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Rebecca Woodgate Senior Principal Oceanographer Professor, Oceanography woodgate@apl.washington.edu Phone 206-221-3268 |
Dr. Woodgate is a physical oceanographer, specialising in polar research, with special focus on the circulation of the Arctic Ocean, interactions between sea-ice and the ocean, and the role of the polar oceans in climate. Her research concentrates on the collection and analysis of in-situ oceanographic data. She has worked for many years in the deployment and recovery of moored oceanographic instrumentation in ice-covered waters, and the analysis of both mooring and hydrographic data. She is involved in undergraduate teaching and graduate education. She has worked on British, German, Norwegian, and American research vessels and led expeditions to Bering Strait and the Arctic Ocean.
Her first degree is in physics from the University of Cambridge and her PhD (University of Oxford) is in data assimilation in ocean models. Her postdoc work was done at the Alfred-Wegener Institute in Germany.
Dr. Woodgate's research goal is to understand the physical processes in both Arctic and Antarctic regions, and to use her background to bridge the gap between theory, modeling, and real observations of the oceans.
B.A. Physics & Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, Christ's College, 1990
Ph.D. Oceanography, University of Oxford, 1994
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High Latitude Dynamics Year-round subsurface moorings are used to study the Arctic throughout the year. PIs Aagaard and Woodgate focus on mooring and other in situ data to address a variety of Arctic questions - including flow of Atlantic and Pacific waters, interactions between the shelves and the deep basins, and the properties of the Arctic Ocean Boundary Current. |
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Changing Sea Ice and the Bering Sea Ecosystem Part of the BEST (Bering Sea Ecosystem Study) Project, this study will use high-resolution modeling of Bering Sea circulation to understand past change in the eastern Bering climate and ecosystem and to predict the timing and scope of future change. |
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Bering Strait: Pacific Gateway to the Arctic The Bering Strait is the only Pacific gateway to the Arctic. Since 1990, under various funding, APL-UW has been measuring properties of the Pacific inflow using long-term in situ moorings, supported by annual cruises. Data, papers, cruise reports, plans, and results are available. |
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Atlantic Water in the Arctic Atlantic Waters (AWs) are volumetrically the largest inflow to the Arctic Ocean. They form the major subsurface circum-arctic oceanic transport system and ventilate the interior basins. They are the greatest pan-arctic reservoir of oceanic heat, which may influence upper layers and the sea-ice, for example through slope upwelling and mixing. Circulation of AW carries tracers and contaminants through the Arctic, and the pan-arctic distribution of AW offers a warm corridor for invasive species. Globally, arctic-modification of AW contributes to the North Atlantic overflows and is a high-latitude (climate-sensitive) part of the meridional overturning circulation. In collaboration with national/international observational, modeling and theoretical partners, this project is creating an observationally-based synthesis of the Atlantic Water circulation in the western Arctic, using available historic oceanic data, and exploiting a new technique of tracing water pathways using characteristics of double diffusive temperature-salinity structures. |
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Arctic Mixing: Changing Seasonality of Wind-driven Mixing The Arctic Ocean, as we have come to know it over the last decades, is a quiescent, highly stratified ocean, with subsurface reservoirs and boundary sources of heat and nutrients that are often isolated from surface processes and the photic zone. The primary reason for this quiescence is believed to be the dominant presence of sea-ice, which acts to isolate the ocean from the mixing effects of wind. With the summer sea-ice reduction now exposing over 60% of the Arctic Ocean to the seasonal effects of wind forcing, it is urgent to consider the potential impacts of this available wind energy on the seasonality of the Arctic system. We suggest that the expanding extent and duration of seasonal open water in the Arctic has the potential to reshape the properties and stratification of the upper ocean, dramatically altering mixed layer depths, strengthening the internal wave field by at least an order of magnitude, thus enhancing turbulent mixing in the halo/pycnocline. If sufficiently strong, this enhanced mixing could bring nutrients and heat from the Pacific Waters into the surface and photic zone, with implications for Arctic ecosystems, surface fluxes, and feedbacks to sea-ice formation. In this collaborative proposal, we are using theory, observations and simple models to examine changes in Arctic mixed layer depths and internal wave energy and to predict impacts on Arctic ecosystems and the heat and freshwater balances of the Arctic. |
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Changes in Seasonality in the Arctic Ocean The Arctic sea ice cover impedes the generation and damps the propagation of surface and internal waves. As more and more of the deep Arctic Ocean becomes ice-free in the summer, wind-driven inertial waves and mixing are likely to become increasingly important. This project studies the consequences of the decreasing ice cover on the stratification of the upper ocean as well as its impacts on the geochemistry and biological productivity of the Arctic system. |
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2000-present and while at APL-UW |
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The acoustic presence and migration timing of subarctic baleen whales in the Bering Strait in relation to environmental factors Escajeda, E.D., K.M. Stafford, R.A. Woodgate, and K.L. Laidre, "The acoustic presence and migration timing of subarctic baleen whales in the Bering Strait in relation to environmental factors," Polar Bio., EOR, doi:10.1007/s00300-024-03314-0, 2024. |
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17 Oct 2024 ![]() |
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Subarctic baleen whales, including humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae), fin (Balaenoptera physalus), and gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus), migrate through the Bering Strait every summer to feed in the Chukchi Sea. When and where the whales are found in the region likely reflects environmental conditions. Using recordings collected between 2009 and 2018 from a hydrophone similar to 35 km north of the strait, we identified whale calls during the open-water season (MayDecember), examined migration timing, and investigated potential drivers of whale presence. The acoustic presence of fin and humpback whales varied across the years, while gray whales were consistently detected each year. We compared detection rates for October and November since these months had recordings each year. We observed the highest proportion of recordings with humpback whale calls for OctoberNovember in 2009, 2017, and 2018 (6680% of recordings); the highest proportion of recordings with fin whale calls in 2015, 2017, and 2018 (7579% of recordings); and the highest proportion of recordings with gray whale calls in 2013 and 2015 (46 and 51% of recordings, respectively). Fin and humpback whales departed the Bering Strait similar to 3 and 2 days later per year over the study period (p < 0.04). Both fin and humpback whales delayed their southward migration in years with warmer water temperatures (Pearson r >= 0.73, p < 0.02). Generalized additive models of location, shape, and scale identified day of the year, water temperatures, and the lagged presence of a thermal front the previous month as drivers of acoustic presence for all three species during the open-water season. |
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Gateway to the Arctic: Defining the eastern channel of the Bering Strait Zimmermann, M., R.A. Woodgate, and M.M. Prescott, "Gateway to the Arctic: Defining the eastern channel of the Bering Strait," Prog. Oceanogr., 215, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2023.103052, 2023. |
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1 Jul 2023 ![]() |
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The Bering Strait is the sole gateway and an oceanographic bottleneck for the seasonally warm and comparatively fresh and nutrient-rich Pacific waters to flow into the Arctic, melting ice, lowering salinity, and feeding bird, mammal, and fish populations. The Diomede Islands split this small strait into two main channels, both with northward flow (in the annual mean). The eastern channel, in U.S. waters, also seasonally carries the warmer, fresher Alaskan Coastal Current. Year-round in situ mooring observations (in place since 1990 with annual servicing) show a significant flow increase in the (northward) throughflow, along with seasonal and annual fluctuations. To help with measuring and modelling water flow estimates, we created the first detailed shore-to-shore bathymetric surface of the Bering Strait's eastern channel, located its narrowest cross-section (1.8 km2) as occurring 510 km south of the moorings, and quantified the cross-section across the moorings (2.0 km2), both slightly larger than previously estimated (1.6 km2). Overlaps between older (~1950) and newer (~2010) bathymetry data sets identified clear areas of erosion and deposition, with much of the eastern channel having eroded by > 1 m. Since the depth is uniformly ~50 m across much of the eastern channel, the 1 m of erosion that we quantified would only slightly (2%) increase the sizes of the cross-sections. Much of the seafloor is hard substrate and probably composed of cobbles, but we hypothesize that friction from strong (~1 + knot) seafloor currents is the most likely explanation for the erosion that we observed. In softer and siltier areas, the bathymetry showed additional evidence of potential current impacts in the form of small seafloor waves (~0.5 to ~1.0 m tall) and a shore-parallel bar offshore of Cape Prince of Wales Spit. There are large (~2 m tall) seafloor waves seaward of Cape Prince of Wales Shoal. A previously undescribed (~1 to 2 km wide, ~4 m deep) seafloor channel of unknown origin occurred along a linear north/south axis for the full 75 km extent of the bathymetric surface. The southern end of this seafloor channel was near the end of three larger seafloor channels extending westerly out of nearby Norton Sound, suggesting a common origin. These Norton Sound channels may be paleodrainages, as their eastern ends point toward Seward Peninsula inlets with large drainages where paleoglaciers were reported to have existed, but the morphology of these channels is also consistent with tidal channels. |
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Quantifying the effect of ship noise on the acoustic environment of the Bering Strait Escajeda, E.D., K.M. Stafford, R.A. Woodgate, and K.L. Laidre, "Quantifying the effect of ship noise on the acoustic environment of the Bering Strait," Mar. Pollut. Bull., 187, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114557, 2023. |
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1 Feb 2023 ![]() |
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The narrow Bering Strait provides the only gateway between the Pacific Ocean and the Arctic, bringing migrating marine mammals in close proximity to ships transiting the strait. We characterized ship activity in the Bering Strait during the open-water season (JulyNovember) for 20132015 and quantified the impact of ship noise on third-octave sound levels (TOLs) for bands used by baleen whales (251000 Hz). Peak ship activity occurred in July–September with the greatest overlap in ship noise and whale vocalizations observed in October. Ships elevated sound levels by ~4 dB on average for all TOL bands combined, and 250-Hz TOLs exceeding 100 dB re 1 μPa were recorded from two large vessels over 11 km away from the hydrophones. Our results show that ship noise has the potential to impact baleen whales in the Bering Strait and serve as a baseline for measuring future changes in ship activity in the region. |
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Boundary currents at the northern edge of the Chukchi Sea at 166 degrees W Li, M., R.S. Pickart, P. Lin, R.A. Woodgate, G. Wang, and L. Xie, "Boundary currents at the northern edge of the Chukchi Sea at 166 degrees W," J. Geophys. Res., 128, doi:10.1029/2022JC018997, 2023. |
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1 Jan 2023 ![]() |
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Data from two moorings deployed at 166°W on the northern Chukchi shelf and slope from summer 2002 to fall 2004, as part of the Western Arctic Shelf-Basin Interactions program, are analyzed to investigate the characteristics and variability of the flow in this region. The depth-mean velocity at the outer-shelf mooring is northeastward and bottom-intensified, while that at the upper-slope mooring is northwestward and surface-intensified. This, together with results from a high resolution ocean and sea ice reanalysis, indicates that the outer-shelf mooring sampled the seaward edge of the Chukchi Shelfbreak Jet, while the upper-slope mooring sampled the shoreward edge of the Chukchi Slope Current. The coupled variability in velocity at both sites is related to the wind stress curl over the Chukchi Sea shelf, likely via Ekman dynamics and geostrophic set up, analogous to the dynamics of both currents closer to Barrow Canyon near 157°W. Hydrographic signals are analyzed to elucidate the origin of the water masses present at this location. It is argued that the annual appearance of Pacific-origin warm water at the outer-shelf (upper-slope) mooring in late-fall and winter originates from Herald (Barrow) Canyon some months earlier. Our results constitute the first robust evidence that the westward-flowing Chukchi Slope Current persists this far west of Barrow Canyon. |
