complex nature of the sea ice response to the wind change. In this study, we perform a more rigorous test of this idea by using a coupled high-resolution modelling framework with observed winds nudged over the Arctic that allows for a comparison of these wind-induced effects with observations and simulated effects forced by anthropogenic forcing. Our nudging simulation can well capture observed variability of atmospheric temperature, sea ice and the radiation balance during the Arctic summer and appears to simulate around 30% of Arctic warming and sea ice melting over the whole period (19792020) and more than 50% over the period 2000 to 2012, which is the fastest Arctic warming decade in the satellite era. In particular, in the summer of 2020, a similar wind pattern reemerged to induce the second-lowest sea ice extent since 1979, suggesting that large scale wind changes in the Arctic is essential in shaping Arctic climate on interannual and interdecadal time scales and may be critical to determine Arctic climate variability in the coming decades. |
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Thick and old sea ice in the Beaufort Sea during summer 2020/21 was associated with enhanced transport Moore, G.W.K., M. Steele, A.J. Schweiger, J.L. Zhang, and K.L. Laidre, "Thick and old sea ice in the Beaufort Sea during summer 2020/21 was associated with enhanced transport," Commun. Earth Environ., 3, doi:10.1038/s43247-022-00530-6, 2022. |
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30 Aug 2022 ![]() |
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The Arctic Ocean has seen a remarkable reduction in sea ice coverage, thickness and age since the 1980s. These changes are most pronounced in the Beaufort Sea, with a transition around 2007 from a regime dominated by multi-year sea ice to one with large expanses of open water during the summer. Using satellite-based observations of sea ice, an atmospheric reanalysis and a coupled ice-ocean model, we show that during the summers of 2020 and 2021, the Beaufort Sea hosted anomalously large concentrations of thick and old ice. We show that ice advection contributed to these anomalies, with 2020 dominated by eastward transport from the Chukchi Sea, and 2021 dominated by transport from the Last Ice Area to the north of Canada and Greenland. Since 2007, cool season (fall, winter, and spring) ice volume transport into the Beaufort Sea accounts for ~45% of the variability in early summer ice volume a threefold increase from that associated with conditions prior to 2007. This variability is likely to impact marine infrastructure and ecosystems. |
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Recent upper Arctic Ocean warming expedited by summertime atmospheric processes Li, Z., Q.H. Ding, M. Steele, and A. Schweiger, "Recent upper Arctic Ocean warming expedited by summertime atmospheric processes," Nat. Commun., 13, doi:10.1038/s41467-022-28047-8, 2022. |
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18 Jan 2022 ![]() |
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Low-frequency internal atmospheric variability accounts for about one quarter of observed Arctic Ocean warming over the past four decades and 60% of the accelerated warming from 2000 to 2018. |
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Accelerated sea ice loss in the Wandel Sea points to a change in the Arctic's Last Ice Area Schweiger, A.J., M. Steele, J. Zhang, G.W.K. Moore, and K.L. Laidre, "Accelerated sea ice loss in the Wandel Sea points to a change in the Arctic's Last Ice Area," Comm. Earth Environ., 2, doi:, 2021. |
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1 Jul 2021 ![]() |
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The Arctic Ocean's Wandel Sea is the easternmost sector of the Last Ice Area, where thick, old sea ice is expected to endure longer than elsewhere. Nevertheless, in August 2020 the area experienced record-low sea ice concentration. Here we use satellite data and sea ice model experiments to determine what caused this record sea ice minimum. In our simulations there was a multi-year sea-ice thinning trend due to climate change. Natural climate variability expressed as wind-forced ice advection and subsequent melt added to this trend. In spring 2020, the Wandel Sea had a mixture of both thin and unusual for recent years thick ice, but this thick ice was not sufficiently widespread to prevent the summer sea ice concentration minimum. With continued thinning, more frequent low summer sea ice events are expected. We suggest that the Last Ice Area, an important refuge for ice-dependent species, is less resilient to warming than previously thought. |
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Evidence of an increasing role of ocean heat in Arctic winter sea ice growth Ricker, R., F. Kauker, A. Schweiger, S. Hendricks, J. Zhang, and S. Paul, "Evidence of an increasing role of ocean heat in Arctic winter sea ice growth," J. Clim., 34, 5215-5227, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0848.1, 2021. |
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1 Jul 2021 ![]() |
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We investigate how sea ice decline in summer and warmer ocean and surface temperatures in winter affect sea ice growth in the Arctic. Sea ice volume changes are estimated from satellite observations during winter from 2002 to 2019 and partitioned into thermodynamic growth and dynamic volume change. Both components are compared to validated sea ice-ocean models forced by reanalysis data to extend observations back to 1980 and to understand the mechanisms that cause the observed trends and variability. We find that a negative feedback driven by the increasing sea ice retreat in summer yields increasing thermodynamic ice growth during winter in the Arctic marginal seas eastward from the Laptev Sea to the Beaufort Sea. However, in the Barents and Kara Seas, this feedback seems to be overpowered by the impact of increasing oceanic heat flux and air temperatures, resulting in negative trends in thermodynamic ice growth of 2 km3month-1yr-1 on average over 20022019 derived from satellite observations. |
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Heat stored in the Earth system: Where does the energy go? von Schuckmann, K., and 37 others including A. Schweiger, "Heat stored in the Earth system: Where does the energy go?" Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 2012-2041, doi:10.5194/essd-12-2013-2020, 2020. |
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7 Sep 2020 ![]() |
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Human-induced atmospheric composition changes cause a radiative imbalance at the top of the atmosphere which is driving global warming. This Earth energy imbalance (EEI) is the most critical number defining the prospects for continued global warming and climate change. Understanding the heat gain of the Earth system and particularly how much and where the heat is distributed is fundamental to understanding how this affects warming ocean, atmosphere and land; rising surface temperature; sea level; and loss of grounded and floating ice, which are fundamental concerns for society. This study is a Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) concerted international effort to update the Earth heat inventory and presents an updated assessment of ocean warming estimates as well as new and updated estimates of heat gain in the atmosphere, cryosphere and land over the period 19602018. The study obtains a consistent long-term Earth system heat gain over the period 19712018, with a total heat gain of 358±37 ZJ, which is equivalent to a global heating rate of 0.47±0.1 W m-2. Over the period 19712018 (20102018), the majority of heat gain is reported for the global ocean with 89 % (90 %), with 52 % for both periods in the upper 700 m depth, 28 % (30 %) for the 7002000 m depth layer and 9 % (8 %) below 2000 m depth. Heat gain over land amounts to 6 % (5 %) over these periods, 4 % (3 %) is available for the melting of grounded and floating ice, and 1 % (2 %) is available for atmospheric warming. Our results also show that EEI is not only continuing, but also increasing: the EEI amounts to 0.87±0.12 W m-2 during 20102018. Stabilization of climate, the goal of the universally agreed United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1992 and the Paris Agreement in 2015, requires that EEI be reduced to approximately zero to achieve Earth's system quasi-equilibrium. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere would need to be reduced from 410 to 353 ppm to increase heat radiation to space by 0.87 W m-2, bringing Earth back towards energy balance. This simple number, EEI, is the most fundamental metric that the scientific community and public must be aware of as the measure of how well the world is doing in the task of bringing climate change under control, and we call for an implementation of the EEI into the global stocktake based on best available science. Continued quantification and reduced uncertainties in the Earth heat inventory can be best achieved through the maintenance of the current global climate observing system, its extension into areas of gaps in the sampling, and the establishment of an international framework for concerted multidisciplinary research of the Earth heat inventory as presented in this study. This Earth heat inventory is published at the German Climate Computing Centre. |
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The effect of atmospheric transmissivity on model and observational estimates of the sea ice albedo feedback Donohoe, A., E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, A. Schweiger, and P.J. Rasch, "The effect of atmospheric transmissivity on model and observational estimates of the sea ice albedo feedback," J. Climate, 33, 5743-5765, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0674.1, 2020. |
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1 Jul 2020 ![]() |
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The sea ice-albedo feedback (SIAF) is the product of the ice sensitivity (IS), that is, how much the surface albedo in sea ice regions changes as the planet warms, and the radiative sensitivity (RS), that is, how much the top-of-atmosphere radiation changes as the surface albedo changes. We demonstrate that the RS calculated from radiative kernels in climate models is reproduced from calculations using the “approximate partial radiative perturbation” method that uses the climatological radiative fluxes at the top of the atmosphere and the assumption that the atmosphere is isotropic to shortwave radiation. This method facilitates the comparison of RS from satellite-based estimates of climatological radiative fluxes with RS estimates across a full suite of coupled climate models and, thus, allows model evaluation of a quantity important in characterizing the climate impact of sea ice concentration changes. The satellite-based RS is within the model range of RS that differs by a factor of 2 across climate models in both the Arctic and Southern Ocean. Observed trends in Arctic sea ice are used to estimate IS, which, in conjunction with the satellite-based RS, yields an SIAF of 0.16 ± 0.04 W m-2 K-1. This Arctic SIAF estimate suggests a modest amplification of future global surface temperature change by approximately 14% relative to a climate system with no SIAF. We calculate the global albedo feedback in climate models using model-specific RS and IS and find a model mean feedback parameter of 0.37 W m-2 K-1, which is 40% larger than the IPCC AR5 estimate based on using RS calculated from radiative kernel calculations in a single climate model. |