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Monitoring Alaskan Arctic shelf ecosystems through collaborative observation networks Danielson, S.L., and 21 others including C. Peralta-Ferriz and R. Woodgate, "Monitoring Alaskan Arctic shelf ecosystems through collaborative observation networks," Oceanography, 35, 198-209, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2022.119, 2022. |
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1 Dec 2022 ![]() |
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Ongoing scientific programs that monitor marine environmental and ecological systems and changes comprise an informal but collaborative, information-rich, and spatially extensive network for the Alaskan Arctic continental shelves. Such programs reflect contributions and priorities of regional, national, and international funding agencies, as well as private donors and communities. These science programs are operated by a variety of local, regional, state, and national agencies, and academic, Tribal, for-profit, and nongovernmental nonprofit entities. Efforts include research ship and autonomous vehicle surveys, year-long mooring deployments, and observations from coastal communities. Inter-program coordination allows cost-effective leveraging of field logistics and collected data into value-added information that fosters new insights unattainable by any single program operating alone. Coordination occurs at many levels, from discussions at marine mammal co-management meetings and interagency meetings to scientific symposia and data workshops. Together, the efforts represented by this collection of loosely linked long-term monitoring programs enable a biologically focused scientific foundation for understanding ecosystem responses to warming water temperatures and declining Arctic sea ice. Here, we introduce a variety of currently active monitoring efforts in the Alaskan Arctic marine realm that exemplify the above attributes. |
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Mooring measurements of Anadyr current nitrate, phosphate, and silicate enable updated Bering Strait nutrient flux estimates Hennon, T.D., S.L. Danielson, R.A. Woodgate, B. Irving, D.A. Stockwell, and C.W. Mordy, "Mooring measurements of Anadyr current nitrate, phosphate, and silicate enable updated Bering Strait nutrient flux estimates," Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, doi:10.1029/2022GL098908, 2022. |
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28 Aug 2022 ![]() |
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In situ nutrient concentration data and salinity-nutrient parameterizations established at Anadyr Strait from June 2017 to June 2018 are used to estimate monthly Pacific-to-Arctic fluxes of nitrate, phosphate, and silicate through Bering Strait over 19972019. In most months our estimates rely on measurements made from mooring-based sensors and whole water samples, while over MayAugust the basis is shipboard hydrography. We find annually averaged Bering Strait fluxes of 16 ± 6, 1.5 ± 0.5, and 30 ± 11 kmol/s for nitrate, phosphate, and silicate, respectively, with inter-annual variability ±30% of the mean. Maximum fluxes occur in April, exceeding the annual average by ~50%, while minimum fluxes occur in December. Annually averaged fluxes estimated here are ~50% higher than previous estimates. Significant (p < 0.05) increasing trends in phosphate and silicate fluxes are found over 19982018, but not nitrate. However, it is unclear if these trend results are due to differences in draw-down or limitations of the salinity-nutrient parameterizations. |
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Warming and freshening of the Pacific inflow to the Arctic from 19902019 implying dramatic shoaling in Pacific Winter Water ventilation in the Arctic water column Woodgate, R.A., and C. Peralta-Ferriz, "Warming and freshening of the Pacific inflow to the Arctic from 19902019 implying dramatic shoaling in Pacific Winter Water ventilation in the Arctic water column," Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, doi:10.1029/2021GL092528, 2021. |
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16 May 2021 ![]() |
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The Pacific inflow to the Arctic traditionally brings heat in summer, melting sea ice; dense waters in winter, refreshing the Arctic's cold halocline; and nutrients year-round, supporting Arctic ecosystems. Bering Strait moorings from 1990 to 2019 find increasing (0.010 ± 0.006 Sv/yr) northward flow, reducing Chukchi residence times by ~1.5 months over this period (record maximum/minimum ~7.5 and ~4.5 months). Annual mean temperatures warm significantly (0.05 ± 0.02°C/yr), with faster change (~0.1°C/yr) in warming (June/July) and cooling (October/November) months, which are now 2°°C to 4°C above climatology. Warm (greater than or equal to 0°C) water duration increased from 5.5 months (the 1990s) to over 7 months (2017), mostly due to earlier warming (1.3 ± 0.7 days/yr). Dramatic winter-only (JanuaryMarch) freshening (0.03 psu/yr) makes winter waters fresher than summer waters. The resultant winter density change, too large to be compensated by Chukchi sea-ice processes, shoals the Pacific Winter Water (PWW) equilibrium depth in the Arctic from 100150 to 50100 m, implying PWW no longer ventilates the Arctic’s cold halocline at 33.1 psu. |
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Mean and seasonal circulation of the eastern Chukchi Sea from moored timeseries in 201314 Tian, F., and 13 others including R.A. Woodgate, "Mean and seasonal circulation of the eastern Chukchi Sea from moored timeseries in 201314," J. Geophys. Res., 126, doi:10.1029/2020JC016863, 2021. |
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1 May 2021 ![]() |
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From late‐summer 2013 to late‐summer 2014, a total of 20 moorings were maintained on the eastern Chukchi Sea shelf as part of five independent field programs. This provided the opportunity to analyze an extensive set of timeseries to obtain a broad view of the mean and seasonally‐varying hydrography and circulation over the course of the year. Year‐long mean bottom temperatures reflected the presence of the strong coastal circulation pathway, while mean bottom salinities were influenced by polynya/lead activity along the coast. The timing of the warm water appearance in spring/summer is linked to advection along the various flow pathways. The timing of the cold water appearance in fall/winter was not reflective of advection nor related to the time of freeze‐up. Near the latitude of Barrow Canyon the cold water was accompanied by freshening. A one‐dimensional mixed‐layer model demonstrates that wind mixing, due to synoptic storms, overturns the water column resulting in the appearance of the cold water. The loitering pack ice in the region, together with warm southerly winds, melted ice and provided an intermittent source of fresh water that was mixed to depth according to the model. Farther north the ambient stratification prohibits wind‐driven overturning, hence the cold water arrives from the south. The circulation during the warm and cold months of the year is different in both strength and pattern. Our study highlights the multitude of factors involved in setting the seasonal cycle of hydrography and circulation on the Chukchi shelf. |
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Variability in fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) occurrence in the Bering Strait and southern Chukchi Sea in relation to environmental factors Escajeda, E., K.M. Stafford, R.A. Woodgate, K.L. Laidre, "Variability in fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) occurrence in the Bering Strait and southern Chukchi Sea in relation to environmental factors," Deep Sea Res. II, 177, doi:0.1016/j.dsr2.2020.104782, 2020. |
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4 May 2020 ![]() |
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Fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) are common summer visitors to the Pacific Arctic, migrating through the Bering Strait and into the southern Chukchi Sea to feed on seasonally-abundant prey. The abundance and distribution of fin whales in the Chukchi Sea varies from year-to-year, possibly reflecting fluctuating environmental conditions. We hypothesized that fin whale calls were most likely to be detected in years and at sites where productive water masses were present, indicated by low temperatures and high salinities, and where strong northward water and wind velocities, resulting in increased prey advection, were prevalent. Using acoustic recordings from three moored hydrophones in the Bering Strait region from 20092015, we identified fin whale calls during the open-water season (JulyNovember) and investigated potential environmental drivers of interannual variability in fin whale presence. We examined near-surface and near-bottom temperatures (T) and salinities (S), wind and water velocities through the strait, water mass presence as estimated using published T/S boundaries, and satellite-derived sea surface temperatures and sea-ice concentrations. Our results show significant interannual variability in the acoustic presence of fin whales with the greatest detections of calls in years with contrasting environmental conditions (2012 and 2015). Colder temperatures, lower salinities, slower water velocities, and weak southward winds prevailed in 2012 while warmer temperatures, higher salinities, faster water velocities, and moderate southward winds prevailed in 2015. Most detections (96%) were recorded at the mooring site nearest the confluence of the nutrient-rich Anadyr and Bering Shelf water masses, ~35 km north of Bering Strait, indicating that productive water masses may influence the occurrence of fin whales. The disparity in environmental conditions between 2012 and 2015 suggests there may be multiple combinations of environmental factors or other unexamined variables that draw fin whales into the Pacific Arctic. |
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Monthly variability in Bering Sea oceanic volume and heat transports, links to atmospheric circulation and ocean temperature, and implications for sea ice conditions Serreze, M.C., A.P. Barrett, A.D. Crawford, and R.A. Woodgate, "Monthly variability in Bering Sea oceanic volume and heat transports, links to atmospheric circulation and ocean temperature, and implications for sea ice conditions," J. Geophys. Res., 124, 9317-9337, doi:10.1029/2019JC015422, 2019. |
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1 Dec 2019 ![]() |
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The Bering Strait oceanic heat transport influences seasonal sea ice retreat and advance in the Chukchi Sea. Monitored since 1990, it depends on water temperature and factors controlling the volume transport, assumed to be local winds in the strait and an oceanic pressure difference between the Pacific and Arctic oceans (the "pressure head"). Recent work suggests that variability in the pressure head, especially during summer, relates to the strength of the zonal wind in the East Siberian Sea that raises or drops sea surface height in this area via Ekman transport. We confirm that westward winds in the East Siberian Sea relate to a broader central Arctic pattern of high sea level pressure and note that anticyclonic winds over the central Arctic Ocean also favor low September sea ice extent for the Arctic as a whole by promoting ice convergence and positive temperature anomalies. Month‐to‐month persistence in the volume transport and atmospheric circulation patterns is low, but the period 19802017 had a significant summertime (JuneAugust) trend toward higher sea level pressure over the central Arctic Ocean, favoring increased transports. Some recent large heat transports are associated with high water temperatures, consistent with persistence of open water in the Chukchi Sea into winter and early ice retreat in spring. The highest heat transport recorded, October 2016, resulted from high water temperatures and ideal wind conditions yielding a record‐high volume transport. November and December 2005, the only months with southward volume (and thus heat) transports, were associated with southward winds in the strait. |
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Arctic Mediterranean exchanges: A consistent volume budget and trends in transports from two decades of observations Østerhus, S., and 16 others including R. Woodgate, C.M. Lee, and B. Curry, "Arctic Mediterranean exchanges: A consistent volume budget and trends in transports from two decades of observations," Ocean Sci., 15, 379-399, doi:10.5194/os-15-379-2019, 2019. |
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12 Apr 2019 ![]() |