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How tropical Pacific surface cooling contributed to accelerated sea ice melt from 2007 to 2012 as ice is thinned by anthropogenic forcing Baxter, I., Q. Ding, A. Schweiger, M. L'Heureux, S. Baxter, T. Wang, Q. Zhang, K. Harnos, B. Markle, D. Topal, and J. Lu, "How tropical Pacific surface cooling contributed to accelerated sea ice melt from 2007 to 2012 as ice is thinned by anthropogenic forcing," J. Clim., 32, 8583-8602, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0783.1, 2019. |
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1 Dec 2019 ![]() |
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Over the past 40 years, the Arctic sea ice minimum in September has declined. The period between 2007 and 2012 showed accelerated melt contributed to the record minima of 2007 and 2012. Here, observational and model evidence shows that the changes in summer sea ice since the 2000s reflect a continuous anthropogenically forced melting masked by interdecadal variability of Arctic atmospheric circulation. This variation is partially driven by teleconnections originating from sea surface temperature (SST) changes in the east-central tropical Pacific via a Rossby wave train propagating into the Arctic [herein referred to as the Pacific–Arctic teleconnection (PARC)], which represents the leading internal mode connecting the pole to lower latitudes. This mode has contributed to accelerated warming and Arctic sea ice loss from 2007 to 2012, followed by slower declines in recent years, resulting in the appearance of a slowdown over the past 11 years. A pacemaker model simulation, in which we specify observed SST in the tropical eastern Pacific, demonstrates a physically plausible mechanism for the PARC mode. However, the model-based PARC mechanism is considerably weaker and only partially accounts for the observed acceleration of sea ice loss from 2007 to 2012. We also explore features of large-scale circulation patterns associated with extreme melting periods in a long (1800 yr) CESM preindustrial simulation. These results further support that remote SST forcing originating from the tropical Pacific can excite significant warm episodes in the Arctic. However, further research is needed to identify the reasons for model limitations in reproducing the observed PARC mode featuring a cold Pacific–warm Arctic connection. |
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Spatiotemporal variability of sea ice in the Arctic's last ice area Moore, G.W.K., A. Schweiger, J. Zhang, and M. Steele, "Spatiotemporal variability of sea ice in the Arctic's last ice area," Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 11,237-11,243, doi:10.1029/2019GL083722, 2019. |
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28 Oct 2019 ![]() |
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The Arctic Ocean's oldest and thickest sea ice lies along the ~2,000 km arc from the western Canadian Arctic Archipelago to the northern coast of Greenland. Climate models suggest that this region will be the last to lose its perennial ice cover, thus providing an important refuge for ice‐dependent species. However, remarkably little is known about the climate or characteristics of the sea ice in this remote and inhospitable region. Here, we use the Pan‐Arctic Ice Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System model to show that the ice cover in the region is very dynamic, with changes occurring at a rate twice that of the Arctic Ocean as a whole. However, there are some differences in the changing nature of the ice cover between the eastern and western regions of the Last Ice Area, which include different timing of the annual minimum in ice thickness as well as distinct ice motion patterns associated with ice thickness extrema. |
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Arctic sea ice volume variability over 19012010: A model-based reconstruction Schweiger, A.J., K.R. Wood, and J. Zhang, "Arctic sea ice volume variability over 19012010: A model-based reconstruction," J. Clim., 32, 4731-4753, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0008.1, 2019. |
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1 Aug 2019 ![]() |
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PIOMAS-20C, an Arctic sea ice reconstruction for 19012010, is produced by forcing the Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System (PIOMAS) with ERA-20C atmospheric data. ERA-20C performance over Arctic sea ice is assessed by comparisons with measurements and data from other reanalyses. ERA-20C performs similarly with respect to the annual cycle of downwelling radiation, air temperature, and wind speed compared to reanalyses with more extensive data assimilation such as ERA-Interim and MERRA. PIOMAS-20C sea ice thickness and volume are then compared with in situ and aircraft remote sensing observations for the period of ~19502010. Error statistics are similar to those for PIOMAS. We compare the magnitude and patterns of sea ice variability between the first half of the twentieth century (190140) and the more recent period (19802010), both marked by sea ice decline in the Arctic. The first period contains the so-called early-twentieth-century warming (ETCW; ~192040) during which the Atlantic sector saw a significant decline in sea ice volume, but the Pacific sector did not. The sea ice decline over the 19792010 period is pan-Arctic and 6 times larger than the net decline during the 190140 period. Sea ice volume trends reconstructed solely from surface temperature anomalies are smaller than PIOMAS-20C, suggesting that mechanisms other than warming, such as changes in ice motion and deformation, played a significant role in determining sea ice volume trends during both periods. |
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Low‐level and surface wind jets near sea ice edge in the Beaufort Sea in late autumn Liu, Z., and A. Schwieger, "Low‐level and surface wind jets near sea ice edge in the Beaufort Sea in late autumn," J. Geophys. Res., 124, 6873-6891, doi:10.1029/2018JD029770, 2019. |
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16 Jul 2019 ![]() |
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Low‐level wind jets (LLJs) and strong surface winds are frequently observed near the sea ice edge in the presence of strong thermal contrast between open water and sea ice. Two LLJ cases near the sea ice edge in the Beaufort Sea are examined using dropsonde observations made from Seasonal Ice Zone Reconnaissance Survey flights. Ensembles of Polar Weather Research and Forecast simulations with and without sea ice demonstrate the contribution of the surface thermal contrast to the boundary layer structure, the LLJ, and surface ice edge jets. Because the surface temperature contrast only influences the lower most hundreds of meters in the atmospheric boundary layer, its contribution to the temperature gradient and wind speed at the level of the LLJ is limited. The sea ice does strengthen the LLJ by extending the LLJ northward over sea ice and increasing the maximum LLJ wind speeds by up to 13% and as much as 29% further north at a lower altitude. However, the primary reason for the observed strong winds in these two cases are the synoptic interactions between anticyclones and approaching cyclones. The effect of the surface thermal contrast on surface winds is controlled by a separate mechanism. The cold and stable boundary layer over sea ice prevents the momentum transport from the LLJ to the surface. This leads to weaker surface winds over sea ice and confines the strong surface winds close to the sea ice edge. This mechanism contributes to the frequent occurrence of the surface "ice edge jets." |
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Fingerprints of internal drivers of Arctic sea ice loss in observations and model simulations Ding, Q., A. Schweiger, and 11 others, "Fingerprints of internal drivers of Arctic sea ice loss in observations and model simulations," Nature Geosci., 12, 28-33, doi:10.1038/s41561-018-0256-8, 2019. |
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1 Jan 2019 ![]() |
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The relative contribution and physical drivers of internal variability in recent Arctic sea ice loss remain open questions, leaving up for debate whether global climate models used for climate projection lack sufficient sensitivity in the Arctic to climate forcing. Here, through analysis of large ensembles of fully coupled climate model simulations with historical radiative forcing, we present an important internal mechanism arising from low-frequency Arctic atmospheric variability in models that can cause substantial summer sea ice melting in addition to that due to anthropogenic forcing. This simulated internal variability shows a strong similarity to the observed Arctic atmospheric change in the past 37 years. Through a fingerprint pattern matching method, we estimate that this internal variability contributes to about 40–50% of observed multi-decadal decline in Arctic sea ice. Our study also suggests that global climate models may not actually underestimate sea ice sensitivities in the Arctic, but have trouble fully replicating an observed linkage between the Arctic and lower latitudes in recent decades. Further improvements in simulating the observed Arctic–global linkage are thus necessary before the Arctic’s sensitivity to global warming in models can be quantified with confidence. |
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What caused the remarkable February 2018 North Greenland polynya? Moore, G.W.K., A. Schweiger, J. Zhang, and M. Steele, "What caused the remarkable February 2018 North Greenland polynya?" Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 13,342-13,350, doi:10.1029/2018GL080902, 2018. |
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28 Dec 2018 ![]() |