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The Arctic Mediterranean (AM) is the collective name for the Arctic Ocean, the Nordic Seas, and their adjacent shelf seas. Water enters into this region through the Bering Strait (Pacific inflow) and through the passages across the GreenlandScotland Ridge (Atlantic inflow) and is modified within the AM. The modified waters leave the AM in several flow branches which are grouped into two different categories: (1) overflow of dense water through the deep passages across the GreenlandScotland Ridge, and (2) outflow of light water here termed surface outflow on both sides of Greenland. These exchanges transport heat and salt into and out of the AM and are important for conditions in the AM. They are also part of the global ocean circulation and climate system. Attempts to quantify the transports by various methods have been made for many years, but only recently the observational coverage has become sufficiently complete to allow an integrated assessment of the AM exchanges based solely on observations. In this study, we focus on the transport of water and have collected data on volume transport for as many AM-exchange branches as possible between 1993 and 2015. The total AM import (oceanic inflows plus freshwater) is found to be 9.1 Sv (sverdrup, 1 Sv =106 m3 s-1) with an estimated uncertainty of 0.7 Sv and has the amplitude of the seasonal variation close to 1 Sv and maximum import in October. Roughly one-third of the imported water leaves the AM as surface outflow with the remaining two-thirds leaving as overflow. The overflow water is mainly produced from modified Atlantic inflow and around 70% of the total Atlantic inflow is converted into overflow, indicating a strong coupling between these two exchanges. The surface outflow is fed from the Pacific inflow and freshwater (runoff and precipitation), but is still approximately two-thirds of modified Atlantic water. For the inflow branches and the two main overflow branches (Denmark Strait and Faroe Bank Channel), systematic monitoring of volume transport has been established since the mid-1990s, and this enables us to estimate trends for the AM exchanges as a whole. At the 95 % confidence level, only the inflow of Pacific water through the Bering Strait showed a statistically significant trend, which was positive. Both the total AM inflow and the combined transport of the two main overflow branches also showed trends consistent with strengthening, but they were not statistically significant. They do suggest, however, that any significant weakening of these flows during the last two decades is unlikely and the overall message is that the AM exchanges remained remarkably stable in the period from the mid-1990s to the mid-2010s. The overflows are the densest source water for the deep limb of the North Atlantic part of the meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), and this conclusion argues that the reported weakening of the AMOC was not due to overflow weakening or reduced overturning in the AM. Although the combined data set has made it possible to establish a consistent budget for the AM exchanges, the observational coverage for some of the branches is limited, which introduces considerable uncertainty. This lack of coverage is especially extreme for the surface outflow through the Denmark Strait, the overflow across the IcelandFaroe Ridge, and the inflow over the Scottish shelf. We recommend that more effort is put into observing these flows as well as maintaining the monitoring systems established for the other exchange branches. |
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Flow patterns in the eastern Chukchi Sea: 20102015 Stabeno, P., N. Kachel, C. Ladd, and R. Woodgate, "Flow patterns in the eastern Chukchi Sea: 20102015," J. Geophys. Res., 123, 1177-1195, doi:10.1002/2017JC013135, 2018. |
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1 Feb 2018 ![]() |
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From 2010 to 2015, moorings were deployed on the northern Chukchi Sea at nine sites. Deployment duration varied from 5 years at a site off Icy Cape to 1 year at a site north of Hanna Shoal. In addition, 39 satellite‐tracked drifters (drogue depth 2530 m) were deployed in the region during 20122015. The goals of this manuscript are to describe currents in the Chukchi Sea and their relationship to ice and winds. The north‐south pressure gradient results in, on average, a northward flow over the Chukchi shelf, which is modified by local winds. The volume transport near Icy Cape (~0.4 Sv) was ~40% of flow through Bering Strait and varied seasonally, accounting for >50% of summer and ~20% of winter transport in Bering Strait. Current direction was strongly influenced by bathymetry, with northward flow through the Central Channel and eastward flow south of Hanna Shoal. The latter joined the coastal flow exiting the shelf via Barrow Canyon. Drifter trajectories indicated the transit from Bering Strait to the mouth of Barrow Canyon took ~90 days during the ice‐free season. Most (~70%) of the drifters turned westward at the mouth of Barrow Canyon and continued westward in the Chukchi Slope Current. This slope flow was largely confined to the upper 300 m, and although it existed year‐round, it was strongest in spring and summer. Drifter trajectories indicated that the Chukchi Slope Current extends as far west as the mouth of Herald Canyon. The remaining ~30% of the drifters turned eastward or were intercepted by sea ice. |
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Increases in the Pacific inflow to the Arctic from 1990 to 2015, and insights into seasonal trends and driving mechanisms from year-round Bering Strait mooring data Woodgate, R.A., "Increases in the Pacific inflow to the Arctic from 1990 to 2015, and insights into seasonal trends and driving mechanisms from year-round Bering Strait mooring data," Prog. Oceanogr., 160, 124-154, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2017.12.007, 2018. |
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1 Jan 2018 ![]() |
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The dominant role of the East Siberian Sea in driving the oceanic flow through the Bering Strait Conclusions from GRACE ocean mass satellite data and in situ mooring observations between 2002 and 2016 Peralta-Ferriz, C., and R.A. Woodgate, "The dominant role of the East Siberian Sea in driving the oceanic flow through the Bering Strait Conclusions from GRACE ocean mass satellite data and in situ mooring observations between 2002 and 2016," Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 11,472-11,481, doi:10.1002/2017GL075179, 2017. |
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28 Nov 2017 ![]() |
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It is typically stated that the Pacific-to-Arctic oceanic flow through the Bering Strait (important for Arctic heat, freshwater, and nutrient budgets) is driven by local wind and a (poorly defined) far-field "pressure head" forcing, related to sea surface height differences between the Pacific and the Arctic. Using monthly, Arctic-wide, ocean bottom pressure satellite data and in situ mooring data from the Bering Strait from 2002 to 2016, we discover the spatial structure of this pressure head forcing, finding that the Bering Strait throughflow variability is dominantly driven from the Arctic, specifically by sea level change in the East Siberian Sea (ESS), in turn related to westward winds along the Arctic coasts. In the (comparatively calm) summer, this explains approximately two thirds of the Bering Strait variability. In winter, local wind variability dominates the total flow, but the pressure head term, while still correlated with the ESS-dominated sea level pattern, is now more strongly related to Bering Sea Shelf sea level variability. |
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Variability, trends, and predictability of seasonal sea ice retreat and advance in the Chukchi Sea Serreze, M.C., A.D. Crawford, J.C. Stroeve, A.P. Barrett, and R.A. Woodgate, "Variability, trends, and predictability of seasonal sea ice retreat and advance in the Chukchi Sea," J. Geophys. Res., 121, 7308-7325, doi:10.1002/2016JC011977, 2016. |
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4 Oct 2016 ![]() |
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As assessed over the period 19792014, the date that sea ice retreats to the shelf break (150 m contour) of the Chukchi Sea has a linear trend of 0.7 days per year. The date of seasonal ice advance back to the shelf break has a steeper trend of about +1.5 days per year, together yielding an increase in the open water period of 80 days. Based on detrended time series, we ask how interannual variability in advance and retreat dates relate to various forcing parameters including radiation fluxes, temperature and wind (from numerical reanalyses), and the oceanic heat inflow through the Bering Strait (from in situ moorings). Of all variables considered, the retreat date is most strongly correlated (r ~ 0.8) with the April through June Bering Strait heat inflow. After testing a suite of statistical linear models using several potential predictors, the best model for predicting the date of retreat includes only the April through June Bering Strait heat inflow, which explains 68% of retreat date variance. The best model predicting the ice advance date includes the July through September inflow and the date of retreat, explaining 67% of advance date variance. We address these relationships by discussing heat balances within the Chukchi Sea, and the hypothesis of oceanic heat transport triggering ocean heat uptake and ice-albedo feedback. Developing an operational prediction scheme for seasonal retreat and advance would require timely acquisition of Bering Strait heat inflow data. Predictability will likely always be limited by the chaotic nature of atmospheric circulation patterns. |
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A synthesis of year-round interdisciplinary mooring measurements in the Bering Strait (19902014) and the RUSALCA years (20042011) Woodgate, R.A., K.M. Stafford, and F.G. Praha, "A synthesis of year-round interdisciplinary mooring measurements in the Bering Strait (19902014) and the RUSALCA years (20042011)," Oceanography, 28, 46-67, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2015.57, 2015. |
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1 Sep 2015 ![]() |
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The flow through the Bering Strait, the only Pacific-Arctic oceanic gateway, has dramatic local, regional, and global impacts. Advanced year-round moored technology quantifies challengingly large temporal (subdaily, seasonal, and interannual) and spatial variability in the ~85 km wide, two-channel strait. The typically northward flow, intensified seasonally in the ~1020 km wide, warm, fresh, nutrient-poor Alaskan Coastal Current (ACC) in the east, is otherwise generally homogeneous in velocity throughout the strait, although with higher salinities and nutrients and lower temperatures in the west. Velocity and water properties respond rapidly (including flow reversals) to local wind, likely causing most of the strait's approximately two-layer summer structure (by "spilling" the ACC) and winter water-column homogenization. We identify island-trapped eddy zones in the central strait; changes in sea-ice properties (season mean thicknesses from <1 m to >2 m); and increases in annual mean volume, heat, and freshwater fluxes from 2001 to present (2013). Tantalizing first results from year-round bio-optics, nitrate, and ocean acidification sensors indicate significant seasonal and spatial change, possibly driven by the spring bloom. Moored acoustic recorders show large interannual variability in sub-Arctic whale occurrence, related perhaps to water property changes. Substantial daily variability demonstrates the dangers of interpreting section data and the necessity for year-round interdisciplinary time-series measurements. |
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Coupled wind-forced controls of the BeringChukchi shelf circulation and the Bering Strait throughflow: Ekman transport, continental shelf waves, and variations of the PacificArctic sea surface height gradient Danielson, S.L., et al., including K. Aagaard and R. Woodgate, "Coupled wind-forced controls of the BeringChukchi shelf circulation and the Bering Strait throughflow: Ekman transport, continental shelf waves, and variations of the PacificArctic sea surface height gradient," Prog. Oceanogr., 125, 40-61, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2014.04.006, 2014. |
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1 Jun 2014 ![]() |
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We develop a conceptual model of the closely co-dependent Bering shelf, Bering Strait, and Chukchi shelf circulation fields by evaluating the effects of wind stress over the North Pacific and western Arctic using atmospheric reanalyses, current meter observations, satellite-based sea surface height (SSH) measurements, hydrographic profiles, and numerical model integrations. This conceptual model suggests Bering Strait transport anomalies are primarily set by the longitudinal location of the Aleutian Low, which drives oppositely signed anomalies at synoptic and annual time scales. Synoptic time scale variations in shelf currents result from local wind forcing and remotely generated continental shelf waves, whereas annual variations are driven by basin scale adjustments to wind stress that alter the magnitude of the along-strait (meridional) pressure gradient. In particular, we show that storms centered over the Bering Sea excite continental shelf waves on the eastern Bering shelf that carry northward velocity anomalies northward through Bering Strait and along the Chukchi coast. The integrated effect of these storms tends to decrease the northward Bering Strait transport at annual to decadal time scales by imposing cyclonic wind stress curl over the Aleutian Basin and the Western Subarctic Gyre. Ekman suction then increases the water column density through isopycnal uplift, thereby decreasing the dynamic height, sea surface height, and along-strait pressure gradient. Storms displaced eastward over the Gulf of Alaska generate an opposite set of Bering shelf and Aleutian Basin responses. While Ekman pumping controls Canada Basin dynamic heights (Proshutinsky et al., 2002), we do not find evidence for a strong relation between Beaufort Gyre sea surface height variations and the annually averaged Bering Strait throughflow. Over the western Chukchi and East Siberian seas easterly winds promote coastal divergence, which also increases the along-strait pressure head, as well as generates shelf waves that impinge upon Bering Strait from the northwest. |