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During late February and early March 2018, an unusual polynya was observed off the north coast of Greenland. This period was also notable for the occurrence of a sudden stratospheric warming. Here we use satellite and in situ data, a reanalysis and an ice‐ocean model to document the evolution of the polynya and its synoptic forcing. We show that its magnitude was unprecedented and that it was associated with the transient response to the sudden stratospheric warming leading to anomalous warm southerly flow in north Greenland. Indeed, regional wind speeds and temperatures were the highest during February going back to the 1960s. There is evidence that the thinning sea ice has increased its wind‐driven mobility. However, we show that the polynya would have developed under thicker ice conditions representative of the late 1970s and that even with the predicted trend toward thinner sea ice, it will only open during enhanced southerly flow. |
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Melt pond conditions on declining Arctic sea ice over 19792016: Model development, validation, and results Zhang, J., A. Schwieger, M. Webster, B. Light, M. Steele, C. Ashjian, R. Campbell, and Y. Spitz, "Melt pond conditions on declining Arctic sea ice over 19792016: Model development, validation, and results," J. Geophys. Res., 123, 7983-8003, doi:10.1029/2018JC014298, 2018. |
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1 Nov 2018 ![]() |
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A melt pond (MP) distribution equation has been developed and incorporated into the Marginal Ice‐Zone Modeling and Assimilation System to simulate Arctic MPs and sea ice over 19792016. The equation differs from previous MP models and yet benefits from previous studies for MP parameterizations as well as a range of observations for model calibration. Model results show higher magnitude of MP volume per unit ice area and area fraction in most of the Canada Basin and the East Siberian Sea and lower magnitude in the central Arctic. This is consistent with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer observations, evaluated with Measurements of Earth Data for Environmental Analysis (MEDEA) data, and closely related to top ice melt per unit ice area. The model simulates a decrease in the total Arctic sea ice volume and area, owing to a strong increase in bottom and lateral ice melt. The sea ice decline leads to a strong decrease in the total MP volume and area. However, the Arctic‐averaged MP volume per unit ice area and area fraction show weak, statistically insignificant downward trends, which is linked to the fact that MP water drainage per unit ice area is increasing. It is also linked to the fact that MP volume and area decrease relatively faster than ice area. This suggests that overall the actual MP conditions on ice have changed little in the past decades as the ice cover is retreating in response to Arctic warming, thus consistent with the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer observations that show no clear trend in MP area fraction over 20002011. |
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Collapse of the 2017 winter Beaufort high: A response to thinning sea ice? Moore, G.W.K., A. Schweiger, J. Zhang, and M. Steele, "Collapse of the 2017 winter Beaufort high: A response to thinning sea ice?," Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 2860-2869, doi:10.1002/2017GL076446, 2018. |
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28 Mar 2018 ![]() |
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The winter Arctic atmosphere is under the influence of two very different circulation systems: extratropical cyclones travel along the primary North Atlantic storm track from Iceland toward the eastern Arctic, while the western Arctic is characterized by a quasi‐stationary region of high pressure known as the Beaufort High. The winter (January through March) of 2017 featured an anomalous reversal of the normally anticyclonic surface winds and sea ice motion in the western Arctic. This reversal can be traced to a collapse of the Beaufort High as the result of the intrusion of low‐pressure systems from the North Atlantic, along the East Siberian Coast, into the Arctic Basin. Thin sea ice as the result of an extremely warm autumn (October through December) of 2016 contributed to the formation of an anomalous thermal low over the Barents Sea that, along with a northward shift of the tropospheric polar vortex, permitted this intrusion. The collapse of the Beaufort High during the winter of 2017 was associated with simultaneous 2‐sigma sea level pressure, surface wind, and sea ice circulation anomalies in the western Arctic. As the Arctic sea ice continues to thin, such reversals may become more common and impact ocean circulation, sea ice, and biology. |
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A meteoric water budget for the Arctic Ocean Alkire, M.B., J. Morison, A. Schweiger, J. Zhang, M. Steele, C. Peralta-Ferriz, and S. Dickinson, "A meteoric water budget for the Arctic Ocean," J. Geophys. Res., 122, 10,020-10,041, doi:10.1002/2017JC012807, 2017. |
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1 Dec 2017 ![]() |
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A budget of meteoric water (MW = river runoff, net precipitation minus evaporation, and glacial meltwater) over four regions of the Arctic Ocean is constructed using a simple box model, regional precipitation-evaporation estimates from reanalysis data sets, and estimates of import and export fluxes derived from the literature with a focus on the 20032008 period. The budget indicates an approximate/slightly positive balance between MW imports and exports (i.e., no change in storage); thus, the observed total freshwater increase observed during this time period likely resulted primarily from changes in non-MW freshwater components (i.e., increases in sea ice melt or Pacific water and/or a decrease in ice export). Further, our analysis indicates that the MW increase observed in the Canada Basin resulted from a spatial redistribution of MW over the Arctic Ocean. Mean residence times for MW were estimated for the Western Arctic (57 years), Eastern Arctic (34 years), and Lincoln Sea (12 years). The MW content over the Siberian shelves was estimated (~14,000 km3) based on a residence time of 3.5 years. The MW content over the entire Arctic Ocean was estimated to be ≥ 44,000 km3. The MW export through Fram Strait consisted mostly of water from the Eastern Arctic (3237 ± 1370 km3 yr-1) whereas the export through the Canadian Archipelago was nearly equally derived from both the Western Arctic (1182 ± 534 km3 yr-1) and Lincoln Sea (972 ± 391 km3 yr-1). |
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Influence of high-latitude atmospheric circulation changes on summertime Arctic sea ice Ding, Q., and 10 others including A. Schweiger, "Influence of high-latitude atmospheric circulation changes on summertime Arctic sea ice," Nat. Clim. Change 7, 289–295, doi:10.1038/nclimate3241, 2017. |
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1 Apr 2017 ![]() |
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The Arctic has seen rapid sea-ice decline in the past three decades, whilst warming at about twice the global average rate. Yet the relationship between Arctic warming and sea-ice loss is not well understood. Here, we present evidence that trends in summertime atmospheric circulation may have contributed as much as 60% to the September sea-ice extent decline since 1979. A tendency towards a stronger anticyclonic circulation over Greenland and the Arctic Ocean with a barotropic structure in the troposphere increased the downwelling longwave radiation above the ice by warming and moistening the lower troposphere. Model experiments, with reanalysis data constraining atmospheric circulation, replicate the observed thermodynamic response and indicate that the near-surface changes are dominated by circulation changes rather than feedbacks from the changing sea-ice cover. Internal variability dominates the Arctic summer circulation trend and may be responsible for about 30–50% of the overall decline in September sea ice since 1979. |
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Modeling the seasonal evolution of the Arctic sea ice floe size distribution Zhang, J., H. Stern, B. Hwang, A. Schweiger, M. Steele, M. Stark, and H.C. Graber, "Modeling the seasonal evolution of the Arctic sea ice floe size distribution," Elem. Sci. Anth., 4, doi:10.12952/journal.elementa.000126, 2016 |
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13 Sep 2016 ![]() |
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To better simulate the seasonal evolution of sea ice in the Arctic, with particular attention to the marginal ice zone, a sea ice model of the distribution of ice thickness, floe size, and enthalpy was implemented into the Pan-arctic IceOcean Modeling and Assimilation System (PIOMAS). Theories on floe size distribution (FSD) and ice thickness distribution (ITD) were coupled in order to explicitly simulate multicategory FSD and ITD distributions simultaneously. The expanded PIOMAS was then used to estimate the seasonal evolution of the Arctic FSD in 2014 when FSD observations are available for model calibration and validation. |
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Accuracy of short-term sea ice drift forecasts using a coupled ice-ocean model Schweiger, A.J., and J. Zhang, "Accuracy of short-term sea ice drift forecasts using a coupled ice-ocean model," J. Geophys. Res., 120, 7827-7841, doi:10.1002/2015JC011273, 2015. |
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1 Dec 2015 ![]() |
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Arctic sea ice drift forecasts of 6 h 9 days for the summer of 2014 are generated using the Marginal Ice Zone Modeling and Assimilation System (MIZMAS); the model is driven by 6 h atmospheric forecasts from the Climate Forecast System (CFSv2). Forecast ice drift speed is compared to drifting buoys and other observational platforms. Forecast positions are compared with actual positions 24 h 8 days since forecast. Forecast results are further compared to those from the forecasts generated using an ice velocity climatology driven by multiyear integrations of the same model. The results are presented in the context of scheduling the acquisition of high-resolution images that need to follow buoys or scientific research platforms. RMS errors for ice speed are on the order of 5 km/d for 2448 h since forecast using the sea ice model compared with 9 km/d using climatology. Predicted buoy position RMS errors are 6.3 km for 24 h and 14 km for 72 h since forecast. Model biases in ice speed and direction can be reduced by adjusting the air drag coefficient and water turning angle, but the adjustments do not affect verification statistics. This suggests that improved atmospheric forecast forcing may further reduce the forecast errors. The model remains skillful for 8 days. Using the forecast model increases the probability of tracking a target drifting in sea ice with a 10 km x 10 km image from 60 to 95% for a 24 h forecast and from 27 to 73% for a 48 h forecast. |