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The Barents and Chukchi seas: Comparison of two Arctic shelf ecosystems Hunt, G.L., Jr., et al., including R.A. Woodgate, "The Barents and Chukchi seas: Comparison of two Arctic shelf ecosystems," J. Mar. Syst., 109-110, 43-68, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.08.003, 2013. |
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1 Jan 2013 ![]() |
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This paper compares and contrasts the ecosystems of the Barents and Chukchi Seas. Despite their similarity in a number of features, the Barents Sea supports a vast biomass of commercially important fish, but the Chukchi does not. Here we examine a number of aspects of these two seas to ascertain how they are similar and how they differ. We then indentify processes and mechanisms that may be responsible for their similarities and differences. |
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Ocean Timmermans, M.-L., et al., including J. Jackson, M. Steele, and R. Woodgate, "Ocean," In Arctic Report Card, M.O. Jeffries, J.A. Richter-Menge, and J.E. Overland, eds., 42-54 (NOAA Climate Program Office, 2012). |
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5 Dec 2012 ![]() |
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Observed increases in Bering Strait oceanic fluxes from the Pacific to the Arctic from 2001 to 2011 and their impacts on the Arctic Ocean water column Woodgate, R.A., T.J. Weingartner, and R. Lindsay, "Observed increases in Bering Strait oceanic fluxes from the Pacific to the Arctic from 2001 to 2011 and their impacts on the Arctic Ocean water column," Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, doi:10.1029/2012GL054092,2012. |
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1 Dec 2012 ![]() |
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Mooring data indicate the Bering Strait throughflow increases ~50% from 2001 (~0.7 Sv) to 2011 (~1.1 Sv), driving heat and freshwater flux increases. Increase in the Pacific-Arctic pressure-head explains two-thirds of the change, the rest being attributable to weaker local winds. The 2011 heat flux (~5 x 1020J) approaches the previous record high (2007) due to transport increases and warmer lower layer (LL) temperatures, despite surface temperature (SST) cooling. In the last decade, warmer LL waters arrive earlier (1.6 ± 1.1 days/yr), though winds and SST are typical for recent decades. Maximum summer salinities, likely set in the Bering Sea, remain remarkably constant (~33.1 psu) over the decade, elucidating the stable salinity of the western Arctic cold halocline. Despite this, freshwater flux variability (strongly driven by transport) exceeds variability in other Arctic freshwater sources. Remote data (winds, SST) prove insufficient for quantifying variability, indicating interannual change can still only be assessed by in situ year-round measurements. |
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Circulation on the central Bering Sea shelf, July 2008 July 2010 Danielson, S.L., T.J. Weingartner, Kn. Aagaard, J. Zhang, and R.A. Woodgate, "Circulation on the central Bering Sea shelf, July 2008 July 2010," J. Geophys. Res., 117, doi:10.1029/2012JC008303, 2012. |
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1 Oct 2012 ![]() |
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We examine the July 2008 to July 2010 circulation over the central Bering Sea shelf using measurements at eight instrumented moorings, hindcast winds and numerical model results. At sub-tidal time scales, the vertically integrated equations of motion show that the cross-shelf balance is primarily geostrophic. The along-shelf balance is also mainly geostrophic, but local accelerations, wind stress and bottom friction account for 10-40% of the momentum balance, depending on season and water depth. The shelf exhibits highly variable flow with small water column average vector mean speeds (< 5 cm s-1). Mean/peak speeds in summer (36 cm s-1/1030 cm s-1) are smaller than in winter and fall (612 cm s-1/3070 cm s-1). Low frequency flows (< 1/4 cpd) are horizontally coherent over distances exceeding 200 km. Vertical coherence varies seasonally, degrading with the onset of summer stratification. Because effects of heating and freezing are enhanced in shallow waters, warm summers increase the cross-shelf density gradient and thus enhance northward transport; cold winters with increased ice production and brine rejection increase the (now reversed) cross-shelf density gradient and enhance southward transport. Although the baroclinic velocity is large enough to influence seasonal transports, wind-forced Ekman dynamics are primarily responsible for flow variations. The system changes from strong northward flow (with coastal convergence) to strong southward flow (with coastal divergence) for northerly and easterly winds, respectively. Under northerly and northwesterly winds, nutrient-rich waters flow toward the central shelf from the north and northwest, replacing dilute coastal waters that are carried south and west. |
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Towards seasonal prediction of the distribution and extent of cold bottom waters on the Bering Sea shelf Zhang, J., R. Woodgate, and S. Mangiameli, "Towards seasonal prediction of the distribution and extent of cold bottom waters on the Bering Sea shelf," Deep Sea Res. II, 65-70, 58-71, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.02.023, 2012. |
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21 Feb 2012 ![]() |
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A coupled sea iceocean model, combined with observational and reanalysis data, is used to explore the seasonal predictability of the distribution and extent of cold bottom waters on the Bering Sea shelf through numerical simulations or statistical analyses. The model captures the spatiotemporal variability of trawl survey observations of bottom water temperature over the period 19702009. Of the various winter airice3ocean parameters considered, the interannual variability of the winter on-shelf heat transport across the Bering Sea shelf break, dominated by changes in ocean flow, is most highly correlated with the interannual variability of the bottom layer properties (bottom temperature, and the distribution and extent of cold bottom waters) in springsummer. This suggests that the winter heat transport may be the best seasonal predictor of the bottom layer properties. To varying degrees, the winter mean simulated sea surface temperature (SST), National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis surface air temperature (SAT), simulated and observed sea ice extent, the Bering Strait outflow, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation are also significantly correlated with the springsummer bottom layer properties. This suggests that, with varying skill, they may also be useful for statistical seasonal predictions. Good agreement between observations and results of the coupled iceocean model suggests also the possibility of numerical seasonal predictions of the bottom layer properties. The simulated field of bottom layer temperature on the Bering Sea shelf on 31 May is a good predictor of the distribution and extent of cold bottom waters throughout late spring and summer. These variables, both in the model and in reality, do not change significantly from June to October, primarily owing to increased upper ocean stratification in late spring due to ice melt and surface warming, which tends to isolate and preserve the cold bottom waters on the shelf. However, the ocean stratification, and hence the isolation effect, is stronger in cold years than in warm years because more ice is available for melting in springsummer. |
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Changes to the near-surface waters in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean from 1993-2009: A basin in transition Jackson, J.M., S.E. Allen, F.A. McLaughlin, R.A. Woodgate, and E.C. Carmack, "Changes to the near-surface waters in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean from 1993-2009: A basin in transition," J. Geophys. Res., 116, doi: 10.1029/2011JC007069, 2011. |
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12 Oct 2011 ![]() |
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Increased sea ice melt and decreased surface albedo have changed the near-surface water mass structure of the Canada Basin. From 1993-2009, the near-surface temperature maximum (NSTM) and remnant of the previous winter's mixed layer (rWML) warmed by about 1.5C and 0.5C and freshened by about 4 and 2 practical salinity units, respectively. Results from a 1-D model suggest rWML warming can be explained by heat diffusion from both the NSTM and Pacific Summer Water (PSW). The same model predicts salinization of the rWML, whereas freshening was observed. This suggests that changes to the rWML are from both diffusion and the accumulation of freshwater. The rWML's salinity was associated with distance from the center of the Beaufort Gyre; the rWML at stations inside the gyre was on average 1.9 salinity units fresher than at stations outside. In addition, the salinity of PSW in the Canada Basin - defined by its local temperature maximum - freshened from about 30-32 in 1993 to 28-32 in 2008. Order of magnitude calculations suggest that neither changes in PSW source waters nor changes in advection pathways of PSW explain this freshening. Our model suggests that salt diffused from PSW to the freshening rWML; this diffusion increased (and freshened the PSW salinity range) as the rWML freshened. These results show that surface effects through warming and ice melt are felt to at least the depth of PSW. Observations from 2009 show the appearance of a third temperature maximum from an as yet unknown source. |
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A synthesis of exchanges through the main oceanic gateways to the Arctic Ocean Beszczynska-Moller, A., R.A. Woodgate, C. Lee, H. Melling, and M. Karcher, "A synthesis of exchanges through the main oceanic gateways to the Arctic Ocean," Oceanography, 24, 82-99, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.59, 2011. |
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1 Sep 2011 ![]() |
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In recent decades, the Arctic Ocean has changed dramatically. Exchanges through the main oceanic gateways indicate two main processes of global climatic importance - poleward oceanic heat flux into the Arctic Ocean and export of freshwater toward the North Atlantic. Since the 1990s, in particular during the International Polar Year (2007-2009), extensive observational efforts were undertaken to monitor volume, heat, and freshwater fluxes between the Arctic Ocean and the subpolar seas on scales from daily to multiyear. This paper reviews present-day estimates of oceanic fluxes and reports on technological advances and existing challenges in measuring exchanges through the main oceanic gateways to the Arctic. |
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From the Guest Editors: An introduction to the special issue Ortiz, J.D., K.K. Falkner, P.A. Matrai, and R.A. Woodgate, "From the Guest Editors: An introduction to the special issue," Oceanography, 24, 14-16, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.49, 2011. |
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1 Sep 2011 ![]() |
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Over the last few decades, the Arctic Ocean has experienced profound changes. Its summer sea ice is shrinking dramatically, both in thickness and extent. Ever warmer pulses of Atlantic water are circulating within the Arctic basins. Pacific waters are bringing in record amounts of oceanic heat. Freshwater storage in the Arctic Ocean is displaying considerable variability. There are early signs of ocean acidification, and some waters are already corrosive to carbonate minerals important to marine life. Surface air temperature and pressure fields are exhibiting patterns different from those of the last several decades. |
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Impact of wind-driven mixing in the Arctic Ocean Rainville, L., C.M. Lee, and R.A. Woodgate, "Impact of wind-driven mixing in the Arctic Ocean," Oceanography 24, 136-145, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.65, 2011. |
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1 Sep 2011 ![]() |
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The Arctic Ocean traditionally has been described as an ocean with low variability and weak turbulence levels. Many years of observations from ice camps and ice-based instruments have shown that the sea ice cover effectively isolates the water column from direct wind forcing and damps existing motions, resulting in relatively small upper-ocean variability and an internal wave field that is much weaker than at lower latitudes. Under the ice, direct and indirect estimates across the Arctic basins suggest that turbulent mixing does not play a significant role in the general distribution of oceanic properties and the evolution of Arctic water masses. However, during ice-free periods, the wind generates inertial motions and internal waves, and contributes to deepening of the mixed layer both on the shelves and over the deep basins - as at lower latitudes. Through their associated vertical mixing, these motions can alter the distribution of properties in the water column. With an increasing fraction of the Arctic Ocean becoming ice-free in summer and in fall, there is a crucial need for a better understanding of the impact of direct wind forcing on the Arctic Ocean. |
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Upwelling in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea: Atmospheric forcing and local versus non-local response. Pickart, R.S., M.A. Spall, G.W.K. Moore, T.J. Weingartner, R.A. Woodgate, K. Aagaard, and K. Shimada. "Upwelling in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea: Atmospheric forcing and local versus non-local response." Prog. Oceanogr., 88, 78-100, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2010.11.005, 2011. |
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1 Jan 2011 ![]() |
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The spin up and relaxation of an autumn upwelling event on the Beaufort slope is investigated using a combination of oceanic and atmospheric data and numerical models. The event occurred in November 2002 and was driven by an Aleutian low storm. The wind field was strongly influenced by the pack-ice distribution, resulting in enhanced winds over the open water of the Chukchi Sea. Flow distortion due to the Brooks mountain range was also evident. Mooring observations east of Barrow Canyon show that the Beaufort shelfbreak jet reversed to the west under strong easterly winds, followed by upwelling of Atlantic Water onto the shelf. After the winds subsided a deep eastward jet of Atlantic Water developed, centered at 250 m depth. An idealized numerical model reproduces these results and suggests that the oceanic response to the local winds is modulated by a propagating signal from the western edge of the storm. The disparity in wave speeds between the sea surface height signal - traveling at the fast barotropic shelf wave speed - versus the interior density signal - traveling at the slow baroclinic wave speed - leads to the deep eastward jet. The broad-scale response to the storm over the Chukchi Sea is investigated using a regional numerical model. The strong gradient in windspeed at the ice edge results in convergence of the offshore Ekman transport, leading to the establishment of an anti-cyclonic gyre in the northern Chukchi Sea. Accordingly, the Chukchi shelfbreak jet accelerates to the east into the wind during the storm, and no upwelling occurs west of Barrow Canyon. Hence the storm response is fundamentally different on the Beaufort slope (upwelling) versus the Chukchi slope (no upwelling). The regional numerical model results are supported by additional mooring data in the Chukchi Sea. |
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Analysis of the Arctic system for freshwater cycle intensification: Observations and expectations Rawlins, M.A., et al., including M. Steele, C.M. Lee, M. Wensnahan, and R. Woodgate, "Analysis of the Arctic system for freshwater cycle intensification: Observations and expectations," J. Clim., 23, 5715-5737, doi:10.1175/2010JCLI3421.1, 2010. |
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1 Nov 2010 ![]() |
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Hydrologic cycle intensification is an expected manifestation of a warming climate. Although positive trends in several global average quantities have been reported, no previous studies have documented broad intensification across elements of the Arctic freshwater cycle (FWC). In this study, the authors examine the character and quantitative significance of changes in annual precipitation, evapotranspiration, and river discharge across the terrestrial pan-Arctic over the past several decades from observations and a suite of coupled general circulation models (GCMs). Trends in freshwater flux and storage derived from observations across the Arctic Ocean and surrounding seas are also described. |
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Reconstruction and analysis of the Chukchi Sea circulation in 1990-1991 Panteleev, G., D.A. Nechaev, A. Proshutinsky, R. Woodgate, and J. Zhang, "Reconstruction and analysis of the Chukchi Sea circulation in 1990-1991," J. Geophys. Res., 115, doi:10.1029/2009JC005453, 2010. |
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24 Aug 2010 ![]() |
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The Chukchi Sea (CS) circulation reconstructed for September 1990 to October 1991 from sea ice and ocean data is presented and analyzed. The core of the observational data used in this study comprises the records from 12 moorings deployed in 1990 and 1991 in U.S. and Russian waters and two hydrographic surveys conducted in the region in the fall of 1990 and 1991. The observations are processed by a two-step data assimilation procedure involving the Pan-Arctic Ice-Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System (employing a nudging algorithm for sea ice data assimilation) and the Semi-implicit Ocean Model [utilizing a conventional four-dimensional variational (4D-var) assimilation technique]. The reconstructed CS circulation is studied to identify pathways and assess residence times of Pacific water in the region; quantify the balances of volume, freshwater, and heat content; and determine the leading dynamical factors configuring the CS circulation. |
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Sea ice response to atmospheric and oceanic forcing in the Bering Sea Zhang, J., R. Woodgate, and R. Moritz, "Sea ice response to atmospheric and oceanic forcing in the Bering Sea," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 40, 1729-1747, doi:10.1175/2010JPO4323.1, 2010. |
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1 Aug 2010 ![]() |
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A coupled sea iceocean model is developed to quantify the sea ice response to changes in atmospheric and oceanic forcing in the Bering Sea over the period 19702008. The model captures much of the observed spatiotemporal variability of sea ice and sea surface temperature (SST) and the basic features of the upper-ocean circulation in the Bering Sea. Model results suggest that tides affect the spatial redistribution of ice mass by up to 0.1 m or 15% in the central-eastern Bering Sea by modifying ice motion and deformation and ocean flows. |
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The Arctic: Ocean [in State of the Climate in 2009] Proshutinsky, A., et al., including J. Morison, M. Steele, and R. Woodgate, "The Arctic: Ocean [in State of the Climate in 2009]," Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91, S85-87, 2010. |
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1 Jul 2010 ![]() |
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This 20th annual State of the Climate report highlights the climate conditions that characterized 2009, including notable extreme events. In total, 37 Essential Climate Variables are reported to more completely characterize the State of the Climate in 2009. |
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The 2007 Bering Strait oceanic heat flux and anomalous Arctic sea-ice retreat Woodgate, R.A., T. Weingartner, and R. Lindsay, "The 2007 Bering Strait oceanic heat flux and anomalous Arctic sea-ice retreat," Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, doi:10.1029/2009GL041621, 2010. |
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7 Jan 2010 ![]() |
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To illuminate the role of Pacific Waters in the 2007 Arctic sea-ice retreat, we use observational data to estimate Bering Strait volume and heat transports from 1991 to 2007. In 2007, both annual mean transport and temperatures are at record-length highs. Heat fluxes increase from 2001 to a 2007 maximum, 56 x 1020 J/yr. This is twice the 2001 heat flux, comparable to the annual shortwave radiative flux into the Chukchi Sea, and enough to melt 1/3rd of the 2007 seasonal Arctic sea-ice loss. We suggest the Bering Strait inflow influences sea-ice by providing a trigger for the onset of solar-driven melt, a conduit for oceanic heat into the Arctic, and (due to long transit times) a subsurface heat source within the Arctic in winter. The substantial interannual variability reflects temperature and transport changes, the latter (especially recently) being significantly affected by variability (> 0.2 Sv equivalent) in the Pacific-Arctic pressure-head driving the flow. |
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Confluence and mixing of Atlantic, Pacific and Siberian shelf water masses around the Mendeleev Ridge of the Arctic Ocean Kikuchi, T., S. Nishino, R. Woodgate, B. Rabe, U. Schauer, and S. Pisarev, "Confluence and mixing of Atlantic, Pacific and Siberian shelf water masses around the Mendeleev Ridge of the Arctic Ocean," Eos Trans. AGU, 90, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GCS1A-0715, 2009. |
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14 Dec 2009 ![]() |
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Importance of the Arctic Ocean to the global thermohaline circulation has been increasing, presumably due to global warming. However, the circulation scheme of the Arctic Ocean is still highly uncertain. One of the key areas to understand the Arctic Ocean circulation is that around the Mendeleyev Ridge because Atlantic, Pacific, and Siberian shelf water masses meet around the area and are likely to flow into the central Arctic Ocean. Using hydrographic data observed around the Mendeleyev Ridge during the 2000s, distribution, characteristics, and mixing processes of these water masses around the Mendeleyev Ridge were examined to understand the circulation scheme of the Arctic Ocean. |
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Analysis of the arctic system for freshwater cycle intensification: Observations and expectations Rawlins, M.A., et al. including R.A. Woodgate, "Analysis of the arctic system for freshwater cycle intensification: Observations and expectations," Eos Trans. AGU, 90, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GC42A-05, 2009. |
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6 Dec 2009 ![]() |
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Hydrological cycle intensification is an expected manifestation of a warming climate. We examine the quantitative significance of changes in freshwater fluxes across observational time series alongside those from a suite of coupled general circulation models for both the terrestrial pan-Arctic and Arctic Ocean. Trends in terrestrial fluxes from observations and GCMs are consistently positive. Significant trends are not present for all of the observations. Upward trends in the GCMs exhibit a higher statistical significance owing to lower inter-annual variability and relatively long time period examined. This fact limits our confidence in the robustness of the changes. Oceanic fluxes are more uncertain due primarily to the lack of long-term observations. Where available, marine flux estimates over recent decades suggest some decrease in saltwater inflow to the Barents Sea, implying a decrease in freshwater outflow. A decline in freshwater storage across the central Arctic Ocean and suggestions that large-scale circulation plays a dominant role in freshwater trends raise questions as to whether oceanic flows are intensifying. Although the oceanic freshwater fluxes are highly variable and consistent trends are difficult to verify, other components of the arctic freshwater cycle do show consistent positive trends over recent decades. This broad-scale increase in freshwater fluxes presents strong evidence that the arctic hydrological cycle is experiencing intensification. |
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Observations of internal wave generation in the seasonally ice-free Arctic Rainville, L., and R.A. Woodgate, "Observations of internal wave generation in the seasonally ice-free Arctic," Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, 10.1029/2009GL041291, 2009. |
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2 Dec 2009 ![]() |
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The Arctic is generally considered a low energy ocean. Using mooring data from the northern Chukchi Sea, we confirm that this is mainly because of sea-ice impeding input of wind energy into the ocean. When sea-ice is present, even strong storms do not induce significant oceanic response. However, during ice-free seasons, local storms drive strong inertial currents (>20 cm/s) that propagate throughout the water column and significantly deepen the surface mixed layer. The large vertical shear associated with summer inertial motions suggests a dominant role for localized and seasonal vertical mixing in Arctic Ocean dynamics. Our results imply that recent extensive summer sea-ice retreat will lead to significantly increased internal wave generation especially over the shelves and also possibly over deep waters. This internal wave activity will likely dramatically increase upper-layer mixing in large areas of the previously quiescent Arctic, with important ramifications for ecosystems and ocean dynamics. |
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The role of currents and sea ice in both slowly deposited central Arctic and rapidly deposited Chukchi-Alaskan margin sediments Darby, D.A., J. Ortiz, L. Polyak, S. Lund, M. Jakobsson, and R.A. Woodgate, "The role of currents and sea ice in both slowly deposited central Arctic and rapidly deposited Chukchi-Alaskan margin sediments," Global Planet. Change, 68, 56-70, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2009.02.007, 2009. |
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1 Jul 2009 ![]() |