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Sea ice floe size distribution in the marginal ice zone: Theory and numerical experiments Zhang, J., A. Schweiger, M. Steele, and H. Stern, "Sea ice floe size distribution in the marginal ice zone: Theory and numerical experiments," J. Geophys. Res., 120, 3484-3498, do:10.1002/2015JC010770, 2015. |
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12 May 2015 ![]() |
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To better describe the state of sea ice in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) with floes of varying thicknesses and sizes, both an ice thickness distribution (ITD) and a floe size distribution (FSD) are needed. In this work, we have developed a FSD theory that is coupled to the ITD theory of Thorndike et al. (1975) in order to explicitly simulate the evolution of FSD and ITD jointly. The FSD theory includes a FSD function and a FSD conservation equation in parallel with the ITD equation. The FSD equation takes into account changes in FSD due to ice advection, thermodynamic growth, and lateral melting. It also includes changes in FSD because of mechanical redistribution of floe size due to ice ridging and, particularly, ice fragmentation induced by stochastic ocean surface waves. The floe size redistribution due to ice fragmentation is based on the assumption that wave-induced breakup is a random process such that when an ice floe is broken, floes of any smaller sizes have an equal opportunity to form, without being either favored or excluded. To focus only on the properties of mechanical floe size redistribution, the FSD theory is implemented in a simplified ITD and FSD sea ice model for idealized numerical experiments. Model results show that the simulated cumulative floe number distribution (CFND) follows a power law as observed by satellites and airborne surveys. The simulated values of the exponent of the power law, with varying levels of ice breakups, are also in the range of the observations. It is found that floe size redistribution and the resulting FSD and mean floe size do not depend on how floe size categories are partitioned over a given floe size range. The ability to explicitly simulate multicategory FSD and ITD together may help to incorporate additional model physics, such as FSD-dependent ice mechanics, surface exchange of heat, mass, and momentum, and wave-ice interactions. |
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Arctic sea ice thickness loss determined using subsurface, aircraft, and satellite observations Lindsay, R., and A. Schweiger, "Arctic sea ice thickness loss determined using subsurface, aircraft, and satellite observations," Cryosphere, 9, 269-283, doi:10.5194/tc-9-269-2015, 2015. |
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10 Feb 2015 ![]() |
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Sea ice thickness is a fundamental climate state variable that provides an integrated measure of changes in the high-latitude energy balance. However, observations of mean ice thickness have been sparse in time and space, making the construction of observation-based time series difficult. Moreover, different groups use a variety of methods and processing procedures to measure ice thickness, and each observational source likely has different and poorly characterized measurement and sampling errors. Observational sources used in this study include upward-looking sonars mounted on submarines or moorings, electromagnetic sensors on helicopters or aircraft, and lidar or radar altimeters on airplanes or satellites. Here we use a curve-fitting approach to determine the large-scale spatial and temporal variability of the ice thickness as well as the mean differences between the observation systems, using over 3000 estimates of the ice thickness. The thickness estimates are measured over spatial scales of approximately 50 km or time scales of 1 month, and the primary time period analyzed is 20002012 when the modern mix of observations is available. Good agreement is found between five of the systems, within 0.15 m, while systematic differences of up to 0.5 m are found for three others compared to the five. The trend in annual mean ice thickness over the Arctic Basin is 0.58 ± 0.07 m decade-1 over the period 20002012. Applying our method to the period 19752012 for the central Arctic Basin where we have sufficient data (the SCICEX box), we find that the annual mean ice thickness has decreased from 3.59 m in 1975 to 1.25 m in 2012, a 65% reduction. This is nearly double the 36% decline reported by an earlier study. These results provide additional direct observational evidence of substantial sea ice losses found in model analyses. |
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Observations and modeling of atmospheric profiles in the arctic seasonal ice zone Liu, Z., A. Schweiger, and R. Lindsay, "Observations and modeling of atmospheric profiles in the arctic seasonal ice zone," Mon. Wea. Rev., 143, 39-53, doi:, 2015. |
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1 Jan 2015 ![]() |
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The authors use the Polar Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model to simulate atmospheric conditions during the Seasonal Ice Zone Reconnaissance Survey (SIZRS) in the summer of 2013 over the Beaufort Sea. With the SIZRS dropsonde data, the performance of WRF simulations and two forcing datasets is evaluated: the Interim ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim) and the Global Forecast System (GFS) analysis. General features of observed mean profiles, such as low-level temperature inversion, low-level jet (LLJ), and specific humidity inversion are reproduced by all three models. A near-surface warm bias and a low-level moist bias are found in ERA-Interim. WRF significantly improves the mean LLJ, with a lower and stronger jet and a larger turning angle than the forcing. The improvement in the mean LLJ is likely related to the lower values of the boundary layer diffusion in WRF than in ERA-Interim and GFS, which also explains the lower near-surface temperature in WRF than the forcing. The relative humidity profiles have large differences between the observations, the ERA-Interim, and the GFS. The WRF simulated relative humidity closely resembles the forcings, suggesting the need to obtain more and better-calibrated humidity data in this region. The authors find that the sea ice concentrations in the ECMWF model are sometimes significantly underestimated due to an inappropriate thresholding mechanism. This thresholding affects both ERA-Interim and the ECMWF operational model. The scale of impact of this issue on the atmospheric boundary layer in the marginal ice zone is still unknown. |
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Using records from submarine, aircraft and satellites to evaluate climate model simulations of Arctic sea ice thickness Stroeve, J., A. Barrett, M. Serreze, and A. Schweiger, "Using records from submarine, aircraft and satellites to evaluate climate model simulations of Arctic sea ice thickness," Cryosphere, 8, 1839-1854, doi:10.5194/tc-8-1839-2014, 2014. |
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10 Oct 2014 ![]() |
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Arctic sea ice thickness distributions from models participating in the World Climate Research Programme Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) are evaluated against observations from submarines, aircraft and satellites. While it is encouraging that the mean thickness distributions from the models are in general agreement with observations, the spatial patterns of sea ice thickness are poorly represented in most models. The poor spatial representation of thickness patterns is associated with a failure of models to represent details of the mean atmospheric circulation pattern that governs the transport and spatial distribution of sea ice. The climate models as a whole also tend to underestimate the rate of ice volume loss from 1979 to 2013, though the multimodel ensemble mean trend remains within the uncertainty of that from the Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System. Although large uncertainties in observational products complicate model evaluations, these results raise concerns regarding the ability of CMIP5 models to realistically represent the processes driving the decline of Arctic sea ice and to project the timing of when a seasonally ice-free Arctic may become a reality. |
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Evaluation of seven different atmospheric reanalysis products in the Arctic Lindsay, R., M. Wensnahan, A. Schweiger, and J. Zhang, "Evaluation of seven different atmospheric reanalysis products in the Arctic," J. Clim., 27, 2588-2606, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00014.1, 2014. |
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1 Apr 2014 ![]() |
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Atmospheric reanalyses depend on a mix of observations and model forecasts. In data-sparse regions such as the Arctic, the reanalysis solution is more dependent on the model structure, assumptions, and data assimilation methods than in data-rich regions. Applications such as the forcing of ice%u2013ocean models are sensitive to the errors in reanalyses. Seven reanalysis datasets for the Arctic region are compared over the 30-yr period 19812010: National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)National Center for Atmospheric Research Reanalysis 1 (NCEP-R1) and NCEPU.S. Department of Energy Reanalysis 2 (NCEP-R2), Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR), Twentieth-Century Reanalysis (20CR), Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA), ECMWF Interim Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim), and Japanese 25-year Reanalysis Project (JRA-25). Emphasis is placed on variables not observed directly including surface fluxes and precipitation and their trends. The monthly averaged surface temperatures, radiative fluxes, precipitation, and wind speed are compared to observed values to assess how well the reanalysis data solutions capture the seasonal cycles. Three models stand out as being more consistent with independent observations: CFSR, MERRA, and ERA-Interim. A coupled iceocean model is forced with four of the datasets to determine how estimates of the ice thickness compare to observed values for each forcing and how the total ice volume differs among the simulations. Significant differences in the correlation of the simulated ice thickness with submarine measurements were found, with the MERRA products giving the best correlation (R = 0.82). The trend in the total ice volume in September is greatest with MERRA (4.1 ± 103 km3 decade-1) and least with CFSR (2.7 ± 103 km3 decade-1). |