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A study of three long cores from the outer shelf and continental slope north of Alaska in the Arctic Ocean indicate that localized drift deposits occur here with sedimentation rates of more than 1.5 m/kyr during the Holocene. Currents in this area average about 520 cm/s but can reach 100 cm/s and these velocities transport the sediment found in these cores primarily as intermittent suspended load. These high accumulation sediments form levee-like deposits associated with margins of canyons cutting across the shelf and slope. Unlike most textural investigations of Arctic sediment that focus on the coarser ice-rafted detritus (IRD), this paper focuses on the > 95% of the sediment, which is finer than 45 micrometers. The mean size of this fraction varies between 6 and 15 micrometers in Holocene sediments from the ChukchiAlaskan shelf and slope with the higher values closer to shore. Analysis of detailed size distributions of these Holocene deposits are compared to 34 sediment samples collected from sea ice across the Arctic Ocean and to Holocene sediment from central Arctic Ocean cores and indicate that similar textural parameters occur in all of these sediments. Principal components of these size distributions indicate that sea ice is an important link between the shelves and the central Arctic. Factor scores indicate nearly identical components in the clay and fine silt size fractions but very different components in the coarse silt for sea ice sediment and central Arctic ridge sediments compared to shelf and continental slope deposits. Sea ice must contribute to sedimentation in both of these Arctic regions, but bottom currents dominate in the slope region, forming drift deposits. |
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Seasonal modification of the Arctic Ocean intermediate water layer off the eastern Laptev Sea continental shelf break Dmitrenko, I.A., et al., including R.A. Woodgate, "Seasonal modification of the Arctic Ocean intermediate water layer off the eastern Laptev Sea continental shelf break," J. Geophys. Res., 114, doi:10.1029/2008JC005229, 2009. |
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11 Jun 2009 ![]() |
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Through the analysis of observational mooring data collected at the northeastern Laptev Sea continental slope in 20042007, we document a hydrographic seasonal signal in the intermediate Atlantic Water (AW) layer, with generally higher temperature and salinity from DecemberJanuary to MayJuly and lower values from MayJuly to DecemberJanuary. At the mooring position, this seasonal signal dominates, contributing up to 75% of the total variance. |
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Mesoscale Atlantic water eddy off the Laptev Sea continental slope carries the signature of upstream interaction Dmitrenko, I.A., S.A. Kirillov, V.V. Ivanov, and R.A. Woodgate, "Mesoscale Atlantic water eddy off the Laptev Sea continental slope carries the signature of upstream interaction," J. Geophys. Res., 113, doi:10.1029/2007JC004491, 2008. |
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2 Jul 2008 ![]() |
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A mesoscale eddy formed by the interaction of inflows of Atlantic water (AW) from Fram Strait and the Barents Sea into the Arctic Ocean was observed in February 2005 off the Laptev Sea continental slope by a mooring equipped with a McLane Moored Profiler. The eddy was composed of two distinct, vertically aligned cores with a combined thickness of about 650 m. The upper core of approximately ambient density was warmer (2.6°C), saltier (34.88 psu), and vertically stably stratified. The lower core was cooler (0.1°C), fresher (34.81 psu), neutrally stratified and ~0.02 kg/m3 less dense than surrounding ambient water. The eddy, homogeneous out to a radius of at least 3.4 km, had a 14.5 km radius of maximum velocity, and an entire diameter of about 27 km. |
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Fresh-water fluxes via Pacific and Arctic outflows across the Canadian polar shelf Melling, H., T.A. Agnew, K.K. Falkner, D.A. Greenberg, C.M. Lee, A. Munchow, B. Petrie, S.J. Prinsenberg, R.M. Samelson, and R.A. Woodgate, "Fresh-water fluxes via Pacific and Arctic outflows across the Canadian polar shelf," in Arctic-Subarctic Ocean Fluxes, edited by R.R. Dickson, J. Meincke, and P. Rhines, 193-248 (Springer: Dordrecht, 2008). |
1 Jan 2008 ![]() |
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The arctic freshwater system: Changes and impacts White, D., et al. (including C. Lee, M. Steele, and R. Woodgate), "The arctic freshwater system: Changes and impacts," J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi:10.1029/2006JG000353, 2007. |
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30 Nov 2007 ![]() |
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Dramatic changes have been observed in the Arctic over the last century. Many of these involve the storage and cycling of fresh water. On land, precipitation and river discharge, lake abundance and size, glacier area and volume, soil moisture, and a variety of permafrost characteristics have changed. In the ocean, sea ice thickness and areal coverage have decreased and water mass circulation patterns have shifted, changing freshwater pathways and sea ice cover dynamics. Precipitation onto the ocean surface has also changed. Such changes are expected to continue, and perhaps accelerate, in the coming century, enhanced by complex feedbacks between the oceanic, atmospheric, and terrestrial freshwater systems. Change to the arctic freshwater system heralds changes for our global physical and ecological environment as well as human activities in the Arctic. In this paper we review observed changes in the arctic freshwater system over the last century in terrestrial, atmospheric, and oceanic systems. |
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Atlantic water circulation over the Mendeleev Ridge and Chukchi Borderland from thermohaline intrusions and water mass properties Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, J.H. Swift, W.M. Smethie, and K.K. Falkner, "Atlantic water circulation over the Mendeleev Ridge and Chukchi Borderland from thermohaline intrusions and water mass properties," J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi:10.1029/2005JC003516, 2007. |
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3 Feb 2007 ![]() |
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Hydrographic and tracer data from 2002 illustrate Atlantic water pathways and variability in the Mendeleev Ridge and Chukchi Borderland (CBLMR) region of the Arctic Ocean. Thermohaline double diffusive intrusions (zigzags) dominate both the Fram Strait (FSBW) and Barents Sea Branch Waters (BSBW) in the region. We show that details of the zigzags' temperature-salinity structure partially describe the water masses forming the intrusions. Furthermore, as confirmed by chemical tracers, the zigzags' peaks contain the least altered water, allowing assessment of the temporal history of the Atlantic waters. Whilst the FSBW shows the 1990s warming and then a slight cooling, the BSBW has continuously cooled and freshened over a similar time period. The newest boundary current waters are found west of the Mendeleev Ridge in 2002. Additionally, we show the zigzag structures can fingerprint various water masses, including the boundary current. Using this, tracer data and the advection of the 1990s warming, we conclude the strongly topographically steered boundary current, order 50 km wide and found between the 1500 m and 2500 m isobaths, crosses the Mendeleev Ridge north of 80°N, loops south around the Chukchi Abyssal Plain and north around the Chukchi Rise, with the 1990s warming having reached the northern (but not the southern) Northwind Ridge by 2002. Pacific waters influence the Atlantic layers near the shelf and over the Chukchi Rise. The Northwind Abyssal Plain is comparatively stagnant, being ventilated only slowly from the north. There is no evidence of significant boundary current flow through the Chukchi Gap. |
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Arctic boundary currents over the Chukchi and Beaufort slope seas: Observational snapshots, transports, scales and spatial variability from ADCP surveys Muenchow, A., R.S. Pickart, T. Weingartner, R.A. Woodgate, and D. Kadko, "Arctic boundary currents over the Chukchi and Beaufort slope seas: Observational snapshots, transports, scales and spatial variability from ADCP surveys," Eos Trans. AGU, 87, Abstr. OS33N-03, 2006. |
1 Dec 2006 ![]() |
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Boundary current circulation in the Mendeleev Ridge and Shukchi Borderland region of the Arctic Ocean: Atlantic water zigzags and the influence of shelf processes at the arctic crossroads Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, J.H. Swift, W.M. Smethie, and K.K. Falkner, "Boundary current circulation in the Mendeleev Ridge and Shukchi Borderland region of the Arctic Ocean: Atlantic water zigzags and the influence of shelf processes at the arctic crossroads," Eos Trans. AGU, 87(Abstr.), S33N-02, 2006. |
1 Dec 2006 ![]() |
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Control of the Bering Strait throughflow and its salinity Aagaard, K., R.A. Woodgate, T.J. Weingartner, "Control of the Bering Strait throughflow and its salinity," Eos Trans. AGU, 87, Abstr. 0332P-06, 2006. |
1 Dec 2006 ![]() |
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The large-scale freshwater cycle of the Arctic Serreze, M.C., A.P. Barrett, A.G. Slater, R.A. Woodgate, K. Aagaard, R.B. Lammers, M. Steele, R. Moritz, M. Meredith, and C.M. Lee, "The large-scale freshwater cycle of the Arctic," J. Geophys. Res., 111, 10.1029/2005JC003424, 2006. |
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21 Nov 2006 ![]() |
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This paper synthesizes our understanding of the Arctic's large-scale freshwater cycle. It combines terrestrial and oceanic observations with insights gained from the ERA-40 reanalysis and land surface and ice-ocean models. Annual mean freshwater input to the Arctic Ocean is dominated by river discharge (38%), inflow through Bering Strait (30%), and net precipitation (24%). Total freshwater export from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic is dominated by transports through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (35%) and via Fram Strait as liquid (26%) and sea ice (25%). All terms are computed relative to a reference salinity of 34.8. Compared to earlier estimates, our budget features larger import of freshwater through Bering Strait and larger liquid phase export through Fram Strait. While there is no reason to expect a steady state, error analysis indicates that the difference between annual mean oceanic inflows and outflows (~8% of the total inflow) is indistinguishable from zero. Freshwater in the Arctic Ocean has a mean residence time of about a decade. This is understood in that annual freshwater input, while large ~8500 km3), is an order of magnitude smaller than oceanic freshwater storage of ~84,000 km3. Freshwater in the atmosphere, as water vapor, has a residence time of about a week. Seasonality in Arctic Ocean freshwater storage is nevertheless highly uncertain, reflecting both sparse hydrographic data and insufficient information on sea ice volume. Uncertainties mask seasonal storage changes forced by freshwater fluxes. Of flux terms with sufficient data for analysis, Fram Strait ice outflow shows the largest interannual variability. |
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Some controls on flow and salinity in Bering Strait Aagaard, K., T.J. Weingartner, S.L. Danielson, R.A. Woodgate, G.C. Johnson, and T.E. Whitledge, "Some controls on flow and salinity in Bering Strait," Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, 10.1029/2006GL026612, 2006. |
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3 Oct 2006 ![]() |
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During 19931994, steric forcing of flow through Bering Strait represented a northward sea level drop of ~0.7 m from the Bering Sea Basin to the adjacent deep Arctic Ocean, of which ~2/3 was due to the salinity difference between the basins. Seasonal variability of steric forcing appears small (<0.05 m), in contrast to large seasonal wind effects. Interannual changes in steric forcing may exceed 20%, however, and warm inflow from the North Atlantic, accumulation of freshwater in the southwest Canada Basin, and temperature and salinity changes in the upper Bering Sea have all contributed to recent changes. The mean salinity balance in Bering Strait is primarily maintained by large runoff to the Bering shelf, dilute coastal inflow from the Gulf of Alaska, and on-shelf movement of saline and nutrient-rich oceanic waters from the Bering Sea Basin. In Bering Strait, therefore, both the throughflow and its salinity are affected by remote events. |
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Interannual changes in the Bering Strait fluxes of volume, heat and freshwater between 1991 and 2004 Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, and T.J. Weingartner, "Interannual changes in the Bering Strait fluxes of volume, heat and freshwater between 1991 and 2004," Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, 10.1029/2006GL026931, 2006. |
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15 Aug 2006 ![]() |
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Year-round moorings (1990 to 2004) illustrate interannual variability of Bering Strait volume, freshwater and heat fluxes, which affect Arctic systems including sea ice. Fluxes are lowest in 2001 and increase to 2004. Whilst 2004 freshwater and volume fluxes match previous maxima (1998), the 2004 heat flux is the highest recorded, partly due to ~0.5°C warmer temperatures since 2002. The Alaskan Coastal Current, contributing about 1/3rd of the heat and 1/4th of the freshwater fluxes, also shows strong warming and freshening between 2002 and 2004. The increased Bering Strait heat input between 2001 and 2004 (>2 x 1020 J) could melt 640,000 km2 of 1-m thick ice; the 3-year freshwater increase (~800 km3) is about 1/4th of annual Arctic river run-off. Weaker southward winds likely explain the increased volume flux (~0.7 to ~1 Sv), causing ~80% of the freshwater and ~50% of the heat flux increases. |
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The influence of sea ice on ocean heat uptake in response to increasing CO2 Bitz, C.M., P.R. Gent, R.A. Woodgate, M.M. Holland, and R.A. Lindsay, "The influence of sea ice on ocean heat uptake in response to increasing CO2," J. Clim., 19, 2437-2450, doi:10.1175/JCLI3756.1, 2006. |
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1 Jun 2006 ![]() |
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Two significant changes in ocean heat uptake that occur in the vicinity of sea ice cover in response to increasing CO2 are investigated with Community Climate System Model version 3 (CCSM3): a deep warming below ~500 m and extending down several kilometers in the Southern Ocean and warming in a ~200-m layer just below the surface in the Arctic Ocean. Ocean heat uptake caused by sea ice retreat is isolated by running the model with the sea ice albedo reduced artificially alone. This integration has a climate response with strong ocean heat uptake in the Southern Ocean and modest ocean heat uptake in the subsurface Arctic Ocean. |
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A year in the physical oceanography of the Chukchi Sea. Moored measurements from autumn 1990-1991 Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, and T.J. Weingartner, "A year in the physical oceanography of the Chukchi Sea. Moored measurements from autumn 1990-1991," Deep-Sea Res. II, 52, 3116-3149, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.10.016, 2005 |
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1 Dec 2005 ![]() |
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Year-long time-series of temperature, salinity and velocity from 12 locations throughout the Chukchi Sea from September 1990 to October 1991 document physical transformations and significant seasonal changes in the throughflow from the Pacific to the Arctic Ocean for one year. In most of the Chukchi, the flow field responds rapidly to the local wind, with high spatial coherence over the basin scale effectively the ocean takes on the lengthscales of the wind forcing. Although weekly transport variability is very large (ca. 2 to 3 Sv), the mean flow is northwards, opposed by the mean wind (which is southward), but presumably forced by a sea-level slope between the Pacific and the Arctic, which these data suggest may have significant variability on long (order a year) timescales. The high flow variability yields a significant range of residence times for waters in the Chukchi (i.e. one to six months for half the transit) with the larger values applicable in winter. |
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Circulation on the north central Chukchi Sea shelf Weingartner, T., K. Aagaard, R. Woodgate, S. Danielson, Y. Sasaki, and D. Cavalieri, "Circulation on the north central Chukchi Sea shelf," Deep-Sea Res. II, 52, 3150-3174, 2005 |
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1 Dec 2005 ![]() |
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Mooring and shipboard data collected between 1992 and 1995 delineate the circulation over the north central Chukchi shelf. Previous studies indicated that Pacific waters crossed the Chukchi shelf through Herald Valley (in the west) and Barrow Canyon (in the east). We find a third branch (through the Central Channel) onto the outer shelf. The Central Channel transport varies seasonally in phase with Bering Strait transport, and is ~0.2 Sv on average, although some of this might include water entrained from the outflow through Herald Valley. A portion of the Central Channel outflow moves eastward and converges with the Alaskan Coastal Current at the head of Barrow Canyon. The remainder appears to continue northeastward over the central outer shelf toward the shelfbreak, joined by outflow from Herald Valley. The mean flow opposes the prevailing winds and is primarily forced by the sea-level slope between the Pacific and Arctic oceans. Current variations are mainly wind forced, but baroclinic forcing, associated with upstream dense-water formation in coastal polynyas might occasionally be important. |
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Pacific ventilation of the Arctic Ocean's lower halocline by upwelling and diapycnal mixing over the continental margin Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, J.H. Swift, K.K. Falkner, and W.M. Smethie, "Pacific ventilation of the Arctic Ocean's lower halocline by upwelling and diapycnal mixing over the continental margin," Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, 10.1029/2005GL023999, 2005 |
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29 Sep 2005 ![]() |
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Pacific winter waters, a major source of nutrients and buoyancy to the Arctic Ocean, are thought to ventilate the Arctic's lower halocline either by injection (isopycnal or penetrative) of cold saline shelf waters, or by cooling and freshening Atlantic waters upwelled onto the shelf. Although ventilation at salinity (S) > 34 psu has previously been attributed to hypersaline polynya waters, temperature, salinity, nutrient and tracer data suggest instead that much of the western Arctic's lower halocline is in fact influenced by a diapycnal mixing of Pacific winter waters (with S ~ 33.1 psu) and denser eastern Arctic halocline (Atlantic) waters, the mixing taking place possibly over the northern Chukchi shelf/slope. Estimates from observational data confirm that sufficient quantities of Atlantic water may be upwelled to mix with the inflowing Pacific waters, with volumes implying the halocline over the Chukchi Borderland region may be renewed on timescales of order a year. |
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Dissolved oxygen extrema in the Arctic Ocean halocline from the North Pole to the Lincoln Sea Falkner, K.K., M. Steele, R.A. Woodgate, J.H. Swift, K. Aagaard, and J. Morison, "Dissolved oxygen extrema in the Arctic Ocean halocline from the North Pole to the Lincoln Sea," Deep Sea Res. I, 52, 1138-1154, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2005.01.007, 2005 |
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30 Jul 2005 ![]() |
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Dissolved oxygen (O2) profiling by new generation sensors was conducted in the Arctic Ocean via aircraft during May 2003 as part of the North Pole Environmental Observatory (NPEO) and Freshwater Switchyard (SWYD) projects. At stations extending from the North Pole to the shelf off Ellesmere Island, such profiles display what appear to be various O2 maxima (with concentrations 70% of saturation or less) over depths of 70110 m in the halocline, corresponding to salinity and temperature ranges of 33.333.9 and ~1.7 to ~1.5°C. The features appear to be widely distributed: Similar features based on bottle data were recently reported for a subset of the 19971998 SHEBA stations in the southern Canada Basin and in recent Beaufort Sea sensor profiles. Oxygen sensor data from August 2002 Chukchi Borderlands (CBL) and 1994 Arctic Ocean Section (AOS) projects suggest that such features arise from interleaving of shelf-derived, O2-depleted waters. This generates apparent oxygen maxima in Arctic Basin profiles that would otherwise trend more smoothly from near-saturation at the surface to lower concentrations at depth. For example, in the Eurasian Basin, relatively low O2 concentrations are observed at salinities of about 34.2 and 34.7. The less saline variant is identified as part of the lower halocline, a layer originally identified by a Eurasian Basin minimum in "NO," which, in the Canadian Basin, is reinforced by additional inputs. The more saline and thus denser variant appears to arise from transformations of Atlantic source waters over the Barents and/or Kara shelves. Additional low-oxygen waters are generated in the vicinity of the Chukchi Borderlands, from Pacific shelf water outflows that interleave with Eurasian waters that flow over the Lomonosov Ridge into the Makarov Basin and then into the Canada Basin. One such input is associated with the well-known silicate maximum that historically has been associated with a salinity of %u224833.1. Above that (32 |
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Monthly temperature, salinity, and transport variability of the Bering Strait through flow Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, and T.J. Weingartner, "Monthly temperature, salinity, and transport variability of the Bering Strait through flow," Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, 10.1029/2004GL021880, 2005. |
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16 Feb 2005 ![]() |
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The Bering Strait through flow is important for the Chukchi Sea and the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. A realistic assessment of through flow properties is also necessary for validation and boundary conditions of high-resolution ocean models. From 14 years of moored measurements, we construct a monthly climatology of temperature, salinity and transport. The strong seasonality in all properties (31.9 to 33 psu, ~ 1.8 to 2.3°C and ~0.4 to 1.2 Sv) dominates the Chukchi Sea hydrography and implies significant seasonal variability in the equilibrium depth and ventilation properties of Pacific waters in the Arctic Ocean. Interannual variability is large in temperature and salinity. Although missing some significant events, an empirical linear fit to a local (model) wind yields a reasonable reconstruction of the water velocity, and we use the coefficients of this fit to estimate the magnitude of the Pacific-Arctic pressure-head forcing of the Bering Strait through flow. |
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Revising the Bering Strait freshwater flux into the Arctic Ocean Woodgate, R.A., and K. Aagaard, "Revising the Bering Strait freshwater flux into the Arctic Ocean," Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, 10.1029/2004GL021747, doi:10.1029/2004GL021747, 2005 |
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20 Jan 2005 ![]() |
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The freshwater flux through the Bering Strait into the Arctic Ocean is important regionally and globally, e.g. for Chukchi Sea hydrography, Arctic Ocean stratification, the global freshwater cycle, and the stability of the Atlantic overturning circulation. Aagaard and Carmack [1989] estimated the Bering Strait freshwater flux as 1670 km3/yr (relative to 34.8 psu), assuming an annual mean transport (0.8 Sv) and salinity (32.5 psu). This is ~1/3rd of the total freshwater input to the Arctic. Using long-term moored measurements and ship-based observations, we show that this is a substantial underestimate of the freshwater flux. Specifically, the warm, fresh Alaskan Coastal Current in the eastern Bering Strait may add ~400 km3/yr. Seasonal stratification and ice transport may add another ~400 km3/yr. Combined, these corrections are larger than the interannual variability observed by near-bottom measurements and near-surface measurements will be necessary to quantify this flux and its interannual variability. |
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Dissolved oxygen extrema in the Arctic Ocean halocline from the North Pole to the Lincoln Sea Falkner, K.K., M. Steele, R.A. Woodgate, J.H. Swift, K. Aagaard, and J. Morison, "Dissolved oxygen extrema in the Arctic Ocean halocline from the North Pole to the Lincoln Sea," Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Abstract OS41A-0465, 2004. |
15 Dec 2004 ![]() |
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Increased heat transport into the Arctic Ocean in a climate model of the 21st century Bitz, C.M., and R.A. Woodgate, "Increased heat transport into the Arctic Ocean in a climate model of the 21st century," Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Abstract OS34A-07, 2004. |
15 Dec 2004 ![]() |
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The freshwater flux to the Arctic via the Bering Strait Woodgate, R.A., and K. Aagaard, "The freshwater flux to the Arctic via the Bering Strait," Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Abstract C54A-04, 2004. |
15 Dec 2004 ![]() |
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Halo of low ice concentration observed over the Maud Rise seamount Lindsay, R.W., D.M. Holland, and R.A. Woodgate, "Halo of low ice concentration observed over the Maud Rise seamount," Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, 10.1029/2004GL019831, 2004. |
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1 Jul 2004 ![]() |
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A distinctive halo of low sea ice concentration has been observed above the Maud Rise seamount in the eastern Weddell Sea. The 300-km circular halo is seen most clearly in the monthly mean ice concentration for the months July through November. The mean was computed from satellite-based passive microwave measurements over a 23-year period. The halo is most distinct in October; even then, however, the mean ice concentration in the halo is just 10% less than in the center, where it is very near 100%. The halo may reflect the existence of a Taylor cap circulation over the seamount or other topographically induced mechanisms. |
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Ice shelf water overflow and bottom water formation in the southern Weddell Sea Foldvik, A., T. Gammelsrod, S. Osterhus, E. Fahrback, G. Rohardt, M. Schroder, K.W. Nicholls, L. Padman, and R.A. Woodgate, "Ice shelf water overflow and bottom water formation in the southern Weddell Sea," J. Geophys. Res., 109, C02015, 10.1029/2003JC002008, 2004. |
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17 Feb 2004 ![]() |