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CryoSat-2 estimates of Arctic sea ice thickness and volume Laxon, S.W., K.A. Giles, A.L. Ridout, D.J. Winham, R. Willatt, R. Cullen, R. Kwok, A. Schweiger, J. Zhang, C. Haas, S. Hendricks, P. Krishfield, N. Kurtz, S. Farrell, and M. Davidson, "CryoSat-2 estimates of Arctic sea ice thickness and volume," Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 732-737, doi:10.1002/grl.50193, 2013. |
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28 Feb 2013 ![]() |
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Satellite records show a decline in ice extent over more than three decades, with a record minimum in September 2012. Results from the Pan-Arctic Ice-Ocean Modelling and Assimilation system (PIOMAS) suggest that the decline in extent has been accompanied by a decline in volume, but this has not been confirmed by data. Using new data from the European Space Agency CryoSat-2 (CS-2) mission, validated with in situ data, we generate estimates of ice volume for the winters of 2010/11 and 2011/12. We compare these data with current estimates from PIOMAS and earlier (20038) estimates from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ICESat mission. Between the ICESat and CryoSat-2 periods, the autumn volume declined by 4291 km3 and the winter volume by 1479 km3. This exceeds the decline in ice volume in the central Arctic from the PIOMAS model of 2644 km3 in the autumn, but is less than the 2091 km3 in winter, between the two time periods. |
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The impact of an intense summer cyclone on 2012 Arctic sea ice retreat Zhang, J., R. Lindsay, A. Schweiger, and M. Steele, "The impact of an intense summer cyclone on 2012 Arctic sea ice retreat," Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 720-726, doi:10.1002/grl.50190, 2013. |
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25 Jan 2013 ![]() |
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This model study examines the impact of an intense early August cyclone on the 2012 record low Arctic sea ice extent. The cyclone passed when Arctic sea ice was thin and the simulated Arctic ice volume had already declined ~40% from the 20072011 mean. The thin sea ice pack and the presence of ocean heat in the near surface temperature maximum layer created conditions that made the ice particularly vulnerable to storms. During the storm, ice volume decreased about twice as fast as usual, owing largely to a quadrupling in bottom melt caused by increased upward ocean heat transport. This increased ocean heat flux was due to enhanced mixing in the oceanic boundary layer, driven by strong winds and rapid ice movement. A comparison with a sensitivity simulation driven by reduced wind speeds during the cyclone indicates that cyclone-enhanced bottom melt strongly reduces ice extent for about two weeks, with a declining effect afterwards. The simulated Arctic sea ice extent minimum in 2012 is reduced by the cyclone, but only by 0.15 x 106 km2 (4.4%). Thus without the storm, 2012 would still have produced a record minimum. |
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Recent changes in the dynamic properties of declining Arctic sea ice: A model study Zhang, J., R. Lindsay, A. Schweiger, and I. Rigor, "Recent changes in the dynamic properties of declining Arctic sea ice: A model study," Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, doi:10.1029/2012GL053545, 2012. |
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30 Oct 2012 ![]() |
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Results from a numerical model simulation show significant changes in the dynamic properties of Arctic sea ice during 20072011 compared to the 19792006 mean. These changes are linked to a 33% reduction in sea ice volume, with decreasing ice concentration, mostly in the marginal seas, and decreasing ice thickness over the entire Arctic, particularly in the western Arctic. The decline in ice volume results in a 37% decrease in ice mechanical strength and 31% in internal ice interaction force, which in turn leads to an increase in ice speed (13%) and deformation rates (17%). The increasing ice speed has the tendency to drive more ice out of the Arctic. However, ice volume export is reduced because the rate of decrease in ice thickness is greater than the rate of increase in ice speed, thus retarding the decline of Arctic sea ice volume. Ice deformation increases the most in fall and least in summer. Thus the effect of changes in ice deformation on the ice cover is likely strong in fall and weak in summer. The increase in ice deformation boosts ridged ice production in parts of the central Arctic near the Canadian Archipelago and Greenland in winter and early spring, but the average ridged ice production is reduced because less ice is available for ridging in most of the marginal seas in fall. The overall decrease in ridged ice production contributes to the demise of thicker, older ice. As the ice cover becomes thinner and weaker, ice motion approaches a state of free drift in summer and beyond and is therefore more susceptible to changes in wind forcing. This is likely to make seasonal or shorter-term forecasts of sea ice edge locations more challenging. |
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Uncertainty in modeled Arctic sea ice volume Schweiger, A., R. Lindsay, J. Zhang, M. Steele, H. Stern, and R. Kwok, "Uncertainty in modeled Arctic sea ice volume," J. Geophys. Res., 116, doi:10.1029/2011JC007084, 2011. |
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1 Sep 2011 ![]() |
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Uncertainty in the Pan-Arctic Ice-Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System (PIOMAS) Arctic sea ice volume record is characterized. A range of observations and approaches, including in situ ice thickness measurements, ICESat retrieved ice thickness, and model sensitivity studies, yields a conservative estimate for October Arctic ice volume uncertainty of 1.35 x 10^3 km^3 and an uncertainty of the ice volume trend over the 1979-2010 period of 1.0 x 10^3 km^3 decade^-1. A conservative estimate of the trend over this period is ~2.8 x 10^3 km^3 decade^-1. PIOMAS ice thickness estimates agree well with ICESat ice thickness retrievals (<0.1 m mean difference) for the area for which submarine data are available, while difference outside this area are larger. PIOMAS spatial thickness patterns agree well with ICESat thickness estimates with pattern correlations of above 0.8. PIOMAS appears to overestimate thin ice thickness and underestimate thick ice, yielding a smaller downward trend than apparent in reconstructions from observations. PIOMAS ice volume uncertainties and trends are examined in the context of climate change attribution and the declaration of record minima. The distribution of 32 year trends in a preindustrial coupled model simulation shows no trends comparable to those seen in the PIOMAS retrospective, even when the trend uncertainty is accounted for. Attempts to label September minima as new record lows are sensitive to modeling error. However, the September 2010 ice volume anomaly did in fact exceed the previous 2007 minimum by a large enough margin to establish a statistically significant new record. |
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Arctic sea ice response to atmospheric forcings with varying levels of anthropogenic warming and climate variability Zhang, J., M. Steele, and A. Schweiger, "Arctic sea ice response to atmospheric forcings with varying levels of anthropogenic warming and climate variability," Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, doi:10.1029/2010GL044988, 2010. |
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28 Oct 2010 ![]() |
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Numerical experiments are conducted to project arctic sea ice responses to varying levels of future anthropogenic warming and climate variability over 20102050. A summer ice-free Arctic Ocean is likely by the mid-2040s if arctic surface air temperature (SAT) increases 4 deg C by 2050 and climate variability is similar to the past relatively warm two decades. If such a SAT increase is reduced by one-half or if a future Arctic experiences a range of SAT fluctuation similar to the past five decades, a summer ice-free Arctic Ocean would be unlikely before 2050. If SAT increases 4 deg C by 2050, summer ice volume decreases to very low levels (1037% of the 19782009 summer mean) as early as 2025 and remains low in the following years, while summer ice extent continues to fluctuate annually. Summer ice volume may be more sensitive to warming while summer ice extent more sensitive to climate variability. The rate of annual mean ice volume decrease relaxes approaching 2050. This is because, while increasing SAT increases summer ice melt, a thinner ice cover increases winter ice growth. A thinner ice cover also results in a reduced ice export, which helps to further slow ice volume loss. Because of enhanced winter ice growth, arctic winter ice extent remains nearly stable and therefore appears to be a less sensitive climate indicator. |
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Arctic sea ice retreat in 2007 follows thinning trend Lindsay, R.W., J. Zhang, A. Schweiger, M. Steele, and H. Stern, "Arctic sea ice retreat in 2007 follows thinning trend," J. Climate, 22, 165-176, 2009. |
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1 Jan 2009 ![]() |
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The minimum of Arctic sea ice extent in the summer of 2007 was unprecedented in the historical record. A coupled iceocean model is used to determine the state of the ice and ocean over the past 29 yr to investigate the causes of this ice extent minimum within a historical perspective. It is found that even though the 2007 ice extent was strongly anomalous, the loss in total ice mass was not. Rather, the 2007 ice mass loss is largely consistent with a steady decrease in ice thickness that began in 1987. Since then, the simulated mean September ice thickness within the Arctic Ocean has declined from 3.7 to 2.6 m at a rate of 0.57 m decade-1. Both the area coverage of thin ice at the beginning of the melt season and the total volume of ice lost in the summer have been steadily increasing. The combined impact of these two trends caused a large reduction in the September mean ice concentration in the Arctic Ocean. This created conditions during the summer of 2007 that allowed persistent winds to push the remaining ice from the Pacific side to the Atlantic side of the basin and more than usual into the Greenland Sea. This exposed large areas of open water, resulting in the record ice extent anomaly. |
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Relationships between arctic sea ice and clouds during autumn Schweiger, A., R. Lindsay, S. Vavrus, and J. Francis, "Relationships between arctic sea ice and clouds during autumn," J. Clim., 21, 4799-4810, 2008. |
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1 Sep 2008 ![]() |
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The connection between sea ice variability and cloud cover over the Arctic seas during autumn is investigated by analyzing the 40-yr ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-40) products and the Television and Infrared Observation Satellite (TIROS) Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) Polar Pathfinder satellite datasets. It is found that cloud cover variability near the sea ice margins is strongly linked to sea ice variability. Sea ice retreat is linked to a decrease in low-level cloud amount and a simultaneous increase in midlevel clouds. This pattern is apparent in both data sources. Changes in cloud cover can be explained by changes in the atmospheric temperature structure and an increase in near-surface temperatures resulting from the removal of sea ice. The subsequent decrease in static stability and deepening of the atmospheric boundary layer apparently contribute to the rise in cloud level. The radiative effect of this change is relatively small, as the direct radiative effects of cloud cover changes are compensated for by changes in the temperature and humidity profiles associated with varying ice conditions. |
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What drove the dramatic retreat of arctic sea ice during summer 2007? Zhang, J., R. Lindsay, M. Steele, and A. Schweiger, "What drove the dramatic retreat of arctic sea ice during summer 2007?" Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, doi:10.1029/2008GL034005, 2008. |
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11 Jun 2008 ![]() |
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A model study has been conducted of the unprecedented retreat of arctic sea ice in the summer of 2007. It is found that preconditioning, anomalous winds, and ice-albedo feedback are mainly responsible for the retreat. Arctic sea ice in 2007 was preconditioned to radical changes after years of shrinking and thinning in a warm climate. During summer 2007 atmospheric changes strengthened the transpolar drift of sea ice, causing more ice to move out of the Pacific sector and the central Arctic Ocean where the reduction in ice thickness due to ice advection is up to 1.5 m more than usual. Some of the ice exited Fram Strait and some piled up in part of the Canada Basin and along the coast of northern Greenland, leaving behind an unusually large area of thin ice and open water. Thin ice and open water allow more surface solar heating because of a much reduced surface albedo, leading to amplified ice melting. The Arctic Ocean lost additional 10% of its total ice mass in which 70% is due directly to the amplified melting and 30% to the unusual ice advection, causing the unprecedented ice retreat. Arctic sea ice has entered a state of being particularly vulnerable to anomalous atmospheric forcing. |
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Did unusually sunny skies help drive the record sea ice minimum of 2007? Schweiger, A.J., J. Zhang, R.W. Lindsay, and M. Steele, "Did unusually sunny skies help drive the record sea ice minimum of 2007?" Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, doi:10.1029/2008GL033463, 2008. |
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30 May 2008 ![]() |
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We conduct experiments with an ice-ocean model to answer the question whether and to what degree unusually clear skies during the summer of 2007 contributed to the record sea ice extent minimum in the Arctic Ocean during September of 2007. Anomalously high pressure over the Beaufort Sea during summer 2007 appears associated with a strong negative cloud anomaly. This anomaly is two standard deviations below the 19802007 average established from a combination of two different satellite-based records. Cloud anomalies from the MODIS sensor are compared with anomalies from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and are found in good agreement in spatial patterns and magnitude. However, these experiments establish that the negative cloud anomaly and increased downwelling shortwave flux from June through August did not contribute substantially to the record sea ice extent minimum. This finding eliminates one aspect of the unusual weather that may have contributed to the record minimum. |
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Ensemble 1-year predictions of Arctic sea ice for the spring and summer of 2008 Zhang, J., M. Steele, R. Lindsay, A. Schweiger, J. Morison, "Ensemble 1-year predictions of Arctic sea ice for the spring and summer of 2008," Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, doi:10.1029/2008GL033244, 2008. |
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22 Apr 2008 ![]() |
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Ensemble predictions of arctic sea ice in spring and summer 2008 have been carried out using an ice-ocean model. The ensemble is constructed by using atmospheric forcing from 2001 to 2007 and the September 2007 ice and ocean conditions estimated by the model. The prediction results show that the record low ice cover and the unusually warm ocean surface waters in summer 2007 lead to a substantial reduction in ice thickness in 2008. Up to 1.2 m ice thickness reduction is predicted in a large area of the Canada Basin in both spring and summer of 2008, leading to extraordinarily thin ice in summer 2008. There is a 50% chance that both the Northern Sea Route and the Northwest Passage will be nearly ice free in September 2008. It is not likely there will be another precipitous decline in arctic sea ice extent such as seen in 2007, unless a new atmospheric forcing regime, significantly different from the recent past, occurs. |
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Seasonal predictions of ice extent in the Arctic Ocean Lindsay, R.W., J. Zhang, A.J. Schweiger, and M.A. Steele, "Seasonal predictions of ice extent in the Arctic Ocean," J. Geophys. Res., 113, doi:10.1029/2007JC004259, 2008. |
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29 Feb 2008 ![]() |
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How well can the extent of arctic sea ice be predicted for lead periods of up to one year? The forecast ability of a linear empirical model is explored. It uses as predictors historical information about the ocean and ice obtained from an iceocean model retrospective analysis. The monthly model fields are represented by a correlation-weighted average based on the predicted ice extent. The forecast skill of the procedure is found by fitting the model over subsets of the available data and then making subsequent projections using independent predictor data. The forecast skill, relative to climatology, for predictions of the observed September ice extent for the pan-arctic region is 0.77 for six months lead (from March) and 0.75 for 11 months lead (from October). The ice concentration is the most important variable for the first two months and the ocean temperature of the model layer with a depth of 200 to 270 m is most important for longer lead times. The trend accounts for 76% of the variance of the pan-arctic ice extent, so most of the forecast skill is realized by determining model variables that best represent this trend. For detrended data there is no skill for lead times of 3 months or more. The forecast skill relative to the estimate from the previous year is lower than the climate-relative skill but it is still greater than 0.45 for most lead times. Six-month predictions are also made for each month of the year and regional three-month predictions are made for 45-degree sectors. The ice-ocean model output significantly improves the predictive skill of the forecast model. |
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Seasonal evolution and interannual variability of the local solar energy absorbed by the Arctic sea ice-ocean system Perovich, D.K., S.V. Nghiem, T. Markus, and A. Schweiger, "Seasonal evolution and interannual variability of the local solar energy absorbed by the Arctic sea ice-ocean system," J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi:10.1029/2006JC003558, 2007. |
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6 Mar 2007 ![]() |
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The melt season of the Arctic sea ice cover is greatly affected by the partitioning of the incident solar radiation between reflection to the atmosphere and absorption in the ice and ocean. This partitioning exhibits a strong seasonal cycle and significant interannual variability. Data in the period 1998, 20002004 were analyzed in this study. Observations made during the 19971998 SHEBA (Surface HEat Budget of the Arctic Ocean) field experiment showed a strong seasonal dependence of the partitioning, dominated by a five-phase albedo evolution. QuikSCAT scatterometer data from the SHEBA region in 19992004 were used to further investigate solar partitioning in summer. The time series of scatterometer data were used to determine the onset of melt and the beginning of freezeup. This information was combined with SSM/I-derived ice concentration, TOVS-based estimates of incident solar irradiance, and SHEBA results to estimate the amount of solar energy absorbed in the ice-ocean system for these years. The average total solar energy absorbed in the ice-ocean system from April through September was 900 MJ m-2. There was considerable interannual variability, with a range of 826 to 1044 MJ m-2. The total amount of solar energy absorbed by the ice and ocean was strongly related to the date of melt onset, but only weakly related to the total duration of the melt season or the onset of freezeup. The timing of melt onset is significant because the incident solar energy is large and a change at this time propagates through the entire melt season, affecting the albedo every day throughout melt and freezeup. |
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Characteristics of satellite-derived clear-sky atmospheric temperature inversion strength in the Arctic, 1980-96 Liu, Y.H., J.R. Key, A. Schweiger, and J. Francis "Characteristics of satellite-derived clear-sky atmospheric temperature inversion strength in the Arctic, 1980-96," J. Climate, 19, 4902-4913, 2006. |
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1 Oct 2006 ![]() |
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The low-level atmospheric temperature inversion is a dominant feature of the Arctic atmosphere throughout most of the year. Meteorological stations that provide radiosonde data are sparsely distributed across the Arctic, and therefore provide little information on the spatial distribution of temperature inversions. Satellite-borne sensors provide an opportunity to fill the observational gap. In this study, a 17-yr time series, 198096, of clear-sky temperature inversion strength during the cold season is derived from High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS) data using a two-channel statistical method. The satellite-derived clear-sky inversion strength monthly mean and trends agree well with radiosonde data. Both increasing and decreasing trends are found in the cold season for different areas. It is shown that there is a strong coupling between changes in surface temperature and changes in inversion strength, but that trends in some areas may be a result of advection aloft rather than warming or cooling at the surface. |