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Cold shelf waters flowing out of the Filchner Depression in the southern Weddell Sea make a significant contribution to the production of Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW), a precursor to Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). We use all available current meter records from the region to calculate the flux of cold water (<1.9°C) over the sill at the northern end of the Filchner Depression (1.6 ± 0.5 Sv), and to determine its fate. The estimated fluxes and mixing rates imply a rate of WSBW formation (referenced to 0.8°C) of 4.3 ± 1.4 Sv. We identify three pathways for the cold shelf waters to enter the deep Weddell Sea circulation. One path involves flow constrained to follow the shelf break. The other two paths are down the continental slope, resulting from the cold dense water being steered northward by prominent ridges that cross the continental slope near 36°W and 37°W. Mooring data indicate that the deep plumes can retain their core characteristics to depths greater than 2000 m. Probably aided by thermobaricity, the plume water at this depth can flow at a speed approaching 1 m s-1, implying that the flow is occasionally supercritical. We postulate that such supercriticality acts to limit mixing between the plume and its environment. The transition from supercritical to slower, more uniform flow is associated with very efficient mixing, probably as a result of hydraulic jumps. |
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Water mass modification over the continental shelf north of Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica Nicholls, K.W., L. Padman, M. Schroder, R.A. Woodgate, A. Jenkins, and S. Østerhus, "Water mass modification over the continental shelf north of Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica," J. Geophys. Res., 108, 10.1029/2002JC001713, 2003. |
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13 Aug 2003 ![]() |
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We use new data from the southern Weddell Sea continental shelf to describe water mass conversion processes in a formation region for cold and dense precursors of Antarctic Bottom Water. The cruises took place in early 1995, 1998, and 1999, and the time series obtained from moored instruments were up to 30 months in length, starting in 1995. We obtained new bathymetric data that greatly improve our definition of the Ronne Depression, which is now shown to be limited to the southwestern continental shelf and so cannot act as a conduit to northward flow from Ronne Ice Front. Large-scale intrusions of Modified Warm Deep Water (MWDW) onto the continental shelf occur along much of the shelf break, although there is only one location where the MWDW extends as far south as Ronne Ice Front. High-Salinity Shelf Water (HSSW) produced during the winter months dominates the continental shelf in the west. During summer, Ice Shelf Water (ISW) exits the subice cavity on the eastern side of the Ronne Depression, flows northwest along the ice front, and reenters the cavity at the ice front's western limit. During winter the ISW is not observed in the Ronne Depression north of the ice front. The flow of HSSW into the subice cavity via the Ronne Depression is estimated to be 0.9 ± 0.3 Sv. When combined with inflows along the remainder of Ronne Ice Front (reported elsewhere), sufficient heat is transported beneath the ice shelf to power an average basal melt rate of 0.34 ± 0.1 m yr-1. |
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Evolution of a 'poleward undercurrent' over the continental slope off arctic Alaska Muenchow, A., R. Pickart, and R. Woodgate, "Evolution of a 'poleward undercurrent' over the continental slope off arctic Alaska," Eos Trans. AGU, 84(52), Abstract OS31C-02, 2003. |
1 Jun 2003 ![]() |
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North Pole Environmental Observatory delivers early results Morison, J.H., K. Aagaard, K.K. Falkner, K. Hatakeyama, R. Mortiz, J.E. Overland, D. Perovich, K. Shimada, M. Steele, T. Takizawa, and R. Woodgate, "North Pole Environmental Observatory delivers early results," Eos Trans. AGU, 83, 357-361, 2002. |
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1 Aug 2002 ![]() |
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Scientists have argued for a number of years that the Arctic may be a sensitive indicator of global change, but prior to the 1990s, conditions there were believed to be largely static. This has changed in the last 10 years. Decadal-scale changes have occurred in the atmosphere, in the ocean, and on land [Serreze et al., 2000]. Surface atmospheric pressure has shown a declining trend over the Arctic, resulting in a clockwise spin-up of the atmospheric polar vortex. In the 1990s, the Arctic Ocean circulation took on a more cyclonic character, and the temperature of Atlantic water in the Arctic Ocean was found to be the highest in 50 years of observation [Morison et al., 2000]. Sea-ice thickness over much of the Arctic decreased 43% in 19581976 and 19931997 [Rothrock et al., 1999]. |
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Atlantic meets Pacific at an arctic crossroads Woodgate, R.A. K. Aagaard, J. Swift, B. Smethie, and K. Falkner, "Atlantic meets Pacific at an arctic crossroads," Witness the Arctic, 9, 2002. |
1 Jun 2002 ![]() |
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The Arctic Ocean Boundary Current along the Eurasian slope and adjacent to the Lomonosov Ridge: Water mass properties, transports and transformations from moored instruments Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, R.D. Muench, J. Gunn, G. Bjork, B. Rudels, A.T. Roach, U. Schauer, "The Arctic Ocean Boundary Current along the Eurasian slope and adjacent to the Lomonosov Ridge: Water mass properties, transports and transformations from moored instruments," Deep Sea Res. I, 48, 1757-1792, 2001. |
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1 Aug 2001 ![]() |
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Year-long (summer 1995 to 1996) time series of temperature, salinity and current velocity from three slope sites spanning the junction of the Lomonosov Ridge with the Eurasian continent are used to quantify the water properties, transformations and transport of the boundary current of the Arctic Ocean. The mean flow is cyclonic, weak (1 to 5 cm s-1), predominantly aligned along isobaths and has an equivalent barotropic structure in the vertical. We estimate the transport of the boundary current in the Eurasian Basin to be 5 ± 1 Sv . About half of this flow is diverted north along the Eurasian Basin side of the Lomonosov Ridge. The warm waters (>1.4°C) of the Atlantic layer are also found on the Canadian Basin side of the ridge south of 86.5°N, but not north of this latitude. This suggests that the Atlantic layer crosses the ridge at various latitudes south of 86.5°N and flows southward along the Canadian Basin side of the ridge. |
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Some thoughts on the freezing and melting of sea ice and their effects on the ocean Aagaard, K. and R.A. Woodgate, "Some thoughts on the freezing and melting of sea ice and their effects on the ocean," Ocean Modelling, 3, 127-135, 2001. |
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31 May 2001 ![]() |
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The high-latitude freezing and melting cycle can variously result in haline convection, freshwater capping or freshwater injection into the interior ocean. An example of the latter process is a secondary salinity minimum near 800 m-depth within the Arctic Ocean that results from the transformation on the Barents Sea shelf of Atlantic water from the Norwegian Sea and its subsequent intrusion into the Arctic Ocean. About one-third of the freshening on the shelf of that initially saline water appears to result from ice melt, although the actual sea ice flux is small, only about 0.005 Sv. A curious feature of this process is that water distilled at the surface of the Arctic Ocean by freezing ends up at mid-depth in the same ocean. This is a consequence of the ice being exported southward onto the shelf, melted, and then entrained into the northward Barents Sea throughflow that subsequently sinks into the Arctic Ocean. Prolonged reduction in sea ice in the region and in the concomitant freshwater injection would likely result in a warmer and more saline interior Arctic Ocean below 800 m. |
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The flow of bottom water in the northwestern Weddell Sea Fahrbach, E., S. Harms, G. Rohardt, M. Schroeder, and R.A. Woodgate, "The flow of bottom water in the northwestern Weddell Sea," J. Geophys. Res., 106, 2761-2778, 2000. |
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15 Feb 2001 ![]() |
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The Weddell Sea is known to feed recently formed deep and bottom water into the Antarctic circumpolar water belt, from whence it spreads into the basins of the world ocean. The rates are still a matter of debate. To quantify the flow of bottom water in the northwestern Weddell Sea data obtained during five cruises with R/V Polarstern between October 1989 and May 1998 were used. During the cruises in the Weddell Sea, five hydrographic surveys were carried out to measure water mass properties, and moored instruments were deployed over a time period of 8.5 years to obtain quasi-continuous time series. The average flow in the bottom water plume in the northwestern Weddell Sea deduced from the combined conductivity-temperature-depth and moored observations is 1.3±0.4 Sv. Intensive fluctuations of a wide range of timescales including annual and interannual variations are superimposed. The variations are partly induced by fluctuations in the formation rates and partly by current velocity fluctuations related to the large-scale circulation. Taking into account entrainment of modified Warm Deep Water and Weddell Sea Deep Water during the descent of the plume along the slope, between 0.5 Sv and 1.3 Sv of surface-ventilated water is supplied to the deep sea. This is significantly less than the widely accepted ventilation rates of the deep sea. If there are no other significant sources of newly ventilated water in the Weddell Sea, either the dominant role of Weddell Sea Bottom Water in the Southern Ocean or the global ventilation rates have to be reconsidered. |
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The water mass distribution in Fram Strait and over the Yermak Plateau in summer 1997 Rudels, B., R. Meyer, E. Fahrbach, V. Ivanov, S. Osterhus, D. Quadfasel, U. Schauer, V. Tverburg, and R.A. Woodgate, "The water mass distribution in Fram Strait and over the Yermak Plateau in summer 1997," Ann. Geophysicae, 18, 687-705, doi:10.1007/s00585-000-0687-5, 2000. |
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1 Oct 2000 ![]() |
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The water mass distribution in northern Fram Strait and over the Yermak Plateau in summer 1997 is described using CTD data from two cruises in the area. The West Spitsbergen Current was found to split, one part recirculated towards the west, while the other part, on entering the Arctic Ocean separated into two branches. The main inflow of Atlantic Water followed the Svalbard continental slope eastward, while a second, narrower, branch stayed west and north of the Yermak Plateau. The water column above the southeastern flank of the Yermak Plateau was distinctly colder and less saline than the two inflow branches. Immediately west of the outer inflow branch comparatively high temperatures in the Atlantic Layer suggested that a part of the extraordinarily warm Atlantic Water, observed in the boundary current in the Eurasian Basin in the early 1990s, was now returning, within the Eurasian Basin, toward Fram Strait. The upper layer west of the Yermak Plateau was cold, deep and comparably saline, similar to what has recently been observed in the interior Eurasian Basin. Closer to the Greenland continental slope the salinity of the upper layer became much lower, and the temperature maximum of the Atlantic Layer was occasionally below 0.5°C, indicating water masses mainly derived from the Canadian Basin. This implies that the warm pulse of Atlantic Water had not yet made a complete circuit around the Arctic Ocean. The Atlantic Water of the West Spitsbergen Current recirculating within the strait did not extend as far towards Greenland as in the 1980s, leaving a broader passage for waters from the Atlantic and intermediate layers, exiting the Arctic Ocean. A possible interpretation is that the circulation pattern alternates between a strong recirculation of the West Spitsbergen Current in the strait, and a larger exchange of Atlantic Water between the Nordic Seas and the inner parts of the Arctic Ocean. |
In The News
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'Future of Ice' initiative marks new era for UW polar research UW News & Information, Hannah Hickey The University of Washington's new 'Future of Ice' initiative seeks to build on research in the polar regions now undergoing rapid changes. The initiative includes several new hires, a new minor in Arctic studies, and a winter lecture series. |
6 Jan 2014
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Ten climate indicators in new report point to marked warming in last 30 years UW Today, Sandra Hines A NOAA climate report just out, that's different from other climate publications because it's based on observed data and not computer models, says 10 climate indicators all point to marked warming during the past three decades. |
5 Aug 2010
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Arctic Ocean awakening as ice melts MSNBC, Larry O'Hanlon Luc Rainville and Rebecca Woodgate have just published a study in the latest issue of Geophysical Research Letters reporting how Arctic waters along the continental shelves are getting more turbulent as the summer ice disappears and waves start churning the water like in other oceans. |
5 Jan 2010
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