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Changes in seasonal cloud cover over the Arctic seas from satellite and surface observations Schweiger, A.J., "Changes in seasonal cloud cover over the Arctic seas from satellite and surface observations," Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, 10.1029/2004GL020067, 2004. |
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19 Jun 2004 ![]() |
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Winter and spring changes in cloudiness are compared over the arctic seas (ocean areas north of 60°N) from the TOVS (TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder) Polar Pathfinder retrievals and two separate datasets derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). All satellite products exhibit significant decreases in cloud fraction over the arctic seas during winter (December, January, February) on the order of 5% / decade. An equally striking increase in spring (March, April, May) cloudiness is evident from the TOVS Pathfinder (TPP) and the extended AVHRR Polar Pathfinder (APP-x) projects. In the Central Arctic these positive trends can be as large as 15% / decade. Surface observations from the Russian drifting meteorological stations are consistent with satellite-observed changes during the 1980s. Negative trends in spring cloudiness reported by Comiso [2003] are in conflict with these findings. Spring changes in cloudiness are associated with changes in the atmospheric circulation. These dramatic, large-scale changes may have substantial impacts on the surface energy balance. |
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Validation of TOVS Path-P data during SHEBA Schweiger, A.J., R.W. Lindsay, J.A. Francis, J. Key, J.M. Intrieri, and M.D. Shupe, "Validation of TOVS Path-P data during SHEBA," J. Geophys. Res., 107, 8041, doi:10.1029/2000JC000453, 2002. |
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28 Sep 2002 ![]() |
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Products from the TIROS-N Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) Polar Pathfinder (Path-P) data set are compared with surface measurements and other satellite remote sensing retrievals during the Surface Heat Balance of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) field program (October 1997 to September 1998). The comparison provides estimates of Path-P retrieval uncertainties. Results are placed in the context of the natural variability and timescales of variability to allow potential users to judge the applicability of the data set for their purpose. Results show temperature profiles to be accurate within 3 K, total column precipitable water within 2 mm annually, and surface temperature within 3 K. Uncertainties in temperature retrieval are below "within-season" variability during all times of the year. Uncertainties in water vapor retrieval during winter and summer are slightly below observed variability in those seasons but are well below during spring. Uncertainty in retrieved cloud fraction is highly dependent on the timescale of observations. Cloud fractions from the surface and satellite are well correlated (correlation coefficient > 0.7) at timescales greater than 4 days but show weaker correlation at shorter timescales. Uncertainty in TOVS-retrieved cloud fraction is less than 20% for 5-day averages. In winter, TOVS-retrieved cloud fractions are higher than those reported in standard meteorological observations but match those derived from lidar data. This supports the notion that standard meteorological observations may underestimate cloudiness in winter. Cloud-top temperatures measured from the surface (lidar/radar) are significantly different from those estimated using TOVS and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) radiances, which highlights the fundamental and inherent dissimilarity between these two measurement techniques. |
In The News
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Fact check: NASA did not deny warming or say polar ice has increased since 1979 USA Today, Kate Petersen NASA researchers have documented the loss of trillions of tons of ice from Earth's poles due to human-driven climate change. Citing published reports from the Polar Science Center and other sources, popular social media memes claiming an increase in polar ice since 1979 are swatted down. |
21 Jan 2022
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Arctic's 'last ice area' may be less resistant to global warming The New York Times, Henry Fountain The region, which could provide a last refuge for polar bears and other Arctic wildlife that depends on ice, is not as stable as previously thought, according to a new study. |
1 Jul 2021
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Arctic's 'last ice area' shows earlier-than-expected melt Associated Press, Seth Borenstein Part of the Arctic is nicknamed the 'Last Ice Area,' because floating sea ice there is usually so thick that it’s likely to withstand global warming for decades. So, scientists were shocked last summer when there was suddenly enough open water for a ship to pass through. |
1 Jul 2021
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Climate change: 'Last refuge' for polar bears is vulnerable to warming BBC News, Matt McGrath The region, dubbed the 'last ice area' had been expected to stay frozen far longer than other parts of the Arctic. But new analysis says that this area suffered record melting last summer. The researchers say that high winds allied to a changing climate were behind the unexpected decline. |
1 Jul 2021
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Last ice-covered parts of summertime Arctic Ocean vulnerable to climate change UW News, Hannah Hickey A region north of Greenland and the islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago has been termed the Last Ice Area. But research led by the APL-UW polar scientists suggests that parts of this area are already showing a decline in summer sea ice. |
1 Jul 2021
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Century-old ship logs show how much ice the Arctic has lost Popular Science, Marlene Cimons By diving into archives, scientists confirmed that floes are melting faster than ever before. |
19 Sep 2019
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Century-old ship logs reveal extent of today's drastic Arctic melt Mashable, Mark Kaufman The often-frigid, ice-clad Arctic remains a harsh world. But in the early 1900s, there was substantially more ice than there is today. New research used old shipping logs, meticulously kept by mariners often each hour, to extend the Arctic sea ice record back 110 years, over seven decades before satellites began regularly monitoring the high north. |
10 Aug 2019
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More than 100 years of Arctic sea ice volume reconstructed with help from historic ships’ logbooks UW News, Hannah Hickey Our knowledge of the dwindling sea ice coverage in the Arctic Ocean comes mostly through satellites, which since 1979 have imaged the sea ice from above. The University of Washington’s Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean and Modeling System, or PIOMAS, is a leading tool for gauging the thickness of that ice. Until now that system has gone back only as far as 1979. |
8 Aug 2019
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February's big patch of open water off Greenland? Not global warming, says new analysis UW News, Hannah Hickey In February 2018, a vast expanse of open water appeared in the sea ice above Greenland, a region that normally has sea ice well into the spring. The big pool of open water in the middle of the ice, known as a polynya, was a scientific puzzle. |
18 Dec 2018
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The Arctic Ocean has lost 95 percent of its oldest ice a startling sign of what's to come The Washington Post, Chris Mooney Over the past three decades of global warming, the oldest and thickest ice in the Arctic has declined by a stunning 95 percent, according the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s annual Arctic Report Card. "We've lost about half of the extent, we've lost half of the thickness, and if you multiply these two things, we've lost 75 percent of the September sea ice," Axel Schweiger said. |
11 Dec 2018
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Arctic sea ice dwindles to record low for winter CBS News The frigid top of the Earth just set yet another record for low levels of sea ice in what scientists say is just the latest signal of an overheating world. |
22 Mar 2017
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Up to half of Arctic melting can be explained by natural changes Christian Science Monitor, Patrick Reilly While Arctic seas have been melting at a faster-than-expected rate in recent decades, scientists are still debating the degree to which natural and human factors are to blame. |
14 Mar 2017
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Rapid decline of Arctic sea ice a combination of climate change and natural variability UW News and Information, Hannah Hickey Arctic sea ice in recent decades has declined even faster than predicted by most models of climate change. Many scientists have suspected that the trend now underway is a combination of global warming and natural climate variability. |
13 Mar 2017
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Seattle climate scientists spread word on warming, skip politics The Seattle Times, Jerry Large Climate scientists at the University of Washington want to talk more about their work because it and public policy are intertwined. They stick to the science side of the equation, which they want the rest of us to understand better so that we can make informed decisions about climate change. |
12 Jan 2017
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Arctic sea ice volume, now tracking record low, stars in data visualization UW News and Information, Hannah Hickey The Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System (PIOMAS) combines weather observations, sea-surface temperature and satellite pictures of ice coverage to compute ice volume and then compares that with on-the-ground measurements. PIOMAS ice numbers starred in an animated graphic posted this week by a climate scientist at the University of Reading. |
7 Jul 2016
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Summer 2015 tally of Arctic Ocean ice volume confirms long-term decline UW News and Information, Hannah Hickey A University of Washington tool PIOMAS that monitors the amount of ice in Arctic waters calculated that we remain on track for a gradual disappearance of the Arctic ice cap in summer. |
21 Sep 2015
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Arctic sea ice "thinning dramatically," study finds CBS News, Laura Geggel Arctic sea ice -- the ice that freezes and floats on Arctic waters -- is thinning at a steadier and faster rate than researchers previously thought, a new study finds. |
5 Mar 2015
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Arctic sea ice is getting thinner faster than expected The Guardian, Andrea Thompson While the steady disappearance of sea ice in the Arctic has been one of the hallmark effects of global warming, research shows it is not only covering less of the planet, but it%u2019s also getting significantly thinner. |
5 Mar 2015
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Arctic sea ice is getting thinner, faster MSN While the steady disappearance of sea ice in the Arctic has been one of the hallmark effects of global warming, research shows it is not only covering less of the planet, but it's also getting significantly thinner. |
5 Mar 2015
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On thin ice: Combined Arctic ice observations show decades of loss UW News and Information, Hannah Hickey APL-UW researchers compiled modern and historic measurements to get a full picture of how Arctic sea ice thickness has changed. Results show a thinning in the central Arctic Ocean of 65 percent between 1975 and 2012. September ice thickness, when the ice cover is at a minimum, is 85 percent thinner for the same 37-year stretch. |
3 Mar 2015
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Antarctic ice at record-high growth, Arctic continues to lose Christian Science Monitor, Becky Oskin Antarctica gained 7.6 million square miles of sea ice this southern winter, according to The National Snow and Ice Data Center, while sea ice in its northern counterpart continues to shrink. Axel Schweiger comments, "I think it's still very much within the long-term trend of declining arctic sea ice." |
19 Sep 2014
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'Future of Ice' initiative marks new era for UW polar research UW News & Information, Hannah Hickey The University of Washington's new 'Future of Ice' initiative seeks to build on research in the polar regions now undergoing rapid changes. The initiative includes several new hires, a new minor in Arctic studies, and a winter lecture series. |
6 Jan 2014
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Arctic 101: UW degree to prep students for a melting world The Seattle Times, Sandi Doughton The University of Washington is launching a new initiative to boost research in polar regions and prepare students for a world where melting ice is opening new opportunities and posing new threats. |
5 Jan 2014
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Stronger winds explain puzzling growth of sea ice in Antarctica UW News and Information, Hannah Hickey Much attention is paid to melting sea ice in the Arctic. But less clear is the situation on the other side of the planet. Despite warmer air and oceans, there's more sea ice in Antarctica now than in the 1970s a fact often pounced on by global warming skeptics. The latest numbers suggest the Antarctic sea ice may be heading toward a record high this year. |
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17 Sep 2013
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A University of Washington researcher says the reason may lie in the winds. A new modeling study to be published in the Journal of Climate shows that stronger polar winds lead to an increase in Antarctic sea ice, even in a warming climate. |
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Santa's workshop not flooded but lots of melting in the Arctic UW News and Information, Hannah Hickey A dramatic image captured by a University of Washington monitoring buoy reportedly shows a lake at the North Pole. Researchers estimate the melt pond in the picture was just over 2 feet deep and a few hundred feet wide, which is not unusual to find on an Arctic ice floe in late July. |
30 Jul 2013
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European satellite confirms UW numbers: Arctic Ocean is on thin ice UW News and Information, Hannah Hickey The September 2012 record low in Arctic sea-ice extent was big news, but a missing piece of the puzzle was lurking below the ocean's surface. What volume of ice floats on Arctic waters? And how does that compare to previous summers? |
13 Feb 2013
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Thick sea ice is disappearing from the Arctic, new satellite data show NBC News, John Roach Thick sea ice is disappearing from a broad swath of the Arctic, according to new satellite data that confirms estimates from computer models and suggests the region may be ice free during the summers sooner rather than later. |
13 Feb 2013
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On thin ice: As Arctic Ocean warms, a scramble to understand its weather Christian Science Monitor, Pete Spotts Increasing summer ice melt in the Arctic Ocean could shift global weather patterns and make polar waters more navigable. But scientists say forecasting Arctic ice and weather remains a massive challenge. |
12 Feb 2013
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Cyclone did not cause 2012 record low for Arctic sea ice UW News and Information, Hannah Hickey "The Great Arctic Cyclone of August 2012," is thought by some to have led to the historic sea ice minimum reached in mid-September 2013. UW research suggests otherwise. |
31 Jan 2013
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Study finds arctic cyclone had insignificant impact on 2012 ice retreat The New York Times, Andrew C. Revkin A new modeling study by the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington, replaying last summer%u2019s Arctic Ocean ice conditions with and without the storm, shows that the short-term influence of all that ice churning probably played almost no role in the final ice retreat in September. |
31 Jan 2013
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Scientists chuck instruments off planes into cracks in Arctic sea ice NBCNews.com, Charles Q. Choi As sea ice disappears in the Arctic Ocean, the U.S. Coast Guard is teaming with scientists to explore this new frontier by deploying scientific equipment through cracks in the ice from airplanes hundreds of feet in the air. |
10 Oct 2012
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UW scientists team with Coast Guard to explore ice-free Arctic Ocean UW New and Information, Nancy Gohring A new partnership has evolved for the Coast Guard and University of Washington scientists since disappearing Arctic ice has opened vast new frontiers. |
2 Oct 2012
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How do they do it? Predictions are in for arctic sea ice low point UW News and Information, Nancy Gohring Researchers are working hard to improve their ability to more accurately predict how much Arctic sea ice will remain at the end of summer. It's an important exercise because knowing why sea ice declines could help scientists better understand climate change and how sea ice is evolving. |
14 Aug 2012
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Arctic sea ice: Claims it has recovered miss the big picture The Washington Post, Jason Samenow and Brian Jackson Perhaps you've heard Arctic sea ice extent has fully recovered after nearly setting record low levels in September, 2011. Sea ice extent is a one-dimensional measure of Arctic ice. Sea ice volume, which is estimated each month at the University of Washington, shows levels well below normal. |
16 May 2012
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Explore the polar ice caps at the Pacific Science Center The Seattle Times/KING 5 News, Christine Johnson University of Washington's Applied Physics Laboratory has teamed up with the Pacific Science Center for four days of demonstrations, exhibits and talks aimed at school children, families, and people interested in learning more about the poles. Polar Science Weekend will feature over ninety scientists that work in some of the most remote and challenging places on earth. |
2 Mar 2012
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Arctic ice hits second-lowest level, US scientists say BBC News Sea ice cover in the Arctic in 2011 has passed its annual minimum, reaching the second-lowest level since satellite records began, US scientists say. |
16 Sep 2011
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NSIDC: Arctic sea ice extent second lowest; NOAA: 8th warmest August globally Washington Post, James Samenow While NSIDC's estimate of the minimum extent is second lowest on record, some instruments/algorithms are suggesting a new record low. And University of Washington's estimate for Arctic sea ice volume - which takes into account the ice thickness - is lowest on record. |
15 Sep 2011
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Arctic sea ice volume reaches record low for second straight year Washington Post, James Samenow Arctic sea ice continues a long-term melting trend, setting new record lows for both volume and extent. The University of Washington estimates August sea ice volume was 62% below the 1979-2010 average. |
14 Sep 2011
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Arctic sea ice is melting at its fastest pace in almost 40 years The Guardian, John Vidal New data suggests that the volume of sea ice last month appeared to be about 2,135 cubic miles just half the average volume and 62% lower than the maximum volume of ice that covered the Arctic in 1979. "Ice volume is now plunging faster than it did at the same time last year when the record was set," said Axel Schweiger. |
11 Sep 2011
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Extent of Arctic summer sea ice at record low level Christian Science Monitor, Pete Spotts Researchers at the University of Washington's Polar Science Center note that in 2010 the volume of summer sea ice fell to a record low. Volume takes into account ice thickness, as well as extent. |
10 Sep 2011
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Total Arctic sea ice at record low in 2010 Reuters, Gerard Wynn The minimum summertime volume of Arctic sea ice fell to a record low last year, APL-UW researchers said in a study to be published shortly, suggesting that thinning of the ice had outweighed a recovery in area. |
5 Sep 2011
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July Arctic sea ice melts to record low extent, volume The Washington Post, Jason Samenow The impacts of a sweltering July extended well beyond the eastern two-thirds of the continental U.S. Both the extent and volume of ice in the Arctic were lowest on record for the month according to data and estimates from the National Snow and Ice Data Center and APL-UW's Polar Science Center. |
8 Aug 2011
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